After being surprised, The shy instantly became focused, his eyes fixed on Sejuani.

He still had Flash in his hand, as long as he could avoid Sejuani's ultimate, there would be room for maneuver.


Zhaozhang didn't release his ultimate first.

After the soldiers entered the tower, he first controlled Sejuani to walk towards Lucian's face, and when the distance was shortened, he first used the W skill, and after the deceleration effect was attached, he used the Q skill towards Lucian.

When his teammates attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, Shen Lang also controlled Teemo to go forward to output.

W skill accelerated, A followed by Q skill, and then continued to attack.

The shy hurriedly handed over the E skill, but with Sejuani's deceleration effect on him, he had no way to distance himself, so he had no choice but to hand over Flash.

Lucian had just moved out, and Sejuani's ultimate skill was immediately used.


A crisp sound rang out, and Lucian was frozen in place. Shen Lang and the others stepped forward to continue output, and soon took away his remaining health.


Shen Lang cheered after getting another kill.

Zichang controlled Zhu Mei to walk out of the tower, and finally successfully escaped from the attack range of the defense tower in a low health state.

"I can only describe the cooperation between the two brothers in EDG's top and jungle as perfect."

When the dust settled, Wawa exclaimed loudly.

Miller nodded: "But in the final analysis, it is still the lack of vision in IG's top lane. Because they had to guard against Teemo's mushrooms, Lucian and Gragas both replaced their trinket eyes with scans. Because the early development was not very good, The shy only bought one true eye when he went out. After this eye was eliminated, the vision of the top lane was completely black, so he did not notice Zhu Mei's circling behind, and was eventually killed by the tower..."

It is easy to find the problem, but it is not so simple to solve the problem.

For The shy, the current situation undoubtedly makes him in a dilemma. Buy true eyes crazily. His development is too poor and his economy is not good. The high price of true eyes will undoubtedly make the already poor family worse.

If the scan is replaced with a trinket eye, the mid and jungle can't target Teemo, and the lane will be suppressed by Teemo and lose health under the defensive tower.

If it is not replaced, the vision of the top lane is completely black, and there is a risk of being killed by the tower.

"Find an opportunity to attack the little dragon."

Ning Wang suddenly said in the voice.

The first little dragon is earth attribute, which is not good news for IG.

Because they fell into a disadvantage very early, even Xia in the bottom lane was behind Kai'Sa in last-hitting, so their chances of competing for the little dragon were very slim.

But now they have a very obvious advantage-

Lucian leads the teleport!

Use it early and the CD is early. At this time, Lucian's TP has turned on, but Teemo's teleport is still on cooldown.

Ning Wang's idea is very simple. Since Lucian can't survive in the top lane, he will simply not play around the top lane next, and take advantage of Lucian's TP advantage to attack the little dragon and take advantage of the fire.

IG players are brave and daring, and Ning Wang's proposal was quickly recognized by other players.

After making the decision, Ning Wang quickly took action.

He first controlled the barrel to go up, and opened the scan to clear the mushrooms in the jungle as before, showing that he was going to fight to the death in the top lane, and even placed his true eye in the triangle grass in the top lane.

After doing this, he quietly controlled the barrel to turn around and walk towards the lower river.

At the same time, Ryze in the middle lane released his skills to push the line, and then disappeared on the line.

"Miss Ryze, be careful in the top lane!"

Due to the confusing behavior of the pig girl, Scout mistakenly thought that the opponent was still going to target the top lane, so after clearing the middle lane soldiers, he hurriedly controlled Galio to go up.

The barrel and Ryze quickly entered the river, and Baolan saw this and hurriedly controlled Luo to walk towards the river.

Meiko frowned slightly, he felt something was wrong.

After a brief thought, he controlled Shen to enter his jungle through the triangle bush, and then placed a ward through the wall into the dragon pit.

The dragon pit vision lit up, and Sejuani and Ryze were already fighting the dragon.


Meiko quickly pinned the signal, and iboy directly abandoned the bottom lane and hurriedly controlled Kaisa to walk towards the river.

Originally, Zz1tai also wanted to follow to the top lane, but fortunately the jungle below was not cleaned up. He thought about cleaning up the lower half of the jungle first and then going to the top lane to counter-camp, and now he could support.

"You guys delay time first, I can support with my ultimate."

Scout said in the voice, and hurriedly controlled Galio to turn around and walk towards the lower river.

If it were replaced byIf it was a dragon with other attributes, EDG might still choose to give up, but this was an earth dragon.

They had the advantage in the early stage, and they were still planning how to find an opportunity to take this earth dragon, so they naturally could not easily give it to IG.

Before their teammates came to support them, iboy and his teammate stepped forward to interfere.

Little did they know that IG's real intention was not this dragon, but to use Lucian's TP advantage to fight.

Without any hesitation, The shy directly teleported to the trinket eye in the river grass.

At the same time, Ryze in the dragon pit directly sent his ultimate to the position of the triangle grass in the bottom lane.

In the blink of an eye, Kaisa and Shen were already surrounded.

"Retreat first!"

Meiko also noticed something was wrong at this time. Looking at IG's posture, it was obvious that they were coming for people.

But it was too late to retreat at this time. Kaisa and his teammate wanted to retreat from the triangle grass back to the defense tower, but Ryze's ultimate had already been chanted.

Gragas and Ryze appeared in the bushes. Ning Wang decisively released his E skill, and after closing the distance, he threw his ultimate at the two.


iboy hurriedly used his flash, but just as Kaisa moved to avoid Sejuani's ultimate, Baolan, who was not far away, used his ultimate and rushed over.

Luo used his E skill on Lucian who had landed, flashed to close the distance, and then released his W skill on Kaisa.

[Grand Debut] Hit Kaisa and successfully knocked him up. The shy controlled Lucian to release his E skill and slide forward, tapping W, tapping Q, and then connecting his ultimate, and the damage instantly poured on Kaisa.

In the blink of an eye, iboy's screen became gray.


The IG people cheered excitedly.

"Kill Shen, Shen can also be killed!"

Rookie shouted in the voice chat, while madly pouring his skills on Shen.

Meiko's flash was still on cooldown, and he could only watch the other IG players approach.

"Give me the kill, give me this kill."

Knowing that Shen could not escape, Jackeylove said anxiously in the voice chat.

Because he did not keep up with the output in time, he did not get an assist when Kai'Sa died. If he could not get Shen's kill again, for him, this wave would be equivalent to working in vain.

In the end, with the humility of the other IG players, Xia successfully took Shen's kill.

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