The next day.

Although it has been several hours since yesterday's game, the heat on the Internet has not diminished at all.

RNG fans and EDG fans are killing each other in forums and Weibo.

Originally, the fans of the two teams did not get along well. After yesterday's game, they were even more confrontational.

Normally, RNG was shut out by EDG and should have played dead in the unfavorable situation, but RNG fans had more fans and fought to an even score with EDG fans in the unfavorable situation.

But soon IG fans also joined the battle.

IG fans' idea is very simple. No matter who fights with RNG fans, IG fans must come to help.

In the regular season of the spring season, IG won 17 consecutive victories, but only ranked fourth in the playoffs. RNG fans often mocked them on the Internet for being the fourth place in the 17-game winning streak. Now that RNG was eliminated in the playoffs early, it was time for IG fans to take revenge.

In the quarrels between fans of several teams, Shen Lang gradually entered everyone's field of vision.

In the past, many LPL teams only knew that EDG had a new substitute top laner, but they didn't pay much attention to it. What was mentioned most on the Internet was not Shen Lang's strength, but his previous grievances with RNG.

However, after the game with RNG, many teams began to pay attention to Shen Lang, especially the teams that had not been eliminated in the playoffs.

IG base.

The coaches, analysts and players gathered in the conference room, and Shen Lang's previous game videos were playing on the big screen in the conference room.

"This bitch's information is really hard to find. When he was in RNG and when he was in EDG, he was like two completely different people, but he didn't play many games in EDG, and he didn't play in training games. I didn't see him play ranked games in normal times, just some polar brawl games."

Looking at the few game videos in the folder, the analyst couldn't help but complain.

Coach Jin Jingzhu said seriously: "Although he didn't play many times in EDG, he showed very strong strength. When he was in RNG, he was just an ordinary pressure-resistant top laner, but when he came to EDG, it was like opening up the Ren and Du meridians. We must pay attention to it."

Since IG only got the fourth place in the spring season, they valued the summer season very much.

To maintain the first place and fight for the second place, so that there is a chance to advance to the world championship.

After Jackeylove welcomed in the bottom lane, IG had great ambitions for this season. They were aiming for the world championship.

Before yesterday's game, RNG was the biggest obstacle to their championship. After all, although IG performed very well in the regular season, they lost more than they won in the match against RNG this year.

However, what they didn't expect was that the biggest obstacle to their championship was actually losing to EDG in the playoffs, and losing the game with an exaggerated record of 0:3.

The moment the results came out, Jin Jingzhu immediately paid attention to EDG, especially the top laner who won the MVP in three consecutive games.

"Is The shy confident in the laning against Wave?"

After watching the game video quickly, Jin Jingzhu turned around and asked.

After thinking for a while, The shy nodded: "He is very strong, but I am confident."

Hearing the words of his own top laner, Jin Jingzhu felt a little relieved. From the past few games, Shen Lang likes to help his teammates establish advantages after gaining an advantage in the laning phase. This led to RNG's mid and bottom lanes clearly having an advantage in the laning phase, but under Shen Lang's interference, the advantage was quickly lost.

The way to limit this kind of play is very simple, that is, to put enough pressure on the top lane.

"If I'm not mistaken, you guys ran into EDG in the ranking not long ago. The top laner at that time might be Shen Lang. He is definitely EDG's trump card this season. Everyone must pay attention to it. If nothing unexpected happens, EDG and we should meet in the finals. I hope everyone can play well at that time and don't end up like that ranking game."

"There is still too little information about Wave. I hope RW can play more of EDG's stuff."

Kim Jeong-soo doesn't think TOP can beat them, nor does he think RW can beat EDG, so their imaginary enemy has changed from RNG to EDG, and the focus of their research has naturally shifted to EDG.


EDG side.

The players and coaches are also in a meeting.

"Although we successfully defeated RNG, I believe many people are still confused and don't even know how the game was won."

Coach Nofe said seriously: "The purpose of today's meeting is to adjust the tactics for future games."

EDG's tactics used to be veryVery simple.

The top lane resists pressure, the jungler helps the double C, and then fights after the double C develops.

However, with the emergence of Shen Lang, this tactic is obviously no longer applicable. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shen Lang is not suitable for using tanks to resist pressure in the top lane, and he will not go far if he only plays around the double C.

"In fact, I think our tactics can be more flexible. In the three games with RNG, the jungler basically did not go to the top lane. The advantages of the top lane were all played by Shen Lang with his personal ability. If the jungler can help the top lane in the early stage, I think it will be easier to play the advantage in the top lane."

iboy said tentatively.

As an ADC, he naturally hopes that his teammates will play around him, but he knows very well that he is not Uzi and does not have that kind of carry ability.

The factory manager next to him also nodded: "It is actually good to be able to play an advantage in the top lane. Shen Lang likes to stir up trouble, so that he can attract the opponent's attention to the top lane, so that the bottom lane can find opportunities better."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean I like to stir up trouble?"

Shen Lang said indignantly.

He was just communicating normally with his opponent. It was obviously the other party's mentality that was too bad. How could he be said to be stirring up trouble?

Listening to the players' words, Nofe fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he slowly spoke: "How about this, treat the top lane as a free man, play whatever you want, and don't have to cooperate with teammates. Others still play as before, and the jungler doesn't need to deliberately help the top lane. Go when there is a chance, and don't force help when there is no chance. I think we can try this idea."

There is only one week left before the game with RW. It is obviously not possible to completely overturn the previous tactics in such a short time, so Nofe came up with a compromise.

Others play normally, and the top laner can play however he wants.


Hearing this, Shen Lang's eyes lit up immediately.

There are two things he is most worried about when he comes to EDG:

One is training. He is afraid that the manager will watch him train, so he can't get the system reward.

The other is the hero selection during the game.

He is worried that the coach will always let him choose a tank top laner. It's not that he can't play it, but it's more difficult to play an advantage compared to other heroes. Living a life of idleness and waiting for death is not Shen Lang's goal in coming to EDG. He is here to become a top top laner and lead EDG to win the championship.

You can't always choose heroes randomly during BP, right?

"There is still a week before the game with RW. We can try it in the training game first. If the effect is good, we will keep it. If the effect is not good, we will discuss it again."

Nofe nodded.

After getting a positive answer, Shen Lang immediately became excited: "Hurry up, when will the training game start!"

Looking at his excited look, and thinking of the methods he used to madly avoid training games in the past, Nofe's head was full of black lines.

His own top laner is really a live treasure.

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