After resurrecting from the fountain, Nightmare could only clear his own upper jungle.

In comparison, Sejuani was undoubtedly much more comfortable. With the help of teammates, she killed the opposite red buff, then took F6, and then went to get the stone beetle. She cleared all three groups of wild monsters in Nightmare's lower jungle before leaving the jungle to get the Swift Crab.

The factory manager said it was exciting. He had never played such a rich game.

After killing the Swift Crab, the factory manager controlled Sejuani to go to the middle lane, closed the distance with vision, and quickly released the Q skill in the direction of Ryze.

Displacement closed the distance, and then connected the W skill.

Fortunately, Doinb's positioning was better. He controlled Ryze to successfully twist Sejuani's skills, and released the skills in reverse to trigger the Phase Rush. Otherwise, if Sejuani was really slowed down, Rock Bird would probably have to use Flash to deal damage directly.

At this time, Nightmare had just cleared his upper jungle, but the three groups of wild monsters in the upper jungle could only support it to level two.

At this time, its lower jungle was empty, and it was not realistic to invade Sejuani's jungle. For a moment, Flawless didn't know what he should do at this time.

After a brief thought, he controlled Nightmare to walk towards the middle lane.

"I'll help you push the line, and then gank the top lane together."

Flawless pinned the signal to the middle lane.

The wild monsters haven't refreshed yet, so he can only use his teammates' experience.

Otherwise, why do you say he can talk? If he wants to use experience, he doesn't just say it directly, but helps push the line.

At this point, can Doinb refuse?

Of course not!

Because if you rely on Ryze alone, you really can't push the line to beat Taliyah now, let alone roaming.

Nightmare quickly came to the middle lane. With its help, the middle lane soldiers were quickly pushed into the EDG defense tower, and Nightmare successfully reached level 3.

After pushing the line, the two quickly disappeared from sight and walked straight to the top lane.

Just as the commentator analyzed, Maokai was very uncomfortable in the line.

Although Olaf did not return to the city to buy equipment, the hero's advantage was there, and the tree could only barely last hit in the line.

Nightmare and Ryze quickly came to the top lane.

Shen Lang saw the two figures in advance from the vision arranged in the river grass, but because the line of soldiers was pressed deep, it was too late to retreat at this time.

Doinb controlled Ryze to walk straight towards Olaf, and after the distance was shortened, he decisively gave up the flash.

EW skill released.

Although Shen Lang reacted quickly, Ryze's skills could not be avoided by moving, and Olaf was quickly imprisoned in place.

Mouse and Flawless quickly approached to make up for the damage. With the combined efforts of the three, Olaf, who had no ultimate skill, had no room for operation at all, and the head was quickly taken by Ryze.

"Catch me like this?"

Shen Lang was also very surprised by the actions of Nightmare and Ryze to catch him.

He thought RW would wait until level 6 to start targeting, but they didn't expect to come to the top lane at level 3. It seems that the action of catching Nightmare just now made them a little anxious.


Shen Lang immediately opened the chat box for all players and started to greet with question marks.

RW side.

The three players in the middle, top and jungle of RW were very happy to successfully get Olaf's head.

"Play well, this game is still easy to win."

Doinb became confident again.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the question mark Shen Lang pressed in the chat box.

"Oh my god, he is so pretentious. We haven't pressed the question mark yet, but he pressed it first."

"?" "?" "?"

The three of them also opened the chat box for all players and pressed question marks in response.

"This is how we should play. There is no need to wait until level 6 to start roaming and targeting. In the early stage, when the middle lane controls the line, we can completely target Olaf in advance."

Seeing Nightmare being killed, Guan Zeyuan excitedly explained.

Ji De beside him also nodded: "Flawless helped the middle lane control the line right in the case of the collapse of the sky, and then cooperated with the mid laner to roam and gank. Nightmare can still do things in such a disadvantageous situation. It is really rare."

EDG voice.

Hearing the prompt sound of Olaf being killed, Scout immediately took the blame: "Sorry, this wave is my fault. I didn't give the signal in time."

The factory manager also spoke to comfort Shen Lang: "It's not a big problem. Don't worry. When I reach level 6, it will be easy to find an opportunity."

Listening to his teammates, Shen Lang shook his head slightly: "Urgent? I'm not anxious. A gentleman's revenge is never too late!"

Olaf was resurrected quickly. Shen Lang bought two long swords and straw shoes and controlled Olaf to go online quickly.

After going online, he was at ease to make up for the kills and push the line.

Mouse suddenly found that Olaf, who was originally very fierce in the line, suddenly became gentle.Come.

"So you are afraid too."

He said with a smile.

Olaf no longer pressed forward, which was a good thing for him, at least he could focus on last-hitting and developing.

Shen Lang took the initiative to push the line, and the top lane soldiers were quickly pushed into the opponent's defense tower, and then he controlled Olaf to quickly disappear on the line.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

But Shen Lang doesn't think he is a gentleman.

He is a villain, and villains take revenge from morning to night!

"Zhu Mei goes to invade Nightmare's lower jungle area, I'll deal with its upper jungle area, Taliyah, push the line quickly, if the opponent doesn't give up the jungle area, then just attack!"

Shen Lang said in the voice.

Although it seems a bit like commanding teammates to do things beyond their authority, teammates didn't care, but quickly acted according to his words.

Ryze gave up his flash when he killed Olaf just now, and with Taliyah in the middle lane leading the flash, he was naturally able to control the line.

At this time, Pig Girl had returned to the city to replenish her status and equipment and went to the fountain. Since the start was very comfortable, her level had reached level 4, leading in both level and equipment, so invading the jungle was naturally a piece of cake.

As for fighting...

Will you be afraid of fighting in the early stage of playing Olaf?

When Olaf invaded the jungle, the Gromp and the three wolves had already refreshed.

Shen Lang directly controlled Olaf to go forward to clear the jungle.

He was not afraid of being consumed by wild monsters. For Olaf, being consumed was even a good thing. The lower the blood volume, the higher the hero's damage.

At this time, Flawless was still dreaming of a bright future. Although the game started with a collapse, due to the experience of Ryze in the middle lane and the assist of Olaf's head in the top lane, this game seemed to be playable.

"Clear the jungle to level 6 first, and then continue to gank!"

He thought to himself.

The damage of Nightmare and Treant alone might not be enough, but calling Ryze was definitely enough.

However, as soon as he entered the jungle, he immediately saw Olaf grazing his Frog. What's more, Shen Lang had no intention of stopping when he saw him coming.

"Can you help me get to the bottom?"

He immediately sought support in the voice chat.

"My troops are not good, they can't come!"

Doinb responded quickly.

At this time, Taliyah just pushed the troops into the defensive tower. Ryze roamed to support at this time. Let's not talk about whether he can beat it, the troops under the tower will definitely not be eaten.

"Grab the lower half of the jungle."

Mouse also suggested that Ryze could not support, so it would be useless for him to go there.

Flawless sighed in his heart when he heard this.

At this time, they did not have the vision of Sejuani. Olaf dared to invade the jungle like this, which showed that the jungler was next to them. If they fought at this time, they would not be opponents at all.

There was no way, he could only control Nightmare to walk towards the lower half of the jungle.

Entering the red buff jungle, the scene in front of him made Flawless's blood pressure soar instantly.

There was only a little bird standing alone in the F6 pit.

This was obviously done by Piglet, it wasn't even there!

"Shit, you're playing with me!"

Flawless cursed.

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