Successfully took down two heads on the opposite side, and consumed a lot of health of RW's middle lane defense tower. Fortunately, Ryze and Nightmare's support was fast enough, otherwise they could even directly destroy the middle lane defense tower.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Mei successfully controlled the little dragon.

"After getting two heads, the damage of the blind monk will become more exaggerated, and the key is that Sion has no way to stop it from roaming, and RW will be very passive next."

Rita analyzed.

However, Guan Zeyuan still has a different opinion: "Don't look at EDG's advantage now, but the advantage is basically concentrated on the blind monk and Ashe."

"Is there a possibility that Nightmare can directly kill Ashe in a team battle?"

Guan Zeyuan followed.

Rita laughed immediately: "What about the blind monk?"

"The blind monk is useless!"

Guan Zeyuan continued to analyze: "This hero is only useful in the early stage, and it is useless in the later stage. Besides, with the outfit of Weiwu brother, it is very easy to be killed in the field."

Rita gave a thumbs up: "Thinking or you will think!"

Back to the game.

Shen Lang controlled Lee Sin to enter the opponent's jungle, and cleaned up the upper jungle of the opponent, and then set up vision.

Return to the top lane, clear the line and roam.

Although the other RW players were uncomfortable, Sion was still quite comfortable and took the opportunity to catch up with a lot of development.

15 minutes.

Nightmare came to the upper jungle, and Flawless saw Lee Sin brushing his F6 as soon as he entered the jungle.

"Can you come over?"

He hurriedly asked for help in the voice chat.

However, no one responded. The top tower was full of soldiers. Tam in the middle lane could release his ultimate to support, but if he left with Varus, it would not only be difficult to catch Lee Sin, but also the middle lane defense tower could not be saved.

"Give it to the opponent."

Killua advised.

Compared with the jungle, the middle lane defense tower is obviously more important.

Flawless could only turn around and walk towards the lower jungle. Just when Nightmare turned around, Shen Lang deliberately showed his dog tag and taunted him to the fullest.

17 minutes.

The factory manager controlled Zhu Mei to the top lane again. Mouse hadn't had two days of good life yet, and what awaited him was a tower-crossing kill.

There was no vision in the jungle, and after Lee Sin sent the line of soldiers in, Zhu Mei directly released her ultimate skill from the side.

In the absence of vision, Mouse couldn't react at all, and the skill hit Sion and was immediately frozen in place.

Shen Lang controlled Lee Sin to move forward, used the Q skill, used W to touch the eye to get close, connected the ultimate skill, and then released [Echo Shot]...

Under the burst damage of Lee Sin, Sion's health was directly emptied.

"Tear down the tower!"

The factory manager shouted.

The top lane defense tower was quickly destroyed, and the RW team took the opportunity to get the little dragon.

"In fact, the gap between the two sides in this game is not very big, but Mouse is really unlucky. The audience who just entered the live broadcast room should not be surprised. A Guang is not playing the suicide flow."

Guan Zeyuan teased.

As the game time passed, RW still tried to roam and capture a single enemy, but the top lane had no vision, so they could only capture the Taliyah in the bottom lane.

Scout also knew this, and played very cowardly in the laning phase, just waiting for Ryze to send the minion line over and then clear the line, not giving any chance at all.

As for the tower-crossing kill, Lee Sin still had TP, and the deterrent was full, so the RW players didn't dare.

"Everyone cheer up, we still have a great chance this time. The opponent doesn't have Earth Dragon, so they can't move the Baron, and Lee Sin has all the output equipment. In teamfights, just be careful that he can kill Varus in seconds, and teamfights are easy to fight."

Doinb seemed to feel that his teammates were not in a good mood, and he encouraged them in the voice chat.

Ryze's Ice Heart has been synthesized, and now it has some damage, so it won't happen again like the last teamfight.

The two sides played very anxiously until the 25th minute, when Pig Girl came to the middle lane.

At this time, the health of RW's middle tower was low, but Varus and his two teammates' defense was very strong. iboy tried many times but failed to take this defensive tower.

"Miss Lee Sin!"

Mouse's voice sounded again in the RW voice.

Flawless heard this and directly controlled Nightmare to walk towards the middle lane, and Doinb also controlled Ryze to move towards the middle lane.

Zizi was about to release his ultimate move on the side when Nightmare appeared in the field of vision.

"It seems that there is no chance this wave."

He shook his head and said.

"Try it, I have a palm technique that falls from the sky."

Shen Lang controlled Lee Sin to walk out of the bushes and went directly to the middle lane to clear the line.

The moment he saw Lee Sin, Sima Laozei suddenly became nervous and hurriedly controlled Varus to hide behind the minions. Killua also controlled Tam to come to Varus, fearing that he would not be able to release the W skill in time.

"Zhu Mei gives Tam his ultimate move."

Shen Lang attacked the minions whileSaid in the voice.

Although he didn't know what Shen Lang was going to do, the factory manager still chose to believe it.

Zhu Mei came to the side and released her ultimate skill directly at Tam.

At the moment when Zhu Mei attacked, the blind monk who was attacking the soldiers suddenly released the Q skill.


It was a bit crooked.

[Sound Wave] was released to the side, obviously unable to hit Varus.

However, at the moment when the Q skill was launched, the blind monk suddenly moved forward.

W touched the eye and flashed.

At a very long distance, the blind monk instantly appeared next to Varus.

Killua was about to release the W skill, and Zhu Mei's ultimate skill just flew over.


Tahm was frozen in place.

The blind monk's ultimate skill was launched, and Varus flew to the side uncontrollably, and that was exactly the position of [Sound Wave].

The milky white light ball hit, and Sima Laozei widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

What happened just now?

He hid behind the minions, but Lee Sin first released his Q skill to the side and then kicked him onto [Soundwave].

Can it be like this?

[Echo Shot] was released, and Varus's remaining health was immediately taken away.


The scene was boiling instantly.

At this time, Da Sima had not yet developed the "Ma's Triangle Kill", and no one expected Lee Sin to have such an operation.

"Oh my God——"

"Will Varus be killed in an instant like this? There is such an operation?"

Guan Zeyuan's eyes widened.

Tam was beside him, and Varus was still standing behind the line of soldiers. Who would have thought that Lee Sin could still kill him.

"Brother Weiwu is awesome!"

"What was that operation just now? Why didn't I understand it."

"Lee Sin can actually operate like this!"

"Is he really a genius?"


The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled wildly.

Many people directly closed the live broadcast room of the game, entered the client to open the customization, and wanted to reproduce the operation of Shen Lang Lee Sin just now.

Many people tried, but only a few could really pull it off.

Back to the game.

After killing Varus, iboy quickly controlled Ashe to move forward, and Zz1tai also controlled Sejuani to go around.

Although Ryze and Nightmare had come to support, they didn't dare to defend the tower without an ADC.

With the help of the soldiers under the tower, RW's mid-lane defense tower was quickly destroyed.

"Force the dragon, force the dragon!"

Shen Lang shouted in the voice chat.

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