After the lineup was determined, the referee signaled the coach to leave the court.

"Remember to limit the opponent's Kaisa in this game. As long as Uzi is not allowed to develop, the game will be viable. The jungler and mid laner should go down more. As for the top lane... stay steady and don't be reckless. Support your teammates more."

After saying that, Nofe took off his headphones and walked towards the center of the stage.

Sun Dayong walked towards him and said with a smile: "The BP is very good."

Hearing this, Nofe's face became even uglier, but since the opponent's coach was so weird, he naturally couldn't lose:

"BP is okay, mainly because the players are awesome, just choose whatever you want."


Sun Dayong smiled and said nothing.

After shaking hands, the coaches of both sides walked off the stage, and the game began to load.

The game started soon.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, the players of both sides quickly bought equipment and rushed out of the fountain.

Garen had a short hand in the early stage, and it was inevitable that Gnar would steal his A when he last hit, so when he went out, Shen Lang chose Doran's Shield plus two bottles of red potion.

In terms of talent selection, Shen Lang did not choose Garen's more mainstream Grasp of the Undying or Assault, but chose Swiftness.

In fact, this is easy to understand. If you want to play Garen well in this game, the difficulty lies in the early laning. The recovery effect of Swiftness can improve Garen's ability to stay in the line.

Neither side had the intention to make trouble in the early stage, just guarding the entrance to the jungle and waiting for the line of soldiers to come out.

Shen Lang controlled Garen to enter the bushes at the beginning.

Letme's Gnar was still a little bit off after all, and did not think about crossing the line of soldiers to suppress Garen. This made it possible for Shen Lang to control Garen to walk out of the bushes when the health of the three melee soldiers became low, and then activate the E skill to harvest the remaining health of the melee soldiers.

It was not until this time that Letme controlled Gnar to go forward to consume Garen's health, but after killing the melee soldiers, Shen Lang quickly canceled the E skill and then retreated decisively.

With Doran's Shield in hand, Gnar did not consume too much health.

Even so, Letme was still very proud: "Why are you being cowardly? Keep fighting."

He played very frustrated in the last game. In this game, he got a hero that restrained his opponent, and he always wanted to wash away the previous shame.

Don't you like to show your dog tags?

I will show my dog ​​tags too!

Letme proudly showed his dog tags to Garen who was pulling away.

Faced with provocation, Shen Lang was very calm.

He was very good at playing with his opponent's mentality, and naturally knew that if he was too anxious in this situation, his opponent would find an opportunity.

"It's not easy to play on the top lane!"

Guan Zeyuan sighed.

The biggest disadvantage of the hero Garen is that he is easy to be poke, and Gnar is best at using the advantage of long arms and the acceleration of W passive and E skill displacement to poke the opponent.

It is impossible for Garen to touch Gnar, and every time he last hits, Gnar will steal the point.

Fortunately, Shen Lang chose the talent of Swiftness, plus Doran's Shield and passive recovery effect, he can barely stay stable on the line.

Compared with the last game, the second game started a bit dull.

The junglers on both sides did not find a suitable opportunity in the early stage, and they were just last-hitting peacefully on the line, without any fierce conflict.

Such a start made the audience very dissatisfied.

When Shen Lang chose Garen, they thought EDG had some new routines, and they expected this game to be as exciting as the last game.

But up to now, they have not seen the role of Garen.

"Brother Weiwu chose Garen to be beaten?"

"Brother Weiwu's ability to withstand pressure is really good. Garen has not been suppressed so far, but... it seems useless."

"Didn't really choose the wrong hero?"

"Get excited, Brother Weiwu!"


In the live broadcast room of the event, many viewers began to complain on the barrage.

The game time soon reached six minutes.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and went forward to clear the line. When he cleared the top lane soldiers, Garen's health was already low.

Seeing this, Letme hurriedly A-ed the soldiers and pushed the line.

If the opponent's top laner pushed the line at this time, he must return to the city to replenish his status.

The top lane soldiers were quickly pushed into the defensive tower by Gnar, and Letme also pressed the B key to return to the city with satisfaction.

However, at this time, the audience became noisy.

In the God's perspective, Garen did not return to the city after forcibly clearing the line, but entered the river from the triangular grass behind the defensive tower, and then entered the upper jungle area of ​​​​RNG with vision.

"It's started, Brother Weiwu is going to make trouble!"

Guan Zeyuan and others were instantly excited.

This is the Shen Lang they are familiar with. This game has already reached 6 minutes.There was no movement in the top lane, which made them feel uncomfortable.

"Looking at Garen's position, he should want to enter the jungle to catch Qing Gangying. Shen Lang deliberately made a clearing gesture to make the opponent mistakenly think that he had returned to the city. You can see that Mala Xiangguo's Qing Gangying is only level 4 now, and his health is only over half of his health. Maybe there is a chance this time..."

Miller analyzed loudly.

RNG side.

Mala Xiangguo was still brushing wild monsters out of boredom.

The opponent's bottom lane played very conservatively, and the middle lane Pig Girl always went to counter-camp, and it was difficult to find opportunities in both lanes.

If you want to break the game, you have to look at the top lane.

"Wait until I reach level 6, and then I will catch the top lane!"

He said fiercely in his heart.

The scene of Shen Lang messing with him in the last game is still vivid, and he will pay it back with interest in this game.

Maybe it is not easy to catch Garen now, but when Qing Gangying reaches level 6, it will be very easy to catch a hero like Garen who has no displacement.

Thinking in his mind, he quickly came to the red buff jungle area.

First release the W skill on the red buff, then go forward and attack, then use the Q skill to cancel the backswing, and then release the E skill on the wall after pulling away...

The hero Qing Gangying is a bit hurt in the early stage of jungle farming. When playing in the jungle, you must use all your skills. In the perspective of Spicy Pot, Garen has returned to the city, Syndra is also in the field of vision, and Sejuani has just appeared in the bottom lane. Even if you use your skills, no one can threaten him.

What he didn't know was that when Qing Gangying was farming, Garen was squatting in the bushes next to him.

Qing Gangying quickly used the enhanced Q again, and all skills entered CD.


Shen Lang immediately released the Q skill, and Garen suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the bushes.


Q is silence and E is swing, and the windmill is harvesting Qing Gangying's health crazily.


Spicy Pot was stunned instantly. He couldn't think of how Garen would appear in this position.

Although Garen's HP was not high, there was a two-level gap between the two, and Qing Gangying's skills were still on CD. In this state, he was obviously no match for Garen.

Mala Xiangguo quickly attacked Garen, and the silence time had passed when the passive shield was triggered.


Without any hesitation, he decisively used Flash to distance himself.

However, at this time, Shen Lang's mouth corners slightly raised, Qing Gangying's HP had reached the kill line.


Big move.

The big sword fell from the sky, and Qing Gangying's remaining HP was directly taken away.

First Blood!

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