Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 12: The Plague Must Be Eradicated, 049-The Terrifying Treatment Of The Plague Doctor!

"The plague is coming!"

"The plague is coming again!!!"

049-The epidemic doctor stared closely at the drunk man at the door and yelled angrily.

A frightening and strange aura lingered throughout the tavern.

Sarah looked at the strange movements of 049-Epidemic Doctor, but felt a little baffled.

It's different from Wen Qian's appearance at the beginning.

Now, she could clearly feel that... the guy in front of her was becoming angry.

Even with his back to Sarah.

However, it was still clearly visible that his body was trembling with anger.

Sarah became a little confused.

What is the plague?

Obviously Sarah remembers it very clearly.

Just now he said that the tavern was very clean.

But now.

Just the moment this drunkard came in.

Just say the plague is coming.


On the continent of Valoran.

When everyone saw this scene, they instantly became nervous.

"Damn it, the sudden roar of the plague doctor scared me to death!"

"He... was really angry, but what exactly was the plague he was talking about? The Black Death? But! That drunkard... didn't seem to have anything unusual!"

"What the hell happened?"

"Wait a minute... Think about it, wasn't it mentioned in the interview just now? Plague doctors can eliminate all plagues!"

"Hiss! It's a bit scary, and his information also shows that he is a doctor..."


Inside the light curtain.

This is still going on.

049-The epidemic doctor stared at the drunk man in front of him with angry eyes.

Then he finally saw the guy in front of him yelling at him.

And he was still shouting some strange words in his mouth.

He immediately became angry.

"You beak monster, what are you talking about? Don't you want to live?"

Sarah heard it.

I shook my head secretly in my heart.

The people of Bilgewater.

None of them are good.


For this bird-beaked doctor who is not a local.

The drunkard in front of me.

It is indeed a big trouble.


"It is indeed a plague!"

"The plague must be eradicated, and all plagues in this world must be eradicated!"

While Sarah was still thinking.

The plague doctor shouted angrily.


With one quick step, he rushed towards the drunk man in front of him.



A complete lunatic.

Sarah's eyes glazed over for a moment.

All of this guy's movements are so weird.

And then the next second.

But it shocked Sarah directly.



The moment when the plague doctor met the best body.

That drunk man.

But like a corpse that had been dead for a long time, it fell straight down with a pop.

The drunkard who looked angry just now.

Just die! ! !

Sarah was sitting on the chair, holding a wine glass in her hand, her hands trembling slightly.

This time, she was completely confused.


You can see a faint hint of fear in her eyes.

what is happening?

This guy just bumped into the drunk man.

But what people didn't expect was that this drunkard died like this?

Sarah was completely confused.

He looked at the plague doctor in fear with dull eyes.

He was silent for a long time.


But everyone watching this scene.

Shocked momentarily.

"Holy shit! Did the drunk man really fall to the ground? Is he dead? But he really just touched the drunk man and didn't use any killing moves at all!"

"Yes, I can clearly see that there is no hidden weapon hidden in the plague doctor's sleeves, but how did he die?"

"Oh my God, the seemingly ordinary 049-Epidemic Doctor is actually as described in his profile. As long as he is touched, all physiological functions of the person's body will disappear instantly!"

"I'm confused...This is weird and scary as the weird statue in the first inventory screen!"


On the continent of Valoran.

Countless people.

Because of the appearance of this scene, he was so frightened that he turned pale.

Inside the Noxian Palace!

Swain stared at the light curtain.

Suddenly his pupils shrank.

Originally, he thought that this so-called plague doctor was most likely the second foreign object maliciously fabricated by this bullshit foundation.

Doesn't exist at all.

Or in other words.

Even if it does exist.

It's not as scary as the information says.


Now this such an intuitive picture is presented in the light curtain.


In the light curtain.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why did he die again? This will not help at all to eliminate the plague!"

But just when everyone was shocked and confused.

An angry voice sounded in the tavern again.

Sarah saw.


The plague doctor shook his head slightly, and then said to himself: " doesn't matter, I can help you completely cure this plague!"


The plague doctor slowly approached the body of the drunkard lying on the ground.

Immediately afterwards.

The plague doctor took out a scalpel from the medical bag on his waist and made a huge gash on the corpse.


He randomly stuffed the strange things in his medical bag into the body.

Creaking, creaking....

The sound of the fleshy fascia and the metal scalpel coming into contact echoed throughout the tavern.


See this scene.

Sarah just felt a disgusting breath, going straight from her stomach to her mouth and nose.


His face was slightly pale.

As a person from Bilgewater.

Sarah had seen countless dead people and corpses.

Above the harbor.

Unclaimed bodies are hung up every day.

It exuded waves of stench.


This is what she sees now.

It was the most terrifying scene she had ever seen in her life.

Confusion, shock, and fear lingered throughout her body.

On the continent of Valoran.

Everyone who saw this disgusting scene couldn't help but want to vomit.

"Ugh...I'm going to vomit. This is really disgusting. Oh my god, what is he doing?"

"Damn it, such a bloody scene actually happened. To be honest, even a pervert like me... thinks this guy is a bit perverted!"

"Oh my God, not only did he kill the drunkard, he even dissected the drunkard!"



"This... yuck!"

Seeing this disgusting and bloody scene, Laxana vomited directly.

She is a woman.


A nobleman from Demacia.

How could you have seen such a scene?

This disgusting scene.

It was definitely the first time she had seen it.

Although Prince Jarvan IV said he had seen many big scenes, this was the first time he had seen such a disgusting scene.

What exactly is a plague?

What he calls a cure.

Is it an anatomy?


After dozens of minutes of operation.

049-The epidemic doctor finally stopped.

He gradually seemed calmer.


It became completely quiet.


There was still a hint of joy on his face.

"Phew~ It's finally done, the plague has been eliminated!!!"

The words just fell!

The corpse suddenly moved!


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