Shen Lang didn't mean to taunt when he chose Lee Sin. His idea was simple. Since he couldn't escape in duo, he would play in another position.

After the hero was locked, he said confidently: "My Lee Sin is still good. You can just play a top laner and win easily. I will help you get points today."

Hearing this, the factory manager felt better.


After thinking about it, he decided on Garen.

Shen Lang used Garen and Kuku to kill indiscriminately in the arena. He actually wanted to try it.

After the hero was locked, the BP ended quickly and the game started loading.

Looking at the familiar ID of the opponent, the factory manager was a little nervous.

"The opponents are either professional players or masters of special skills. Can we really do it? I have never played Garen!"

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "It's okay, I haven't played Lee Sin either."


The factory manager looked at Shen Lang with surprise: "You haven't played it before?"

Shen Lang can always perform very well when he takes out strange heroes in the arena, so when he chooses Lee Sin, the factory manager assumes that his Lee Sin is very powerful.

It is precisely because of this that he will easily win by playing Garen.

The result...

You said you haven't played it before?

I'm already lying in position, you said you don't have JJ!

"Okay, okay, let's play it this way, right?"

The factory manager laughed angrily.

The game loaded quickly, and Shen Lang, who was on the blue side, naturally chose to start with red.

After buying equipment and rushing to the fountain, Shen Lang controlled Lee Sin to come to the bushes next to the red buff, and then...

Started to read the skill description.

"What are you doing?"

The abnormal behavior quickly attracted the attention of the factory manager.

Shen Lang said casually: "It depends on the effect of the skills. What is the main and secondary of Lee Sin? If you are a jungler, shouldn't you learn W first?"

"Yes, yes, whatever you want to be the main."

The factory manager said perfunctorily.

Shen Lang showed a proud smile on his face: "I am really a genius!"

The wild monsters appeared soon, and with the help of the bottom lane combination, Shen Lang began to hit the red buff.

However, before he had time to kill the buff, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"A friendly hero has been killed."

At a glance, it was Garen!

? ? ?

Shen Lang immediately switched the screen to the top lane and began to pin question marks frantically.

The factory manager didn't say anything, but just opened the chat box and typed in it:

"The gap between junglers."


Shen Lang widened his eyes: "The gap between junglers is NM, I haven't even finished the first wild monster."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't play Garen, and naturally I wouldn't be killed by the opposite captain."

The factory manager was justified.

Although he is a professional player, he is not very good at playing Garen. In this game, he played against Gangplank, thinking that Shen Lang could suppress the opponent's top laner when he came up in the game, so he played like this in this rank.

Then he was killed by Gangplank's three fire knives.

"Don't give up, wait for me to come to the top lane, and kill the opposite Gangplank at will."

Shen Lang said while brushing the jungle.

However, 5 minutes into the game, Garen was killed again in the top lane.

"No, someone is giving up, how can I play this?"

Shen Lang asked questions again frantically.

"This time there is a real gap between the junglers. The opposite jungler came to the top lane to catch me. I really can't do anything. Why are you still brushing the jungle?"

The factory manager continued to defend himself.

"If he catches you, you will die? If he wants you to give it to him, you will give it to him?"

Shen Lang asked back immediately, and then typed in the chat box: "Whose sister is the top laner, come out and take the blame."

"It's not me."

"It's not me either!"

The teammate hurriedly denied.

The game time soon came to 8 minutes.

Garen was killed again, and until this time, the factory manager didn't wait for Shen Lang's gank.

The factory manager opened the scoreboard and saw the equipment of the blind monk. He was almost angry to death.

The blind monk still had only the jungle knife he bought.

He immediately turned around and asked: "Aren't you going home to replenish your equipment? Are you going to save money to buy a new hero?"

Shen Lang frowned slightly: "I can't finish brushing wild monsters, how can I go home."


The factory manager was speechless for a moment.

14 minutes.

The wailing of the Rift Herald sounded. Before that, the opposing jungler had already taken down two little dragons.

The factory manager switched the screen to the blind monk's perspective.

Shen Lang was still brushing the jungle!

"Catch people, don't you catch people when you play a blind monk?"

He was a little anxious.

Too many deaths in the early stage caused him to be unable to fight against the captain at all, and he could only "stay under the tower" and hide under the defense tower.

"Here I come!"

Shen Lang was very confident.

After returning to the city to replenish his equipment, he controlled Lee Sin and headed straight to the top lane.

Although Lee Sin's proficiency was a bit low, Shen Lang's awareness was still there, and he quickly came behind the Captain with his vision.The captain on the opposite side was obviously not prepared for the jungle gank. He was a little surprised when he saw the blind monk. He was stunned for a while before releasing his ultimate.

The factory manager took advantage of the situation and controlled Garen to rush forward, and directly gave up the flash.

Q is silence and E is swing.

Under the combined efforts of the blind monk and Garen, the captain's health dropped rapidly.

Just as the factory manager was about to release the ultimate, a shocking scene appeared in front of him.

"One library--"

The blind monk kicked out the ultimate, but at the moment the skill was launched, the captain just released the W skill to recover health, which resulted in the blind monk's ultimate not taking away his remaining health.


The factory manager was dumbfounded. After the captain was kicked out, his ultimate distance was not enough.

What was even more suffocating was that seeing that his ultimate did not kill the captain, Shen Lang hurriedly connected the Q skill, but at the moment [Tianyinbo] was launched, the captain moved to the side and actually twisted the blind monk's skill to the extreme.

Fortunately, Shen Lang still had flash, and Lee Sin flashed out with E, successfully taking away the remaining health of Gangplank, and only then did he get this kill.

Although the gank was successful, it was very ugly.

"Who did you learn this from? Not only did you use your ultimate to save the wounded, but you also didn't use Q after R..."

Halfway through, the factory manager suddenly thought of something and his voice suddenly stopped.

"Go ahead, why don't you say it? I'll tell you who you learned it from after you finish."

Shen Lang meant something.

Saving the wounded and missing Q after R were all famous scenes of the factory manager's Lee Sin in the previous world championships.


The factory manager coughed awkwardly twice: "It's okay if you can kill, it's okay if you can kill."

At this time, the opposite Gangplank said in the chat box: "It turns out that Lee Sin didn't hang up!"

If he didn't think Lee Sin was hanging up, he really wouldn't have pushed the line like that, and Shen Lang and the others wouldn't have found an opportunity this time.

Being killed by this kind of blind monk and Garen is more painful than killing him. The damage is not high, but it is extremely insulting.

26 minutes.

The key team battle for the big dragon.

At this time, the opponent's advantage is already very obvious. With two earth dragons in hand, the opponent decisively moves the big dragon and wants to use the big dragon to force a team fight.

While everyone was pulling in the upper river, Shen Lang and the factory manager communicated in the voice.

"Watch me later, go around and enter the field with R flash and kick the opponent's ADC back, then use W to touch the eye to pull away and escape..."

"Okay, then I will directly Q flash and E skill to make up the damage, and then the big sword will directly kill the opponent's ADC..."

Hearing the words of the two, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly rolled.

"Where are you two talking about Hammer? One is 0-7 and the other is 1-6. Are you planning to kill the opponent's ADC who is 12-1?"

"I can actually meet Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu at the same time in one game. My teammates are lucky!"

"Garen and Lee Sin play very well. I suggest you don't play them in the next game."

"Good news: Teammate Garen and Lee Sin are EDG's top and jungle.

Bad news: Garen is Zweitzel and Lee Sin is Weiwu Ge!"


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