The players and coaches of both teams appeared on stage again.

The moment he arrived on stage, Nofe could not wait to look towards the RNG battle seat.

He was looking for Sun Dayong.

The scene of Sun Dayong mocking him at the end of the last game was still vivid in his mind. He just wanted to finish the BP of this game as soon as possible, and then ran over to ask Sun Dayong during the handshake:

"Is Garen useful?"

While Nofe was looking at Sun Dayong, Sun Dayong was also looking at Nofe.

The two looked at each other, and then Sun Dayong quickly turned his head to the side.

He also thought of the words he teased Nofe after the BP of the last game, and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Not only the coaches, but also the mentality of the players on both sides was completely different at this time.

"Brothers, can you try to finish the game before seven o'clock?"

Meiko said jokingly.

Now the time has come to half past six. If they want to finish the game before seven o'clock, it means that they must not only win the last game, but also defeat their opponents very quickly.

"Why don't you learn something else? Why do you have to learn to open champagne in the first half? I don't think you can laugh when you are 2-0 down and 3-0 down."

The factory manager complained.

"That's not right. What's 2-0 down and 3-0 down? With my brother Lang here, will there be any surprise? You are slandering my brother Lang by saying that."

It's obvious that iboy came to EDG first and is a few months older than Shen Lang, but after playing a few games, he kept calling him "Brother Lang" and was very happy.

At this time, Nofe interrupted, "Just say what you want to play in this game, don't beat around the bush. If you play Garen like Gnar again, I'll beat you up."

The BP in the last game caused great damage to Nofe, so much so that he is still worried that Shen Lang will give him another trick.

He understands it now.

If Shen Lang wants to play a hero, he will try every means to choose it. Even if you force him to choose a tank top laner, he will not play himself as a tank in the game.

Instead of scheming here, it is better to make it clear directly.

Anyway, Nofe has a positive mentality now. He can play whatever he wants. As a coach, he only looks at the final result.


Shen Lang rubbed his hands: "What do you think of Vayne?"

"Take a look, take a look!"

Nofe was instantly excited. Even though he was mentally prepared, Shen Lang's wild ideas still scared him.

"I knew you were up to something. If I hadn't asked in advance, you would have done something fancy again."

"I really want to know what you are going to say. Vayne looks like Gnar again?"

Shen Lang turned his head and looked at Nofe: "Gnar is called Little Vayne. Coach, you don't know that, right?"

Nofe suddenly felt like vomiting blood.

During the conversation, the equipment was quickly debugged.

The director switched the camera to the BP interface, and the BP of the third game began soon.

In this game, RNG still banned Sion, but did not restrict Shen Lang's Garen.

The reason is very simple.

Garen is not a strong hero in the top lane. The reason why he was able to play very well in the last game was entirely due to Shen Lang's outstanding personal ability.

If Garen had not killed Shen at the beginning and triggered a chain reaction, Garen's final result would have been suppressed by Gnar from level 1 to level 18.

EDG also quickly banned three heroes and then began to select heroes.

RNG was the first to lock in Xayah.

Kai'Sa was banned, and Xayah and Rakan naturally became the first choice in the bottom lane. Since they needed to target Sion, RNG had no extra ban positions and could only grab Xayah first, thus preventing EDG from getting the Xayah and Rakan combination.

When it was EDG's turn to choose, Nofe was petty.

He first locked in Rakan, and then did not choose ADC, but first decided on Vayne in the top lane.

The moment Vayne was locked, there was a burst of booing in the venue.

This is the hero that Uzi became famous for. When netizens mention this hero, they will think of Uzi. And what a coincidence, Uzi was on the opposite side in this game.

"Dare to play Vayne, iboy, have you written an application?"

"Playing Vayne in front of Uzi, I don't know who gave you the courage, Fish Leong?"

"You don't really think that the game will be stable after winning two games, EDG is so reckless, I can only say that I am waiting for a hand to make a comeback from 2 to 3."

"Brothers, go to EDG Weibo, deliberately locking Vayne to disgust people."


EDG battle seat.

"Do you believe it or not, the barrage must be scolding Xiao Zhao at this time?"

Shen Lang said with a smile.

iboy pursed his lips, obviously guessing this result.

"Anyway, sooner or later you willYou will also be scolded, and there will definitely be more than just barrages of insults. "

If you choose Vayne in the top lane, the top laner on the other side will definitely scold you.

As the saying goes, if the AD stands in the top lane, it's your mother's fault. iboy can even imagine Zzitai's anxious look.


Shen Lang smiled and said nothing.

In the last game, he was bullied by Letme's long-range attack, and this game he got back from Zzitai. This should be reasonable.

At this time, the RNG players did not realize that this Vayne was the top laner, and Zzitai was even there to make a fuss:

"What level is the opponent who dares to play Vayne? Do they not take my dog ​​brother seriously?"

"You must be bloody in the bottom lane, otherwise I will look down on you. ”

It was RNG's turn to choose.

Gragas and Braum were quickly locked in.

Sun Dayong finally didn't let Mala Xiangguo continue to pick Shen.

The main reason was that this hero's early development was too slow. If he was targeted in the early stage, it would be difficult to develop.

No one knew whether Shen Lang would continue to play jungle in this game. At least if he chose Gragas, he wouldn't be too uncomfortable to be targeted.

In the jungle position, EDG still chose Sejuani.

Then both sides banned two heroes and started the second round of BP.

From Sun Dayong's perspective, EDG had only the top and mid laners left to choose, and Shen Lang played well in the last game, so he gave both ban positions to the top laner.

Looking at the ban position on the opposite side, Nofe was full of smiles, and he had already started to draft how to taunt Sun Dayong next.

EDG continued to choose, and at Nofe's suggestion, the mid laner finally chose Syndra.

"Leave the counter position to the top lane? "

Seeing EDG's choice, Sun Dayong frowned slightly.

He always felt something was wrong.

This was not like EDG's style. Nofe never valued the top lane and rarely left the last counter position to the top laner in BP.

But thinking of Shen Lang's performance in the first two games, he felt it was a bit reasonable.

For such a carry top laner, it is not too much to ask for a counter position.

"Take Gangplank in the top lane, and as for the middle lane, choose Galio."

With a nervous mood, Sun Dayong made a choice quickly.

Gangplank is a panacea type hero. It is not too difficult to play against a warrior top laner or a tank top laner.

As for Galio.

It is because there is Gangplank as the C position in the top lane, and there is no need for so many output points in the lineup. And if Shen Lang continues to play jungle in this game, Galio can also use his ultimate to provide timely support.

"Perfect! ”

After the hero was determined, Sun Dayong cheered in his heart. He felt that no matter what hero the opponent's top laner chose, his BP would crush Nofe in this game.

"This Galio was chosen well!"

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan praised: "I feel that RNG's lineup is very perfect, whether it is the ability to find opportunities or the ability to fight in groups, they are very strong."

"In the end, only EDG's counter position is left. Will Brother Weiwu continue to surprise us in this game? What hero will he choose this time..."

After the voice fell, EDG's fifth floor quickly determined the hero-

Arrow of Punishment Varus.


"No, Vayne is on the top lane!"

On the commentary seat, the three people widened their eyes.

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