Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 14: Everyone In Bilgewater Is Dead? The Plague Doctor Actually Created Countless 049-2!

I saw...

Outside the tavern, countless corpses looked like walking zombies.

Densely packed.

His eyes looked extremely hollow, and his body was extremely uncoordinated.

All the living dead.

no doubt.

These guys are all dead.

And the death was particularly strange. Even if they were standing, they could still feel the aura of their long-dead life.


They were all "resurrected" again by the plague doctor through healing methods!


There were a few unlucky ones, and many body parts were connected in the wrong way.

The arms were connected to the legs.

The head is on the arm.


And so on.

This scene.

So scary and scary.

In this endless night, the air is filled with strangeness and fear.

Sarah was shocked again, and her whole body could not stop shaking.

The eyes revealed endless fear.

Use one hand.

Sarah pointed tremblingly at the group of "monsters" outside the door!

I couldn't say a word for a long time.


This is completely confusing.

Fear and horror wrapped around her whole body.

Suffocate her.

And shocking...


But that's it.

Once again, the entire continent of Valoran exploded in an instant.

Everyone who saw this scene.

I just felt like I was bitten by countless ants all over my body.

That sense of itching and biting horror arose spontaneously.

"Holy shit, I've really seen a ghost. Are these guys... all created by the plague doctor? It's like a group of monsters!"

"It's so fucking scary. I've never seen such a scene before. Look, the head of the guy in the middle was directly attached to his arm. However, he is still able to move!"

"Spitted! Who said Mordekaiser's Nightfall is the most terrifying? 049's healing methods, and the 049-2 he created, are even more terrifying..."

"It's unimaginable that he has created so many living and dead people. If these people can be organized into a legion, then this legion will soon become an immortal existence!"

"Let me go, if you really want to do what you said, then this army will not directly sweep across the entire continent of Valoran?"

"Oh my God, could it be said that all these people were killed by the plague doctor and then resurrected again? This is simply..."




"It's so terrifying!"

Prince Jarvan IV has never seen such a terrifying scene.

So when he saw this scene, he instantly felt terrified.

I couldn't help but tremble all over my body.

He couldn't help but take in a breath of cold air.

"Quick, go report and let my good brother Galen come back!"

" not...he is no match for the Plague Doctor!"

Almost instantly.

This sound.

It was like a roar coming from his neck.

The voice was laced with fear and endless worry.


Are you kidding me?

There are so many criminals in Bilgewater.

and numerous pirates.

They all died quietly at the hands of the plague doctor.


He made all these guys into 049-2!

How terrifying is this?

Perhaps only those who see the picture in the light curtain now can feel it personally.

Galen Crown Guard!

It's not just the nobles of Demacia.

The key is.

He is still his good brother.


What he brought this time was Demacia's most elite troops.

just in case.

In case, these guys are all identified by the plague doctor as the source of the plague after arriving in Bilgewater.

That them.


All were made into living dead by the plague doctor.

The consequences will be disastrous! ! !

never mind.

It seems.

It is absolutely impossible to get the plague doctor to Demacia.

I am afraid.

Only the Anomaly Containment Society has a way to deal with him.

The entire Demacia Royal Palace.

Everyone is in danger.

Especially Laxana on the side.

Tears burst out uncontrollably.

It's not just fear.

More of a worry.

Brother Galen is already on his way to Bilgewater.

But never...

Don't let anything happen!



They behaved completely differently from those guys in Demacia.


Darius was also touched though.


Not too afraid.

after all.

In his heart.

No matter how powerful the opponent is.

It is absolutely impossible to become the opponent of yourself and the Trifari Army in your hands!

the other side.

Catalina's eyes trembled slightly.

"Damn!...This guy, this guy is more terrifying than that statue!"

"Woc, that so-called foundation, when it contained statues before, at least it was able to find loopholes. It only needed to stare at that weird statue to contain that statue!"

"But now, the Plague Doctor doesn't seem to have any loopholes..."

"I guess there won't be any chance of that internment meeting..."



Inside the palace.

Be different from others.

The look on Swain's face showed a hint of excitement.

But what I guessed before was right.

049, it is indeed easy to produce countless 049-2.

That is to say.

He just needs one person.

You can create an immortal legion.


All in all.

If you really got it by yourself.

So Noxus.

It will truly replace Mount Targon.


The most dominant city-state in the entire continent of Valoran.


He has absolute confidence.

Directly unify the entire continent of Valoran.



The spiritual leader Karma looked focused.

As a "god" who can destroy the entire Noxian army with one move!

See all of the Plague Doctor playing inside the light curtain.

She didn't feel any fear.

Instead, he began to think carefully.

"The Plague a little bit interesting!"

"In the continent of Valoran, countless magicians and gods coexist, not only in the real continent, but also in the so-called underworld and the Heavenly World!"

"So, no one can tell whether the existence of the plague doctor, including the plague he talks about, is real. Maybe it is real!"

"Or maybe, what we see now through this light curtain is just a superficial appearance, but the Plague Doctor is more profound than what we see, and it is a real manifestation!"

"If the plague he talks about really exists, what he is doing now is using his weird methods to recycle and resurrect the dead bodies!"

"Really...are we eradicating the plague and giving people new life?"


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