This is Shen Lang's response.

In addition to ranking and matching, League of Legends also has entertainment mode from time to time.

The club does not stipulate that you must play ranking during training, that is to say, entertainment mode is also possible. If that doesn't work, there is also Polar ARAM.

You can't say that Polar ARAM is not League of Legends, right?

Just as Abu was about to leave, he looked back and suddenly felt something was wrong.

This game interface seems wrong.

"Not... Polar ARAM?"

Abu quickly reacted: "I asked you to train, and you played Polar ARAM?"

Shen Lang answered seriously: "Through yesterday's training game, I feel that I still lack in laning, and some details cannot be grasped well, so I want to use Polar ARAM to practice my laning ability."

Practice laning in Polar ARAM?

Abu frowned slightly, he always felt something was wrong: "Can this thing improve laning ability?"

Shen Lang nodded, and began to talk nonsense seriously: "In normal rank, most of the time is just last-hitting and developing. In ARAM, you start laning as soon as you come out of the fountain, and there are five people on the opposite side. In comparison, the situation is more complicated. I think this can improve my ability to adapt to changes..."

Abu was skeptical about this statement.

But the club did not stipulate how the players should train. As the club manager, Abu thought that his understanding of the game could not be compared with the players, and it was not good to interfere too much with the players' training.

After a brief thought, he did not say anything and turned away.

Seeing the manager leave, Shen Lang smiled.

After more than ten minutes, the system prompt sounded at the right time.

"It is detected that the host is playing entertainment mode during training time, and the laning ability is +100."

ARAM can really improve the laning ability!


Time passed slowly.

With the help of the Polar Brawl and daily exercise, Shen Lang's ability to fight and withstand pressure has been greatly improved.

With the help of King of Glory, the proficiency of many heroes has also been greatly improved.

This is not the happiest thing for Shen Lang. Thanks to a few days of exercise, the prototype of muscles gradually began to emerge on his body. I believe that as long as he persists, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a muscular man.

Improve gaming skills to improve online battle skills, and exercise muscles to improve offline battle skills.

Compared with Shen Lang, the other EDG players are a little unhappy.

The regular season of the summer season adopts a division system. The 16 teams are divided into two divisions, and the top four teams in the division can advance to the playoffs.

EDG was assigned to the Western Division. The teams in this division are relatively weaker, but EDG's regular season results are not satisfactory.

At this time, EDG ranks third in the Western Conference, but the last three games have all ended in failure. According to this posture, it may not be overtaken by the teams behind. Even if it can barely advance, the playoffs will be very passive.

In comparison, RNG in the Eastern Conference seems to be in its heyday.

After Zzitai and Letme recovered from their hand injuries, RNG changed their previous decline and started a winning streak in the regular season. Now they are ranked second in the Eastern Conference, just behind IG, which is still winning streak.

The difference between the two teams' recent performance is so obvious that there are many people mocking Shen Lang in the forum again.

"Esports Lu Bu, thought he found a good godfather, who knew he didn't even have a chance to play."

"I tried so hard to leave RNG, but it turned out that I went to EDG to guard the water dispenser."

"Looking at this situation, EDG may not even make it to the playoffs."

"If Brother Weiwu didn't leave RNG, he might have won the championship. There are really such stupid people!"

"Brother Weiwu? Is he worthy of being called brother?"


Shen Lang didn't take the ridicule of netizens in the forum to heart.

It was just that RNG and EDG were not in the same division, so they had no chance to play against each other in the regular season, and he had no chance to play now.

Otherwise, if he met RNG on the field, he would let these people see how vulnerable the players they supported were.

With Shen Lang's current strength, it would be no problem to abuse Zizi and Letme.

August 18, Saturday.

The regular season of the summer season is coming to an end, but the points of EDG, ranked third, and FPX, ranked fourth, are very close, and today's game is EDG vs. FPX. For both teams, today's game is very important.

The points gap of Snake, ranked fifth, is not very large. If FPX overtakes them, it means that EDG will compete with Snake for the final playoff spot..

This game was so crucial that after entering the rest room, coach Nofe gave a serious warning:

"Today's game cannot be lost no matter what. FPX is not a strong team. The bottom lane is the breakthrough point. Keep the top lane stable, and the mid and jungle go to the bottom lane more. If they play normally, it will be easy to win..."

Although EDG's performance in the World Championship was criticized by netizens, at least they can enter the World Championship. If they were eliminated in the regular season of the summer season this season, what kind of reaction would the fans have? Nofe didn't even dare to think.

EDG's performance in the spring season was okay, but if they couldn't advance to the playoffs in the summer season, they would not get a place in the world championship.

The players also knew that today's game was crucial. Instead of the previous atmosphere of laughter, everyone looked very solemn. Under the influence of this atmosphere, Shen Lang didn't dare to play King of Glory blatantly...

He could only play secretly next to the water dispenser.

In this tense atmosphere, the first game of Bo3 started soon.

FPX's strength this season can only be said to be average. Now they have not bought the most critical mid-lane player Doinb, and the bottom lane combination Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong have not shown their strength, but have become the team's weakness.

Brainless and unhappy.

This is how netizens evaluate them, and Lin Weixiang is even known as "Lai Wanxiang".

So in the eyes of many netizens, EDG has a great chance of winning this game, and as long as they play at their normal level, they can easily defeat FPX.

However, when the game really started, the audience found that the plot was a little different from what they imagined.

In this game, EDG got the advantage at the beginning. After the red buff of the factory manager, he made a very classic two-level gank and successfully killed Lin Weixiang, opening up the situation for the bottom lane.

But before EDG fans could be happy, bad news suddenly came from the top lane.

Ray was killed alone!

FPX can occupy the fourth place in the Western Conference, largely because of Jin Gong in the top lane.

At this time, JiMuGong has shown a very strong ability in laning. After Ray came online, he was accidentally ambushed by his Gnar, and he consumed a lot of health at the beginning.

After reaching level 3 first, JinGong decisively jumped forward with his E skill, and after Ray gave up his flash, he decisively followed up with flash to make up for the damage, and successfully got the head.

"Why didn't he use blood potion? What was Ray thinking?"

Watching the replay of the top lane being killed, Nofe was so angry that he slapped his thigh.

In the case of losing blood at the beginning, Ray thought about staying in the line and didn't use blood potion, which gave JinGong an opportunity.

With the top lane being killed, the whole game suddenly became wrong.

FPX jungler alex seemed to be a shark that smelled blood, and kept ganking the top lane in the following time.

The game lasted 6 minutes.

With the cooperation of FPX top and jungle, Ray's Sion was directly killed by crossing the tower.

The top lane was bloody.

When the top lane was blown through, the factory manager did not help the top laner, but increased the efforts to catch the bottom lane, trying to raise the ADC.

However, FPX knew EDG's play very well, and the bottom lane combination did not give any chances at all. In many cases, they would rather not last hit than stay away from the defense tower.

10 minutes.

FPX successfully took down the Rift Herald. Alex went to the top lane again and cooperated with GimGoon to take down Sion's head again.

Then Alex and GimGoon roamed to the middle lane and summoned the Rift Herald. Facing the attack of three people, Xiaodi did not dare to take risks and could only choose to retreat. With the support of the Rift Herald, FPX successfully took down the EDG middle lane defense tower.

At this stage of the game, EDG's disadvantage was already very obvious.


After 37 minutes of fierce battle, EDG still lost the game.

Although iboy's development is not bad, Jin Gong's Gnar is fatter in comparison. In the crucial dragon team battle, Gnar TPed in from behind, and iboy's Kaisa was hit against the wall by Gnar's ultimate before he could even deal damage, and then he was killed instantly by connecting other skills.

With the result of the first game, the EDG lounge fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, Coach Nofe looked at Shen Lang in the corner

"Xiaolang, get ready, play in the next game!"

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