Miller and others were still a little confused when they saw the sudden change in the situation.

Just now, the initiative was clearly in IG's hands, but EDG immediately found an opportunity after a short while.

"Teemo's damage is a bit scary now. Gragas lost nearly half of his health just by stepping on a mushroom. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been found by Sejuani and Galio, and he didn't even have the chance to exchange skills."

Miller said with emotion.

Changmao nodded: "If Gragas is killed, EDG should be able to take the Rift Herald."

While talking, EDG had already started to fight the Rift Herald.

The shy was a little unwilling. The Rift Herald was taken by the opponent, which meant that the top lane defense tower had become the opponent's possession.

But in the case of the death of the jungler, there was nothing he could do even if he was unwilling.

With the combined efforts of Sejuani and others, the Rift Herald died quickly, but after picking up the Eye of the Herald, the factory manager seemed to have no intention of summoning the Rift Herald in the top lane.

"The top lane tower on the opposite side can be taken at will, there is no need to use the Rift Herald."

Shen Lang said so in the voice chat.

Under his consumption, IG's top lane defense tower only had less than a quarter of its health left, and Teemo was still able to maintain his suppression in the lane and would soon destroy it.

"Look, it's still Xiao Lang who makes me worry less."

While controlling the Pig Girl to return to the city, the factory manager sighed in the voice chat.

If it were someone else, they would be eager for the jungler to summon the Rift Herald to destroy the opponent's defense tower on the line, and would never think of leaving the Herald to other lines.

"Is there a possibility that my brother Lang just wants to take the bounty of the defense tower for himself?"

iboy said teasingly.

The factory manager was stunned for a moment, because this was indeed something Shen Lang could do.

Seeing that the factory manager didn't speak, iboy continued to say: "Look, it's still my brother Lang who has a good brain. He sold others out and they thanked him."


Others laughed.


Back to the line again.

Since Gragas had just resurrected and Ryze also appeared in the middle lane, Shen Lang still maintained a fierce attitude in the laning phase.

Pushing the line into the tower, and then going forward to AQ to consume Lucian's health.

After releasing the skills, Shen Lang directly controlled Teemo to enter the triangular grass on the side and cleared the true eyes inside.

The shy immediately became alert.

At this time, Sejuani did not appear in the field of vision, and it was hard not to associate Teemo's actions with this.

"The opposing jungler might be next to him. Teemo cleared the field of vision at this time to create an opportunity for Sejuani to go around, and then..."

The shy couldn't help but daydream in his mind.

Then he hurriedly handed over his ultimate to clear the line of soldiers under the tower, and walked towards the inner tower without looking back.

Seeing this, Shen Lang's mouth corners slightly raised.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. He was not surprised at all that The shy made such a move.

It's just easy to leave the defense tower, but it's not that easy to get back to the defense tower again.

Shen Lang continued to go deep into the jungle and quickly went around behind IG's upper tower.

The next wave of soldiers came quickly, but Shen Lang had no intention of leaving. Instead, he threw mushrooms into the pile of soldiers to clean up the soldiers in front of Lucian.

IG's soldiers were cut off, and EDG's soldiers quickly entered the defense tower and began to consume the remaining health of the defense tower.

When the health of the defense tower was almost consumed, Shen Lang controlled Teemo to turn around and enter the defense tower. Two basic attacks easily took away the remaining health of the defense tower and successfully took the bounty.


EDG cheered quietly.

This game seemed to return to the rhythm they were best at. Shen Lang in the top lane had an advantage in the opening laning and quickly destroyed the opponent's top defense tower.

"Find a way to get the opponent's middle tower, and this game will be stable."

The factory manager said happily.

As he said that, he controlled Pig Girl to go to the middle lane.

IG's mid-lane health is very healthy. It is obviously unrealistic to destroy the tower by relying on the impact of the Rift Herald. It is necessary to find a way to find an opportunity to kill Ryze in order to get the tower.

But Rookie was very cautious.

He is very familiar with EDG's play style. Pre-match analysis shows that EDG's favorite target after getting the Rift Herald is the mid-lane, and the jungler will try every means to find opportunities from the mid-lane.

The first time Pig Girl came to the mid-lane gank, it ended in failure.

Although the ultimate has been turned, Rookie is standing very far back and has arranged vision in advance in the bush.

In the case of being seen by the vision, Pig Girl's QR shot was successfully twisted away by Ryze, and the subsequent ScoutHe controlled Galio to release his E skill and move forward, but Ryze released his skill in return, triggering Phase Rush to accelerate and distance him.

Not long after, Zz1tiaozhang came to the middle lane again, but this time he was counter-camped by Gragas and still did not find an opportunity.

Ryze could not move in the middle lane, and Gragas was also attracted to the middle lane, which made it much easier for Shen Lang in the top lane.

After Teemo supplemented his equipment, Lucian was no match for him in the laning phase, and without the harassment of the opponent's mid and jungle, Shen Lang could push the line forward unscrupulously, and even directly suppress Lucian in the laning phase in front of the inner tower.

"Is this the suppression power of Brother Weiwu?"

Wawa smiled and sighed.

Miller then analyzed: "IG's mid and jungle are tied up in the middle lane. If only Gragas goes to gank the top lane, EDG's support Shen can quickly provide support. 2V2 Gragas and Lucian are no match for Teemo and Shen."

"And if Ryze also roams, Sejuani can directly summon the Rift Herald to take the middle tower. In this way, even if they can kill Teemo, they will still lose. Brother Weiwu took this into consideration, so he dared to be so reckless."

Miller's analysis was exactly what everyone in IG was worried about.

But King Ning quickly came up with a countermeasure:

"The bottom lane combination pushes the line back home, and after returning to the city, go directly to the middle lane. Ryze and I go to the top lane to gank, and after quickly killing Teemo, Lucian will teleport to the bottom lane to defend the tower."

Others' eyes lit up when they heard this.

It must be said that this is indeed a solution. The health of the bottom lane defense tower is still very healthy. Xayah and Rakan will not be captured by the opponent if they return to the city temporarily, and Lucian can't kill him by crossing the tower just by relying on Kaisa and Shen when he teleports to the bottom.

However, there is a very critical point in this decision -

Teemo must be killed quickly.

The shy was a little worried, but in the current situation, they no longer had the right to choose. If they continued to be suppressed by Teemo, EDG could completely shift their target from the middle lane outer tower to the top lane inner tower. If both top lane defense towers were destroyed in more than 10 minutes, he would not be able to fight in the next laning.

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