Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 205: The Strong Are Respected, A Gift From God!

Everyone on the continent of Valoran can see the evolution of this piece of information all the time as long as they raise their heads.

In Ionia.

Karma stared at the information on the sky screen, and his eyes couldn't help but tremble violently.

In the end, he could only exhale slowly.

He said very unwillingly: "Oh my God, the description of this special abnormal containment object, I feel that it is somewhat similar to one that has appeared before."

"The length, width and height are too outrageous for us."

"This is comparable to the highest mountain range in Ionia."

"But he is a living creature, an organism from an alien planet."

"It's just that he is suffering from the constraints of space all the time.

Irelia, who was standing next to Karma, seemed very helpless after hearing these words.

Then he slowly shook his head.

His eyes were full of doubts and confusion. In his opinion, the foundation had gone too far.

But in the next moment, Irelia also laughed instantly.

Such a scene really scared Karma beside him, and he quickly stepped forward and put his hand on Irelia's shoulder.

Feeling the warmth coming, Irelia also slowly turned her head to look at Karma beside her.

Then he said: "Don't worry, actually there is nothing wrong with me.

"It's just that I feel very helpless."

"There are so many secrets in this world, and we only understand about 10% so far."

"We can't stand the composition of these things anymore, but new abnormal containment objects will arrive in the next second.

"We didn't even have a chance to take a breath before he appeared in front of us."

Yes, actually there is nothing wrong with what Irelia said.

After all, each of these special abnormal containment objects appeared too quickly and too hastily.

But the culprit of all this will ultimately be that foundation.

No one knows the meaning of what they do, where they are, or what their ultimate goal is?

…Please give me flowers…

But they have no way. After all, from any point of view, they are weak. You must know that in this world, the strong are respected [the weak have no right to speak.

Not all places are as peaceful as Ionia, where soldiers and civilians are one family, without any distinction between classes, and there are no other places where there are beings like Irelia and Karma who have left worldly desires behind. .


Both of them are the most sincere existences in the world, and they are also unique existences.

After hearing what Irelia said, Karma also felt great pain in her heart.

But he also knew very well in his heart that he was just a small boat in the endless ocean.

He had no way to stir up the overall situation. He could only pray for God's gift. After all, his own strength did not allow him to do anything like this.

Helpless, he could only sigh reluctantly.

In the city-state of Noxus.

Commander Swain has been staring at the information on the sky screen for a long time.

No one knew what he was looking at. .

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