Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 210: Swain’S Idea Is In The Right Direction!

How could I possibly have seen it, and how could it possibly appear in Noxus. "

"You must know that in these endless years, I have very little time to play Noxus."

"If the information described in the sky screen above the sky is correct, and its portrait is very consistent, it would be too terrifying."

"Such a huge light curtain in the sky cannot completely complete his portrait.

"But when I look at the jets at the end of each of his bodies, it is indeed not something we can create."

After thinking of this, Commander Swain slowly shook his head and sat down.

Because in his opinion, he has no way to do anything.

And the most important thing is that the portrait of this special abnormal containment object-2027 is too terrifying. Thinking used his own ability to completely depict his portrait on the skylight screen.

He held it in his hand and stared at it.

Swain: "Such a powerful shell that covers the whole body is too powerful."

"In my opinion, the ability to absorb such high-intensity gamma rays must be due to this powerful outer shell.

"It blocks a lot of the radiation and terrifying power from gamma rays."

"And what is transmitted into the internal space of this special anomaly containment object-2027 is only the extremely soft and huge power."

"And such a huge amount of power can be completely absorbed and turned into fuel by Special Anomaly Containment-2027."

After saying that, he also nodded his head heavily.

Because in his opinion, his speculation must not have any errors, even if there are some deviations, it will never be too outrageous.

This is indeed the case, and Commander Swain's view is indeed correct.

Most of the reason why it can absorb such high-intensity Ganma rays does come from its solid shell. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this solid shell is definitely not made of ordinary materials.

It must be more precious than the aluminum box used by the Foundation to store various special anomaly objects.

This also illustrates the power of Special Abnormal Containment Object 2027.

In a certain corner of the Valoran continent.

‥…Request flowers 0

Ryze also slowly exhaled a breath, you must know that he is the guardian of Runeterra.

Before everyone understood it, he had already regarded gamma rays as a kind of knowledge. Since ancient times, he had thoroughly studied gamma rays.

At this moment, Ruiz said slowly: "Although these high-intensity gamma rays are very powerful, we also have certain ways to convert them into fuel."


"This is not too outrageous. After my continuous research, gamma rays are actually not as strong as imagined."

"Everything should have a limit to its strength. So far, the most powerful thing about this special anomaly containment object-2027 is its defense.

"We only need to know what kind of special substance its shell is made of so that we can answer all our questions.

Reith is worthy of being the guardian of Runeterra, and his mind and strength are indeed stronger than others.

The most important thing is that his research on gamma rays has surpassed everyone in Valoran. .

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