After killing the FPX bottom lane combination in the middle lane, EDG quickly destroyed the FPX outer tower with the help of the Rift Herald.

After that, the Rift Herald was even able to hit the middle lane inner tower, taking away a lot of health from the defense tower.


"This Rift Herald is full of cards."

Guan Zeyuan said with emotion.

In the absence of a first blood tower, most teams do not value the Rift Herald, which is why FPX directly gave up the Herald.

Under normal circumstances, the Rift Herald can only consume the health of the defense tower, after all, the health of the FPX middle and top lane towers is very healthy.

But due to Ornn's spiritual gank, the Rift Herald not only successfully destroyed the middle lane outer tower, but also took away a lot of health from the middle lane inner tower.

"I have to say that Shen Lang has surprised us again. Unlike other top laners, when he is in a disadvantageous situation, he thinks not only about resisting pressure and not letting the opponent expand his advantage, but he will actively look for opportunities to help his teammates establish an advantage."

Changmao did not hesitate to praise him.

In fact, Shen Lang's performance in these two games is worthy of his praise.

He can beat his opponents in the line, and he can resist pressure and help his teammates!

It is difficult to find such a comprehensive player in the professional arena. The most surprising thing is that this player is only 18 years old now, and he still has a lot of room for growth.

"EDG picked up a treasure!"

Many professionals who are paying attention to this game sighed in their hearts.

If Shen Lang can maintain the state of today's two games in future games, his subsequent career achievements will definitely not be low.

Not to mention becoming a top single, it is absolutely no problem to sit firmly in the starting position of the top single in a first-class team, and there may be a chance to hit the world finals championship.

The better Shen Lang performs on the field, the more RNG looks like a clown.

Many netizens will inevitably mention RNG while lamenting EDG's good luck.

Why doesn't RNG want such a talented player?

RNG base.

Manager Quan Zhonghe is also paying attention to this game.

At first, he just wanted to study the opponents in the playoffs. He didn't expect that EDG would let Shen Lang play after losing the first game.

"What qualifications does such a rubbish player have to appear on the stage of the professional arena?"

Thinking of what he said when Shen Lang left, Quan Zhonghe blushed unconsciously.

But as the game progressed, he soon understood why Shen Lang was qualified to appear in the professional arena.

Playing Ornn, he killed Gnar in the line and won the MVP of the whole game.

When the second game ended, Quan Zhonghe's face had turned from red to blue.

Seeing Shen Lang lead EDG to win the game, he felt more uncomfortable than seeing RNG lose the game.

The third game.

Seeing Shen Lang being trained at the beginning, Quan Zhonghe almost laughed out loud.

However, just when he was fantasizing that FPX could beat EDG, two consecutive big rhythms directly gave EDG a huge advantage.

What's more uncomfortable is that these two big rhythms were driven by Shen Lang's Ornn.

Even if he was suppressed at the beginning, he could still show off!

Quan Zhonghe's face turned from blue to black in an instant. At this moment, he just felt like a clown.

At this time, he finally reacted.

What no training, no competition...

These bad tactics were just deliberately made by Shen Lang to show him in order to leave RNG.

"Why did I foolishly fall for it at that time?"

Quan Zhonghe regretted it very much.

If he had known this earlier, he would have kept Shen Lang in RNG until his death, and would never let him go until he squeezed out his last value. He would rather destroy him than leave him to other teams.


Back to the game.

After the mid-lane team battle, EDG's advantage was very obvious.

Although Shen Lang's Ornn was still no match for Kennen in the laning phase, he helped ADC establish an advantage for two consecutive waves, and he had earned the right to win without doing anything.

"Just wait for me, let my kid teach you a lesson."

After returning to the bottom lane and being consumed by Kennen again, Shen Lang made a harsh remark in the voice chat.

iboy knew he was talking about himself and did not refute.

If every game can be played comfortably, then I will be my son.

14 minutes, a team fight for the little dragon.

This is a earth dragon, and EDG, who is in an advantageous position, must not let it go.

FPX can let it go, but they don't want to.

Kennen has all the flash and ultimate skills, and has just replenished his equipment and walked out of the fountain, holding two heads and very good equipment. This is the confidence of FPX to fight for the earth dragon.

Even if the earth dragon is given to EDG, the team fight is still inevitable when the big dragon refreshes later. It is better to fight early than late.

As long as they can win the team fight, FPX will instantly turn the defeat around and regain controlThe initiative of the game.

When the jungler Alex controlled Sejuani to walk towards the lower river, the director could not help but cut the camera to Kennen.

GimGoon's subsequent performance will directly affect the direction of the subsequent game.

EDG players also knew this, so before the team battle began, iboy told his teammates in the voice: "Help me watch the opposite Kennen, as long as I am not cut, the team battle can be easily won."

"Don't worry, Kennen is left to me."

Shen Lang replied confidently.

Ornn actually has no way to limit Kennen, whether it is the ultimate move or the E skill, the control skill has too long a pre-swing, and there is no time to stop Kennen, but teammates can.

Syndra's E skill can effectively counter Kennen's entry, so all Shen Lang needs to do is to keep an eye on Kennen and prevent GimGoon from entering the field in the shadow of the field of vision, so that the younger brother has no time to react.

The two sides pulled in the river, GimGoon quickly released the skill to clear the line, and then disappeared directly on the line, and began to try to enter the EDG jungle area to go around.

Seeing this, Shen Lang immediately controlled Ornn to follow.

As for the line of soldiers...

Sorry, that thing is not needed!

As long as he can keep an eye on Kennen, it doesn't matter if Ornn dies, let alone the line of soldiers.

When Ornn entered the jungle, Kennen had already disappeared from his sight, and Shen Lang began to check the bushes in the jungle one by one.

He went out with two true eyes, plus the free trinket eyes, so it was no problem to light up his own lower half of the jungle.

"He knows how to win."

On the commentary stand, seeing Ornn like such a "team", Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said.

Although it looks outrageous, this is indeed the most helpless move for FPX.

In the jungle, Ornn quickly found out Kennen's position.

If he had met Kennen in the jungle before, Shen Lang would definitely turn around and leave. In this game, his Ornn developed very poorly, and without the protection of the defensive tower, he might even be killed by Kennen.

But now...

Seeing Kennen appear in his field of vision, Shen Lang not only did not retreat, but actually walked straight towards Kennen's face.

Kennen's development is indeed very good, but if he wants to kill Ornn, he must release his ultimate, otherwise the damage will definitely not be enough.

But at this point in time, even if Kennen releases his ultimate to kill Ornn, it will be difficult to fight a team fight. No one can limit Varus, and EDG can win this team fight even with fewer people.

Seeing the approaching Ornn, Jin Gong released his skills in the opposite hand.

After suppressing Ornn's health, he decisively gave up the E skill to pull the distance, and did not give up the ultimate All in, wanting to force Ornn back, and instead continued to look for a position to enter the field from behind.

However, he did not use the ultimate, but Shen Lang released the ultimate.


Lava Goat rushed over.

The front barrel and several people had already started to fight the earth dragon, and the other FPX people were watching on the side. Because Kennen was stuck by Ornn and lacked a key output point, they did not dare to step forward and take the initiative to start a team fight.


This Ornn made Jin Gong feel sick, even sicker than the Ornn in the last game.

Ignore it, it's annoying next to me. If I ignore it, Kennen can't participate in the frontal team battle, and my teammates can't win.

Gritting his teeth, Jin Gong ignored Ornn and walked straight to the river.

Since he couldn't go around, he wanted to force his way in.

But just as he approached the river, Ornn's ultimate hit him and Kennen was knocked away immediately.

Continue to release the E skill to connect the control, and then use the Q skill to slow down. Ornn's damage is not high, but it can delay Kennen's pace.

"Kill Ornn!"

Jin Gong finally couldn't help it and used his ultimate the moment he landed.

Ornn has no skills now, and the damage of [Ten Thousand Thunder Prison] is full, and his health is rapidly pouring down.


Seeing his screen turn gray, Shen Lang cheered excitedly.

Kennen doesn’t have his ultimate, so the fate of the dragon is no longer a mystery.

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