Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 37: New Abnormal Containment Object? A Weird Corridor!

Lucian surviving the disaster.

Quickly fled this place.

The expression on his face was extremely horrifying: "That thing turned out to be real... Thresh! It was dragged into the darkness by that shadow, until it finally disappeared completely!"

Lucian at this moment.

I already don’t know what to say.

He felt only fear.


Although that black humanoid figure helped him solve the biggest enemy in his life.

He avenged his lover Senna.


He was still a little unbelievable.

Those ordinary pictures.

It actually contains such a terrifying secret

On the continent of Valoran.

it turns out.

It's really that terrifying.

But that's it.

Inside the light curtain.

A new text record.

Slowly emerged.

[Abnormal Containment Object-Fear Sensing Corridor! ]

[Project level: safe]


In an instant, everyone on the entire continent of Valoran went crazy.

"Damn it, why did a new abnormal containment object appear again? Wasn't the previous 2521 not contained yet? What is the Foundation doing?"

"Oh my god, two abnormal containment objects are being inventoried at the same time? Aren't you afraid of a direct fight? Destroying the entire universe?"

"This terrifying anomaly containment foundation, their methods are becoming increasingly difficult to understand!"

"Oh shit...."

They were shocked, incredulous and horrified!


But no one dared to talk too much about Abnormal Containment Object-2521.

after all.

Just what happened inside the light curtain just now.

It was enough to scare them.




Swain's eyes suddenly tightened.

Abnormal Contained Object-2521 has not yet been contained.


New abnormal containment objects have appeared again.

Those Foundation guys.

What are you doing?

Just when Swain felt a little unbelievable.


He seemed to have thought of something again.

Could it be that?

Is the Anomaly Containment Foundation planning to use anomaly containment objects to contain 2521 this time?

If that's the case.

Then the foundation's means.

It's really incredible.

However, while Swain was thinking about this period.

The remaining information was also refreshed.

[Abnormal Containment Object - Fear Sensing Corridor, the overall shape is a corridor of about 130 meters, with a heavy gate placed at the entrance! ]

[When a person reaches a depth of 50 meters in the corridor, all electronic devices on the human body will malfunction, and at the same time, people who enter this place will have illusions! ]

[When you first enter the corridor at a depth of 100 meters, the human body will feel uncontrollable fear! ]

[After leaving the corridor completely, most people's fears will dissipate! ]

[There is a door at the end of the corridor, but whenever someone enters the corridor and wants to enter the door, they will ignore it and not remember it again until they leave the corridor! ]


Seeing this information, Swain was stunned.

Such a corridor.

Is it also an abnormal containment object?

Safe-level abnormal containment object.

Compared with K-level and Eu-level.

Judging from the current analysis.

Should be minimally harmful.

after all.

This corridor doesn't seem very scary.


Not very dangerous.


But at this time.

The words floating in the light curtain slowly disappeared.


Can see clearly.

in the screen.

One Foundation agent took a small white pill.


An officer of the Foundation ordered to the Foundation's agents: "Go, go through that corridor!"

"I hope the Divine Medicine tablets can have some effect..."

This guy got the order.

Then he started taking action.

The moment you first enter the corridor.

The look on his face.

He seemed a little excited.

The legs and feet are particularly flexible.

However, after walking a certain distance.

This agent suddenly became stiff.


Revealing a sharp look of fear.



After seeing this scene.

Catalina next to her.

There was also a look of fear on his face.

"what happened?"

Just now.

The curtain of light she was originally staring at.


In front of me, a scene emerged.

Countless soldiers rushed towards my father's military camp.



This scene.

It was clearly displayed in front of Catalina's eyes.

Yet all this.

These are the things that scare her the most.


Somewhere in Runeterra.

" could this happen..."

Ryze's pupils suddenly shrank.


The curtain of light that you stare at.

In his sight.

He saw the scene that frightened him the most.

That is.

Countless invading creatures from other worlds rushed into Valoran at the same time.

On the continent of Valoran.

Random burning and killing.

The sound of countless people screaming.


Rivers of blood flowed.


The continent of Valoran in front of him had completely turned into a purgatory due to the invading creatures from other worlds.

This horrific scene.

Let Ryze.

His hands couldn't stop shaking.

And then right then.

In the light curtain screen.

The agent screamed and ran out from the opposite direction of the corridor.


After that agent completely left the corridor.

The illusion in Ryze's eyes.

before completely disappearing.

It's all over.

Ryze's face was completely shocked.

What he didn't expect was.

That long corridor.

He actually let himself be separated by a light curtain.

All had fantasies.


He is the patron saint of Valoran.

In other words, it is the pinnacle of mage combat power in this land.


But even myself.

There is no way to escape the terrifying illusion created by this long corridor.

Ryze was slightly startled, with a slightly horrified look on his face.

"Even I will be frightened by the illusion created by this corridor, let alone other people?"


at this time

All over Valoran.

Everyone who saw this scene.

They all made extremely terrifying screams...

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