Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 21: Containing And Occupying The Mask, The Seventh Place Begins To Count!


Anomalous Containment Foundation, a team arrives.

Camille was stunned when she saw the group of guys in front of her.

The weapons in their hands are extremely sophisticated.

The one who heads it.

He held an extremely thick glass container in his hand.

Suddenly this time.

That bewitching voice sounded again: "You...what are you still hesitating about? Put it on me quickly!"


That's the time.

Camille felt that her desire to put on that mask was instantly weakened.

as if.

There is no longer as strong a desire as before.

Facing the bewitchment of the mask in front of her, she seemed to have a certain sense of resistance.


See this scene.

Everyone in Valoran was suddenly stunned.


"What a pity, the Anomaly Containment Foundation has arrived, otherwise, that kid would definitely die!"

Swain shook his head slightly.


He fixed his gaze on the leader of the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

"A glass container that looks very thick. Is this thing...?!"

Katerina next to her was shocked.

"Fortunately, members of the Anomaly Containment Foundation have arrived. Otherwise, the boy from the Philos family would have died tragically just like the "artist" just now!"



Karma looked solemn.

In his mind, he was still thinking about the scene of Jhin's death just now.

Corroded face.

Countless amounts of unknown liquid flowed out from the eyes and mouth of the mask.

Kadar Jhin fell directly to the ground.

If this mask was worn by Camille.


She will definitely be bewitched by this mask like that unlucky guy.


A horrible death.


Black rose base.

LeBlanc shook his head boredly.

What a pity.

A man who was about to die.

But he was stopped by people from the Anomaly Containment Foundation.


He has been waiting and waiting for a good show.

But I didn't expect it.

all of these.

But it ended instantly.

in the screen.


The member of the Abnormality Containment Society was holding an extremely thick glass container in his hand, followed by two heavily armed members.

Slowly approached Camille.


The moment he arrived at Camille's side, he quickly put the mask into the glass container at lightning speed.


See this scene.

Everyone in the entire Valoran continent was once again in a state of panic.

"Let me go, these three guys are too brave. Aren't they afraid of death?"

"Yes, the information also states that if you get too close to the mask, you will be bewitched by the mask and have a strong desire to put on the mask, but... they put the mask directly into the glass with lightning speed. Inside the container!”

"Oh my God, the Anomaly Containment Foundation is beyond my knowledge!"



Even Swain couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then said in a surprised voice: "A glass container that looks very thick? Could it be that... can this thing be contained?"

It shouldn't be.

The powerful ability that comes from occupying the mask is obvious to all.


The Anomaly Containment Foundation just used a thick-looking glass container to contain the mask?

Looking at it all.

He couldn't believe it for a long time.

In the light curtain.

Strange sounds sounded again.

"Hey, you guy, do you think a small glass container can trap me?"

"Okay, stop making trouble, let me out, let me out, and then put me on, think about it, why can't you be the president of the foundation?"

"Take me out of this damn container and put it on. Don't worry...I can help you realize all your dreams!"

"Let's imagine...."

This strange and bewitching voice has not yet completely subsided.


The three members of the containment society directly loaded the mask and the glass container into the huge containment room in the car.


This holding room is not ordinary.

The containment room is a shielded room wrapped in steel and lead.


The door of the containment room is locked by the Third Layer.


There are two guards equipped as much as possible at all times to guard his left and right sides.


There is also a psychiatrist in a white coat.


The members of the Abnormality Containment Society and the huge containment room placed on the car slowly disappeared from sight.


A moment.

The entire continent of Valoran was shocked again.

"Oh my God, the containment was really successful? I never expected that the methods of the Abnormality Containment Society are so powerful!"

"Invincible, this is so awesome!"

"It seems that the ultra-thick glass container, including the steel-wrapped holding room it was finally locked in, can indeed have a strong inhibitory effect on the occupying mask!"

"Damn it, can such a powerful being be accepted by them?"



When the prince of Demacia saw this scene, he felt bad instantly.

"Is it that simple?"

Think about how terrifying that occupying mask in front is.

Then think about how easily the recovery personnel contained it later.

The prince of Demacia instantly felt that he had missed out on 100 million.

" is this possible?"

Is the Anomaly Containment Foundation really that powerful?

A certain village.

The Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie, suddenly trembled.

That weird mask.

Able to bewitch and even directly corrupt such a powerful murderous demon as Kada.

But I didn't expect it.

In the end, he was easily taken into custody by the people from the Abnormality Containment Society.

This is too exaggerated!


Swain stared at the light curtain and his brows suddenly shrank.

"It seems that I guessed it right. The extremely thick glass container in the hands of the Anomaly Containment Foundation is the nemesis of the mask."

It seems.

The Anomaly Containment Foundation has taken stock of these abnormal containment objects.

They all have precise containment methods.

Then, Swain ordered to Katarina: "Katrina, go and reorganize all the information and weaknesses of the three anomalies that appeared before. I must study them again!"


And then right then.

Picture in the light curtain.

Once again, new information has emerged.

[Inventory of the Top Ten Abnormal Containment Objects of the Abnormality Containment Club! ]

[No. 7 Abnormal Containment Object! ]


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