IG retreated very quickly, and since they were under the defensive tower, iboy and the others did not dare to pursue them further, and the team battle ended quickly.

"Take the tower, take the tower."

Shen Lang commanded in the voice chat.

In the absence of an ADC, the other IG players naturally could not defend the tower, and the remaining health of the middle defensive tower was quickly taken away by the EDG players using the soldiers under the tower.

"What do you think of this wave? Is it handsome?"

iboy was excited and eager to take credit.

Teemo's AQ alone was able to take away Xia, who was almost half-blooded. The damage was indeed very exaggerated, but Kaisa's output after entering the field with his ultimate move was also very critical, otherwise it would be difficult for Teemo to kill Xia when the flash was on CD.

However, the key point was the key point, and the other EDG players ignored iboy, but praised Shen Lang crazily in the voice chat.

"Brother Lang is awesome!"

"It has to be Brother Lang!"

iboy's face immediately drooped when he heard this: "No, buddy, it's cold violence, right? The way you lick my ass makes me sick."

Ignoring iboy's funny behavior, Shen Lang controlled Teemo to return to the bottom lane and sent a signal to IG's upper jungle: "Kai'Sa can take down the red buff on the opposite side."

"Okay, Brother Lang!"

iboy's face changed instantly, and he controlled Kai'Sa to walk towards IG's upper jungle.

Commentary seat.

Looking at the situation on the field, Miller could roughly guess the result in his mind:

"After EDG took the middle tower, IG will have a very difficult game in the next game. All three outer towers were destroyed, and there was even less inner tower in the top lane. It was difficult for them to set up vision and prevent EDG from invading their jungle to set up vision."

"With a disadvantage in vision, it is difficult to guarantee that Teemo's mushrooms will not be stepped on."

Scanning also has a cooling time, and although the true eye can also detect Teemo's mushrooms, it is difficult for IG to set up vision now. Even if the true eye is inserted in its own jungle, it will be quickly destroyed by EDG.

"I feel that IG will ban Teemo in the next game."

Wawa added, and then felt that what he said was a bit outrageous.

If there is anything more outrageous than choosing Teemo as a hero on the field, it is definitely to ban Teemo in the BP stage.

Back to the field.

After cleaning up the IG jungle, the EDG players returned to the city to replenish their status. When they walked out of the fountain again, they quickly placed their respective vision in the IG jungle.

Shen Lang was not satisfied with placing mushrooms in the opposite jungle, but went directly to the IG high ground and placed mushrooms at the entrance and exit of the high ground.

Ning Wang had just returned to the city to replenish his status, but as soon as he walked down the high ground, he immediately stepped on the mushrooms placed by Shen Lang.


The deceleration effect was on, and the Mask of Pain continued to damage. When the damage of the mushrooms ended, the barrel was less than half of its health.

"Stepping on a mushroom will lose half of your health. What kind of damage is this for Teemo?"

Ning Wang was a little speechless.

With this little health left, he didn't dare to continue walking into the jungle. He could only turn around and return to the fountain. After replenishing his status, he walked out of the fountain again.

But this time he started scanning in advance before he walked out of the high ground, for fear that he would step on Teemo's mushrooms again.

20 minutes, the dragon refreshed.

After the Dragon Baron appeared, Shen Lang switched to the top lane again.

The most important thing about the hero Teemo is his mushrooms. If you want to play the role as much as possible, you must arrange the mushrooms in advance.

While Shen Lang was arranging mushrooms, Meiko and the factory manager quickly cleared the vision of the upper river.

Seeing the vision around the dragon pit become dark, the IG players instantly became nervous.

"Buy true eyes, and replace the trinket eyes with scans. Teemo's damage is a bit scary now, and you must not step on the mushrooms."

Ning Wang reminded in the voice.

The IG players quickly walked towards the upper jungle area. With the help of the scans of Gragas and Luo, the mushrooms that Shen Lang had just arranged were quickly cleared.

However, Shen Lang was not panicked at all.

League of Legends is a game for five people. The five IG players tried their best to target him, so the other EDG players undoubtedly had much more room to play.

Because the trinket eyes were replaced with scans, although the IG players cleared the vision and mushrooms in the upper jungle area, they had no way to light up their own upper jungle area.

The factory manager is best at bypassing the vision. He knows where the few remaining IG eyes are arranged, and he easily controls the pig girl to block the vision and enter the grass in front of the stone beetle on the upper road.

With the ultimate move of Pig Girl in hand, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Shen Lang looked at the position of his jungler and immediately cooperated, controlling Teemo to move to the middle lane, deliberately exposing himself to IG's vision.

If Teemo isIn the top lane, Rookie didn't dare to lead the troops out of the defensive tower. Seeing Shen Lang appear in the middle lane, he dared to release skills to clear the line, wanting to push the troops across the river and enter the jungle to help his teammates seize vision.

With the help of QE skills, Ryze quickly pushed the troops out, but in this way, Sejuani was already close to it.

"Tian Ye, give me the ultimate."

Zi Zhang said, seeing Shen release the ultimate towards him, and after a little wait, he controlled Sejuani to walk out of the bush.

Q followed by W skills.

The moment Sejuani appeared in the field of vision, Shen also landed.

Meiko decisively flashed E, and Rookie had no time to react, and was directly taunted on the spot.

"Save me, save me!"

He shouted in the voice, and at the same time frantically tapped the keyboard to release skills.

Shen and Sejuani's damage was not enough, but they had a lot of control methods. Shen's E skill had just passed the taunt time, and Sejuani's E skill had been fully stacked.

The factory manager used his E skill, and then went forward to break the ice with a basic attack. Only then did Rookie have a chance to use his flash.

However, Ryze was frozen in place as soon as he moved out.

The factory manager had expected his reaction long ago, and he held his ultimate skill in his hand but did not release it. As soon as Ryze used his flash, he was immediately controlled in place by his ultimate skill.

He continued to output, and with the cooperation of Shen, Pig Girl quickly took away Ryze's remaining health.


The EDG team cheered immediately, and Shen Lang frantically pinned the signal to the upper river:

"Attack the Baron, this wave can move the Baron!"

iboy quickly released his skills to clear the line, and soon followed Teemo into the river. The younger brother in the bottom lane also quickly released his skills to clear the line, and then disappeared from the field of vision, ready to hand over the teleport to the front battlefield at any time.

Seeing this posture, the IG team immediately became anxious.

At this time, EDG has a huge economic advantage, and Teemo and Kaisa are both developing well, so there is no problem rushing the Baron.

If EDG gets this Baron, they will completely lose the possibility of a comeback in this game.

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