Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 17: 035-Occupying The Mask To Control The Mind And Tempting Suicide?


Saw this bunch of new information.

Irelia's pupils suddenly shrank, and she felt her scalp numb.

In Irelia's heart.

The abnormal containment object that appeared this time seems to be even more terrifying than the strange statues 173-Little Peanut and 049-Plague Doctor that appeared before.

after all.

If it is just like the weird statue 173 Little Peanut, it cannot be moved as long as it is watched.


Just find this trigger condition.

There is a way to imprison him.

Protect yourself from harm.


The current occupying mask looks even weirder than that thing.

The attack of this thing is not just on the physical level.


Ability to control one's thoughts.


As long as there is enough time.

That's anyone.

In this case.

It's completely unpreventable.

Irelia looked at Karma, the soul of Ionia, aside.


He whispered: "This thing can control people's mental level."

"If...if it appears in Ionia, then..."

Speaking of which.

Irelia was already a little hesitant to continue thinking about it.

Karma looked solemn.



"But don't worry...I have already sent people to conduct a full search. So far, no trace of this mask has been found in the entire city-state..."

"So, for's safe!"


Demacia Royal Palace.

Prince Jarvan IV suddenly stood up from his seat.

The pupils suddenly tightened.


He said in a roaring voice: "This... this thing is so terrifying."

"According to the information, it is like a bug that can eat away at the human brain, and... as long as there is enough time... it can control everyone's thoughts!!!"

"So... the thing I took stock of this time is even more frightening than the charms used by those damn mages!"

! ! !


After Swain saw this piece of information.

Stare closely at the screen.

I don't want to let go of any bit of information.

His focus is different from others.

This mask is so weird, it has the ability to control people's thoughts.

That's really normal.


Swain's focus is on 035 - occupying another aspect of the mask.

"This weird mask has a highly developed intelligence and knows many important things!"

Swain whispered.

An extremely terrifying guess was running in his brain.

If that's the case.


This is an anomalous containment object.

It is very likely that the Foundation has a full understanding of this mysterious abnormal containment object and other abnormal containment objects.

Think of this.

Swain even started to get a little excited.

The previous weird statues and plague doctors can all become super powerful war machines.


They were all taken into custody by the Anomaly Containment Foundation without any surprise.


This time, the 035-occupation mask can be obtained by oneself.

Then you may be able to successfully get a lot of useful information.


these messages.

Not only can he consolidate his rule over Noxus.

The key is.

Can make the Noxus Empire more powerful.

The thought of this.

Swain immediately asked a herald next to him: "How's it going? Is there any news from Darius' side?"

"Your Majesty...not yet!"

Swain looked solemn.

He had already sent Darius to conduct a city-wide search of the entire Noxus city-state.

This is to prevent this strange mask from suddenly appearing in Noxus.

Inflict devastating damage to Noxus.

But now.

Even Swain himself was a little unsure.

He is.

I have some expectations for this Occupy Mask.



Only a few seconds passed.

Swain's body couldn't help but shiver.

He immediately gave up his thoughts.

Although this thing is said to know many important things.


It is also clearly mentioned in the information.

This thing can control people's minds.

Cause harm on a mental level.

If we really want to show up in Noxus...

At least for now.

Swain has yet to think of a perfect way to contain it.


However, at this moment, the data in the light curtain was updated again.

[035-Occupying the mask can quickly cause psychological changes in the people around you, and the working principle is still unclear. ]

[035-The consciousness that occupies the mask is extremely seductive. Just words can make his target willing to be a slave or commit suicide. This item has been confirmed to be true! ]


Jarvan IV, the prince of Demacia, saw this scene.

Completely shocked.

"Oh my god, this thing can actually induce people to commit suicide using words. It's so scary!"

Laxana's eyes were a little frightened.


He was even more frightened than when he saw the strange statue and the plague doctor before.

"Brother, this thing won't appear in Demacia this time, right?"

Laxana’s heart clenched.

For a moment.

Maybe it's because of fear.

There were tears in his eyes.

Galen held his sister Laxana in his arms.


He said in a comforting tone: "It's okay, my brother is here!"

As a champion of Demacia.

Crownguard of Galen.

A real tough guy.


Facing the sister he loves most.

Totally tender look.


Almost at the same time.

Everyone in the entire continent of Valoran was instantly shocked.


"Not only can it control people's minds, but... this weird mask actually has the ability to speak, and can induce people to commit suicide through its own language!"

Look at the information in the light curtain.

Even Karma at this time couldn't help but frown slightly.

Unexpectedly, each of the abnormal contained objects that the foundation took stock of was more bizarre than the last.

But that's now.

Karma had the same idea as the leader of Nanoxus, Swain.

at this time.

He has a mask for this occupation.

There is also a strong interest.


the other side.

Noxian Palace.

Swain stared at the screen closely, with a fleeting and cunning smile on his face.

This mask.

Even if you are not contained by yourself.

If it appears in other city-states at this time, such as Demacia or Ionia.


Especially Ionia.

What kind of scene will it be?

The thought of this.

Swain was a little excited.

at the same time.

My heart is full of anger.

He remembered Irelia cutting off his arm.

Swain's chest would surge.

At every moment, he wanted to personally lead the army and flatten that abominable land.



If the Occupying Mask really appears in Ionia.


I'm too lazy to do it myself.

Think of this.

The smile on Swain's face could no longer be suppressed.

After a while.

He stood up.

Looking at the screen on the horizon.

deep in the heart.

Planning a terrifying conspiracy.

! ! !

While everyone was shocked by the information about 035-Occupying Mask.

next moment.

When everyone saw the picture emerging from the light curtain.

Their pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly!

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