Accompanied by the voice of the commentator, the audience suddenly cried out in surprise.

According to most people's ideas, when the line collapses, players often choose to develop safely, and would rather do nothing than try not to make mistakes.

Although Shen Lang's Jayce was not killed in the early stage of this game, due to the targeting of Pig Girl and Lissandra, his development was not very good, which is why many people think that Shen Lang is difficult to play a role in this game.

However, surprisingly, in this situation, Shen Lang did not choose to develop conservatively, but used his teleport to actively look for opportunities.

Not only did the audience not expect it, but the IG players did not expect it at first.

Jackeylove and Baolan were still thinking about sending the soldiers into the defense tower and then returning to the city to replenish equipment, but they did not expect that at the moment when the soldiers entered the tower, the EDG bottom lane combination ignored the soldiers and rushed straight to their faces.

Jackeylove first thought about whether the opponent's jungler came to the bottom lane again, but their vision was everywhere around him. No matter which angle the prince ganked from, he would be discovered by the vision.

"What are they pretending to be?"

After reacting, Jackeylove showed a disdainful expression on his face.

Just when he wanted to release the E skill to rush forward to counterattack, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the light of teleportation in the bush behind him.

"The opponent wants to catch me!"

Jackeylove instantly restrained the expression on his face and shouted loudly in the voice chat.

The shy hurriedly switched the view to the bottom lane.

At this time, the bottom lane soldiers were inside the EDG defense tower. After all, Skateboard Shoes was different from other top laners. It was definitely not possible to hand over the teleport to the soldiers under the enemy tower. He could only hand over the trinket eye in the grass in the river.

Before the top laner teleported to the ground, the bottom lane combination of both sides collided first.

Rakan's health was indeed not very healthy, but in terms of burst damage, Xayah and Rakan were obviously higher than Kaisa and Titan.

Meiko handed over the W skill to Kaisa, but [Grand Debut] was again twisted away by Kaisa's E skill to accelerate the movement, but Luo opened his ultimate skill later and successfully charmed Kaisa.

iboy released his W skill, controlling Xayah to attack crazily. Baolan used his Q skill, but at the moment when Titan hooked out, Xayah suddenly moved to the side and successfully turned away Titan's skill.

In shock, Baolan hurriedly used his ultimate.

When Titan's ultimate was coming, and it was about to hit, Xayah used her ultimate, evading damage while scattering feathers, and then connected with her E skill [Hook]...

At this time, the ground was full of feathers. If Xayah's E skill hit, the damage would be very explosive, and it could even directly take away Kaisa's remaining health.

But Jackeylove's reaction was not slow. The moment Xayah used her E skill, he hurriedly released his ultimate to the side and used displacement to successfully avoid the feathers flying back.

Although he successfully used his ultimate to avoid Xayah's key skill, Jackeylove was not happy.

Jayce's TP had landed.

After coming down, Shen Lang immediately used his QE skills towards Kaisa's position.

After the crooked cannon hit, Jayce used the E skill to gain acceleration, activated the W skill and switched to hammer form, then quickly rushed towards Kaisa's face.

After the distance was shortened, Shen Lang decisively gave up the flash, then connected the Q skill to jump to Kaisa's face, quickly attacked twice, and finally connected the E skill...

Jayce's development was not good, but now was Jayce's strongest time. With Youmeng in hand, the damage to Kaisa without any armor attributes was actually very painful.

After taking the damage from Xia, Kaisa's remaining health was not much, and after taking the burst damage from Jayce, Jackeylove's screen quickly became gray.

"Kassa was killed in seconds!"

In the commentary booth, Wawa was instantly excited: "Will this wave be EDG's comeback point?"

"But Skateboard Shoes has also teleported down, and looking at the posture of IG's top and support, it is obvious that they want to continue to fight. Skateboard Shoes has developed very well, and this wave of team battle is not over yet!"

Miller quickly added.

After the teleportation landed, The shy quickly controlled the skateboard shoes to rush towards Xia's face.

In the state of being outnumbered, he was not afraid at all.

Baolan controlled Titan to rush towards Xia's face, and the distance between the two quickly closed. Titan used normal attacks and used his passive to imprison Xia in place. The shy handed over the Q skill and used the passive displacement to close the distance.

Normal attacks, Ruined passive slowed down, and the spear stabbed towards Xia frantically.

Flash and ultimate skills are both in CIn D, iboy knew that he couldn't run after being stuck, so he simply didn't run and turned around to attack the Titan next to him who was in a worse state.

Meiko originally wanted to run, but Luo's current state was very bad. If he took a little damage, he would be killed by the opponent, but just when he wanted to distance himself, Titan's Q skill turned on.

Baolan also knew that Xia was bound to die, so he didn't leave the skill to Xia, but turned around and handed over the Q skill to Luo. He wanted to keep all the EDG bottom lane combinations.

The skill hit accurately.

Meiko sighed in his heart and could only hand over the E skill to Xia, and at the same time release the Q skill to Titan, trying to buy as much time as possible for Xia to attack.


After the spear was almost inserted, The shy decisively handed over the E skill.

The spear on Xia's body was torn out, and the remaining blood was instantly taken away. The Luo next to him was not spared. Skateboard Shoes continued to attack. With the skills on CD, Meiko couldn't distance himself at all.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded soon, and Skateboard Shoes successfully got a double kill.


Baolan shouted excitedly.

However, as soon as the words came out, the smile froze on his face.

After taking damage from Xayah and Rakan, Titan's remaining health was not much. Just when Rakan was killed, Jayce, who was walking under the defense tower, suddenly turned back and released the QE skill that had finished cooling down at Titan.

The enhanced energy cannon hit accurately, and Titan's remaining health was directly taken away.

"Great shot!"

Wawa exclaimed loudly: "Although the Xayah and Rakan combination was killed by Skateboard Shoes, Jayce also got the head of IG's bottom lane combination. The two sides exchanged two for two. For EDG, which was at a disadvantage, such a head exchange was undoubtedly very profitable."

"The most important head was taken by Weiwu. Under the targeting of Lissandra and Sejuani, Jayce's early development was very poor. Originally, Weiwu could hardly play a role in this game. After getting the double kill, Jayce seems to have room for operation again."

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage scrolled quickly.

"Brother Weiwu is awesome!"

"Jayce can thrive like this?"

"Where are the brothers who said that Brother Weiwu was useless in this game? I want to ask you whether Jayce is useful?"

"No way, no way, this game is not going to turn around."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that Brother Weiwu is really good. He can thrive even when being targeted by IG's mid and jungle."

"You shouldn't worry too much. Skateboard Shoes also got two kills in this wave. And with Sejuani and Lissandra, Jayce's operating space is actually not big. It is still difficult to turn the game around with Jayce alone."


If it were any other player, even if Jayce got two kills, the audience would not have any idea. After all, the economic gap between the two sides is there, and EDG's disadvantage is still very obvious.


Now it is Brother Weiwu who got the kill.

Due to his previous terrifying performance, IG fans are unsure. Even though the economic gap between the two sides is very large, Shen Lang has turned the game around from a big disadvantage in previous games.

In fact, it is not just the fans who are worried.

In the IG lounge, Jin Jingzhu was full of worry:

"Oh, how can we let Jayce get the kill."

"If it doesn't work, just give it to Xia!"

"We shouldn't play the bottom lane this time."


Listening to his mumbling, the analyst next to him whispered: "Jayce's early development was too poor. Even if he got two kills, he just returned to the normal development level. In comparison, Skateboard Shoes got two kills this time, and Jayce can still maintain the suppression against him..."

Jin Jingzhu didn't say anything after hearing this, but just shook his head slightly.

As a professional coach, how could he not know what the analyst said, but when he thought that it was Shen Lang who got the kill, he couldn't calm down.

"I hope Chenglu will be more powerful."

He could only pray in his heart.

Back to the game.

Compared with the audience and coaches, the IG players were not that nervous.

"After resurrection, the bottom lane combination will switch to the middle lane. Next, we can try to move the Rift Herald. If the opponent joins the team fight, Lissandra should pay attention to Jayce. As long as Skateboards is not killed first, we can easily win the team fight."

While analyzing, Ning Wang controlled Sejuani to walk towards the upper river.

Shen Lang's operation level is indeed very exaggerated, but as long as Lissandra holds the ultimate move for him, unless Jayce produces Mercury next, there is still no room for operation.

And if Jayce really produces Mercury, there is even less to worry about.

Spending 1300 to replenish Mercury's Treads does not provide any attack attributes, and Jayce's damage will becomeVery low, no threat to Skateboard Shoes.

Kaisa and Titan quickly came to the middle lane after resurrection, and Xayah and Rakan on EDG also switched to the middle lane. The top laners on both sides were still leading the line in the top lane, while the mid laners came to the bottom lane.

After clearing the bottom lane soldiers, Rookie quickly controlled Lissandra to move up, and Baolan and Ning Wang came to the upper river to clear the vision around the dragon pit.

Even though the advantage is very large now, they still perform very steadily.

This is also learned from EDG.

In the previous training games, as long as Shen Lang was on the field, EDG often played cards unconventionally.

You think they won't join the team when they are at a big disadvantage, but they will fight when they say they will. Because of this, IG has been reversed and turned over many times when they have an advantage in the early stage.

However, Shen Lang really didn't think of competing for the Rift Herald this time. He didn't think that he could change his fate by getting two kills.

Sejuani and Lissandra were on guard, and Skateboards were watching closely. His Jayce had no room to operate. Even if he attached spirits to the mouse, it was useless. Lissandra's ultimate was a specific skill, and there was no way to avoid it by moving.

The wailing of the Rift Herald soon sounded.

Only at this time did Ning Wang dare to relax a little. After picking up the Eye of the Herald, he continued to control Sejuani to walk towards the top lane.

In this game, he only did three things:

Brush the jungle, take the dragon and the Herald, and catch Shen Lang.

Lissandra switched to the bottom lane and could not continue to roam with Sejuani, but Rookie's role could be inherited by Baolan.

Now Titan followed Sejuani to target Jayce.

There was no way, Shen Lang could only retreat. In order to ensure the development of Jayce, after discussion, EDG decided to adopt the strategy of Tian Ji's horse racing.

Let Clockwork go to the line with Skateboards, and Jayce switched to the bottom lane to develop.

This idea was good, but they obviously underestimated IG's determination to target Shen Lang.

As soon as Jayce switched to the bottom lane, Skateboard Shoes also switched lanes, and then Pig Girl and Titan roamed to the bottom lane, and this time they directly summoned the Rift Herald.

Shen Lang didn't dare to defend the tower, so he had to choose to retreat.

Using the Rift Herald, IG quickly destroyed EDG's outer tower in the bottom lane.

17 minutes.

Pig Girl and Titan came to the bottom lane again.

This time, the factory manager finally showed his strength. Taking advantage of Titan's disappearance in the middle lane, he decisively controlled the prince to gank in the middle lane.

After getting close, EQ flashed first, and Luo behind him handed over his ultimate and W skills to connect the control, and Xia went forward to make up for the damage...

The three worked together to successfully kill Kaisa.

But just when they started to kill Kaisa, IG also attacked Jayce.

Even though Shen Lang had retreated in time, Sejuani flashed Q and then connected with her ultimate, freezing him in place at a very long distance. Titan flashed again and connected with her Q skill, and then released her ultimate to connect with the control...

When Sejuani's ultimate hit him, Shen Lang already knew his fate.

Skateboard Shoes didn't flash, and couldn't keep up with the output in the first time, but he couldn't resist the control methods of the IG jungler and support brothers. The two connected their skills and controlled Jayce to Skateboard Shoes to close the distance.

The shy released his ultimate again, Sejuani hit Jayce, and connected with the control again.

Then he approached, slowed down with the active effect of Ruined King, and then attacked with a spear. Under the chain control of IG, Shen Lang didn't release any skills until he died.

The two sides still exchanged heads, but the IG fans at the scene couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

Compared to letting Xia get the head, Shen Lang's Jayce being killed was obviously more important in their eyes.

As long as Weiwu Ge is prevented from developing, there will be no chance of a comeback in this game. When Jayce was killed, the tension caused by Shen Lang's double kill was instantly relieved.

"The opponent is really inhuman!"

Looking at his gray screen, Shen Lang felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

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