Before the action, the director deliberately gave a close-up of Sejuani appearing in the eye position. Miller and others knew that IG saw Sejuani's position, so they were so surprised when Card activated his ultimate.

Knowing that the opponent's jungler was there, IG chose to cross the tower to kill Twitch. This move was very risky. Any mistake could lead to the loss of the advantage established in the early stage.

"The opponent is going to cross me!"

Shen Lang loudly fed back the information to his teammates in the voice.

He also didn't expect IG to be so aggressive, and hurriedly controlled Twitch to retreat.

But before he could pull away, Rookie released his ultimate again, and Card landed next to Twitch, quickly giving him a yellow card and stunning him on the spot.

In a hurry, the factory manager quickly handed over Q flash.

Under the restriction of Sejuani, Card had no way to connect the damage, but the figure of Qing Gangying appeared in the field of vision.

The E skill kicked the rat to connect the control, A followed by the Q skill output, and decisively released the ultimate skill, [Hex Ultimatum] restricted the rat and bounced the pig girl next to him.

Not only that, The shy controlled Lucian to release the E skill to slide forward, W clicked, Q clicked, and then connected the ultimate skill.

Beep beep--

With the combined efforts of the two, the rat's health dropped rapidly.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Scout's voice sounded in the voice chat.

When Card released the ultimate skill, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly controlled Taliyah to move up, but the range of this hero's first-level ultimate skill was not very far, and the teleport was on cooldown, so there was no way to support the top lane in the first time.

Listening to the words of the junior brother, Shen Lang shook his head slightly.

According to this posture, he could not wait for Taliyah to support him.

After recovering from the dizziness of the Blue Steel Shadow, Shen Lang quickly activated the ultimate skill, released the W skill towards Card, and attacked him crazily.

It was a dead end. All he could do now was to try his best to attack the card locked by the defense tower, so as to exchange heads with the opponent.

Under the attack of the rat, Rookie not only did not go out of the tower, but turned and walked towards the rat's face, using the Q skill and then connecting with the general attack. He also had the mentality of dying.

The card's flash was still on CD. At this stage, the damage of the defense tower was very high. There was also a pig girl next to him. In this case, it was basically unrealistic for the card to survive. From the beginning, the IG team had the mentality of exchanging heads.

Under the attack of the IG team, the rat died quickly.

The card was locked by the attack of the defense tower, which was also a dead end. But before the attack of the defense tower came, Rookie deliberately controlled the card to walk in the direction of the pig girl.

He wanted to give the head to the pig girl.

"Don't move, don't move."

Shen Lang shouted hurriedly.

This wave of exchanging heads with the opponent was a bit of a loss. If he got the head of the card, it would undoubtedly be a blood bomb.

Hearing Shen Lang's words, the factory manager suddenly realized and hurriedly controlled the pig girl to retreat.

The defense tower attack came, and the remaining health of the card was taken away. Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

After killing the rat, Ning Wang and The shy quickly retreated.

Their goal was to limit Shen Lang's development. Although the rat got the kill, Lucian also got the kill. Because it takes a long time to resurrect and go online, and the CD of the teleport has not been turned on, the rat can't get at least two waves of soldiers.

"IG is too cruel."

Miller sighed.

Qing Gangying and Card almost wrote the word "targeting" on their faces.

"The rat is not easy to play against Lucian in the laning phase. After being crossed by the tower this time, the next laning phase will only be more uncomfortable. And according to IG's nature, this must be just the beginning. Brother Weiwu is indeed very fierce in the laning phase, but he can't stand the opponent's doing this. Now we can only see if other lines can break the deadlock."

Wawa began to analyze.

In fact, just after Shen Lang was killed by the tower, EDG's bottom lane combination suddenly became fierce.

iboy was also aware of the current situation. He thought that he would put pressure on the bottom lane to give Shen Lang room to develop.

After resurrecting and going online again, Shen Lang no longer dared to actively exchange blood, and would not counterattack when The shyE came up to actively consume blood, but controlled the rat to retreat and distance.

However, not long after, the figure of Qing Gangying appeared in the top lane again.

Shen Lang was very cautious and did not get a chance from Ning Wang, but the rat's development was greatly affected by being messed with like this.

As a result, the factory manager had to keep coming to the top lane to counter-camp.

The game time soon came to 10 minutes. Under the protection of Zhu Mei, nothing happened in the top lane.However, when the ultimate skill was cooled down, Ning Wang became restless again.

"Rooster, work together!"

He said passionately in the voice chat.

"Grab top?"

Rookie was also eager to try.

However, Ning Wang shook his head: "Grab bottom!"

The first dragon was of earth attribute. Since both junglers kept going to the top lane, neither side had touched the dragon until now.

In addition, EDG's bottom lane combination played very aggressively, and Lucian in the top lane could also maintain suppression against Rat, so Ning Wang was more inclined to go to the bottom lane, so that he could take the dragon.

The most important thing is that since he and Rookie kept going up, they had already created an illusion of crazy targeting of the top lane for the opponent. Now suddenly grabbing the bottom lane can have an unexpected effect.

"You are a genius!"

Jackeylove exclaimed.

The combination that got the advantage did not work for such a long time, and he was a little anxious. For him, teammates grabbing the bottom lane is definitely an opportunity to reverse the situation.

IG acted quickly.

As before, gank the middle before ganking.

This time Scout was alert and did not let Qinggangying and Card consume too much health.

But when Taliyah retreated to the defensive tower, Card and Qinggangying quickly sent the middle lane soldiers into the defensive tower and then disappeared from sight.

"The opponent's mid and jungle are missing again, be careful in the top lane!"

Scout hurriedly fed back the information, and quickly released skills to clear the line, and then controlled Taliyah to go up.

Listening to his own mid laner's words, Shen Lang frowned slightly: "If the opponent attacks this time, we will directly counterattack!"

He didn't want to continue like this.

Being messed up by Qinggangying and Card, the disadvantage of the top lane will only get bigger and bigger, it's better to fight with the opponent.

At least the disadvantage is not too big now, and you can still win the team battle with your operation. If the opponent's equipment is too much ahead, you can't make up for it by operation alone.

However, in reality, Shen and Twisted Fate did not go up, but went through the jungle towards the bottom lane.

"This wave of EDG is going to be in trouble!"

Looking at the completely different movements of the two sides, Miller shook his head and said.

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