Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 50: You Are Going To Die Anyway, Why Not Do The Last Meaningful Thing!

In the light curtain.

There was a line of words on that piece of paper.

[Special Containment Procedures: You are going to die, you hapless idiot! ]

Look at these infuriating words.

D-14134's pupils suddenly shrank.


He kicked the corpse violently.

Angry from shame.

He cursed directly: "Damn it, you actually cursed me before you died, you son of a bitch Foundation agent!"


He even couldn't help but spit.

Valoran continent.

Everyone immediately went crazy.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. I didn't expect that agent left a cursed note before he died!"

"I think things are not as simple as they appear on the surface. Didn't you see? The first few big characters say special containment measures?"

"Could it be said that the containment measures for this farmhouse are a curse?"

"Nonsense...How is it possible to have such containment measures?"

"No wonder this D-class personnel hates the Containment Foundation so much. From this point of view, it's not surprising at all..."

In the light curtain.

After D-14134 cursed angrily.

He continued.

Opened the content under the note.

[Hey kid, pay attention, this is not trying to scare you! ]

[I am Agent Barclay, I am in this stupid building, and I can guarantee that if you are in this building like me now, you will definitely be dead! ]

[Even when you read this report I wrote, you may only see my body and mouth.

See here.

D-14134 just snorted and did not show any fear.

after all.

He knows it too.

Estimate yourself.

There is no way to get out of this farmhouse.

Rather than that.

It's better to study it carefully.

The clues left by this agent.

Take a look.

Is there any useful information?


Swain stared closely at the light curtain.


He seemed to be able to imagine the agent who left this document writing it.

that time.

He should be extremely desperate.

There is absolutely no way.

In this extremely desperate situation.

He could only reduce the fear in his heart through his Hesidian heart.


Sometimes I don't even care about the dirty words I say.

And now.

This D-class personnel should be in the same state as the owner of this letter at that time.

in the screen.

The D-class personnel continued to look at the document.

[If you want to leave this place, it has become a luxury, even impossible. ]

[Perhaps my containment procedures can bring you a little help. ]

[Damn it, I tried every method in this damn farmhouse, but in the end there was only one method that was the most effective.

See here.

There was a trace of desire in D-14134's eyes.

Could it be that?

This guy.

Have you found a way to accommodate this farmhouse?

If that's the case.

Then maybe.

He still has a glimmer of hope.

But next.

When he saw the folded back content.

Once again he despaired.

[That is, close the damn door, you can't go back, you should have tried. ]


Karma looked at all this with a solemn expression.

"So, after all the attempts, the agent found that there was no way to destroy this building. The only way was to block the door of this building so that the black humanoid creatures could not walk through the black door. go out."

"Is this the so-called containment measures he mentioned?"

Karma shook her head slightly.

she does not know.

What exactly did this agent go through at that time.


Karma could probably imagine it.

How desperate this Foundation agent was at that time.

He probably tried everything he could.

I want to destroy this farmhouse.

But finally.

None of the methods he tried could get him out of this farmhouse.

When he closed that door.

He was surprised to find out.

Those black humanoid monsters have no way to get out of this farmhouse.


It was the only thing he could do at that time.

at last.

He was desperate.

So after closing the door.

He picked up the gun in his hand and pointed the muzzle at his head.

The trigger was pulled.

Chosen to commit suicide.


Valoran continent.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Oh my god, the despair that he went through, I can even imagine it now.

"At that moment, when he closed the door, he knew that he could never get out again, and he knew that he was going to die. Instead of waiting, he chose to commit suicide directly...

"What a tragic scene!"

"Could it be that this agent is the deceased mentioned in the previous information?"

in the screen.

The decadent middle-aged man continued to look down.

[Those things can get out from here, although it may take some effort. After all, that's why we found this damn place. ]

[By the way, if you didn’t close the door, then turn around and close that door now. This is the only thing you can do now and the most important thing! ]

[You are going to die anyway, you are bound to die, why not do something meaningful and good before you die!]

See here.

This middle-aged man was inspired by an inexplicable force, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve.

Showing a sinister smile.

"What a joke, you damn Foundation agents, damn Anomaly Containment Foundation, you want me to do a good deed before I die?"

"It's a pity that I'm just a bastard. Yes, the door was indeed closed when I came in just now, but now, I have to open that door.

"Release all those terrifying black humanoid monsters, and let your foundation know that everything you do is meaningless..."

"A bunch of idiots..."


Although this guy was cursing to himself.

But in the end there was still no action.


There was something else underneath the note.


He opened the folds again.

Read on.

[Description: So the cause and effect are probably like this, you may have heard of it. ]

[The Foundation received reports that there was trouble in an inhospitable place, cows and wild animals died mysteriously, some people went missing, and when a body was found...)

[They find some dark guys wandering nearby. ]

This piece of information.

It tells the story of the causes and consequences of the abnormal containment object 1983: Door to Death.

Yet all this.

This decadent middle-aged uncle obviously already knew.

Those dark guys.

It was the black humanoid monster that walked out of the Gate of Death.

He gave it a cursory glance.


I continued to read.

[But the fun part is, we figured out how to deal with these things. ]

[Use silver bullets and pray to God while shooting. ]

[No kidding, that's what it means literally, although I don't know why this works. ]

[Damn it, are you seriously reading what I wrote? No matter who you are, you'd better do what I say. This is the only thing you can do before you die...]


Swain stared at the screen closely.


There is nothing wrong with what I thought.

At first, the agents from the Anomaly Containment Foundation suddenly appeared inside the light curtain.


They prayed to God.

While shooting at the black humanoid monsters with guns.

Those black humanoid monsters that were originally immune to any force.

under such an attack.

He was completely defeated.

Their attack method may be the only useful method.

Think of this.

He moved his gaze to the light screen again.

[However, after seeing the nest of those things, I could not pray. ]

[In any case, the Foundation discovered the source of the problem, a farmhouse in this inhospitable place. ]


[But unfortunately, no matter which fucking special agent you are from, you're screwed. ]

That decadent middle-aged man.

He sneered.


He said in a cold voice: "I'm not a powerful fucking agent of some task force. I'm just a test subject, a guinea pig for the foundation."

Speaking of which.

There was a trace of sadness on his face.

Then he sighed at the shriveled corpse in front of him.

"It seems that I must be crazy. I clearly know that I am going to die, I look like it doesn't matter..."

After laughing at myself.

He once again turned his attention to what was coming next.

[Those things are hard to distinguish with your eyes here. You may have noticed that they are like shadows. You have to stay away from the light source. Do you want...]

...Please give me flowers...

[You may have tried to exit through the door, but if you haven't done so, don't do it, it will lead to a worse place. ]

[There weren't many monsters there, but we were too far away from the farmhouse, and then... I swear he started melting, and things kept popping out of his body... ]

See here.

The self-deprecating look on the face of that decadent middle-aged man no longer existed.


It was a strong look of fear.

Because just now.

When he felt he was at the end of his rope.

Almost passed that door.


This was not done at the time.

if not.

when one opens

That door.

I don’t know what kind of scary place we will end up in.

"Damn it, really damn it!"

He cursed heavily.


Once more he continued to look.

[Then we start walking through the house. ]

[We were using light at the beginning. After all, we didn’t understand at that time. Three of us died like that. I hope you can read this letter before that. ]

Valoran continent.

Everyone was shocked.

Do these Foundation agents really not value their own lives that much?

That's three people dead.


They just brushed it off in an understatement.

"Does the information left by this agent say that there cannot be light in this farmhouse? Otherwise, you will die?"


"I can't understand this anomaly anymore. Not only can it create 1983-2, but the most important thing is that as long as there is light in the farmhouse, it will kill people.

"It's scary to think about it, how desperate they must have been in this farmhouse at that time..."

But inside the light curtain.

The content on that note is not finished yet.

[The only feeling this place gives me is that it is very big. It is like those things that stole bits and pieces of space from various places and then spliced ​​these spaces together at will. ]

[I don’t recommend this. I saw with my own eyes that something grabbed a team member and pulled him in. However, the hole was very small, but in the end, he still managed to pull him in.

It was just pulled over. ]


Demacia Royal Palace.

Everyone watched this scene.

A shocking and horrifying scene immediately came to their mind.

There is a black hole in the corner.


There is an agent.

Suddenly caught by a black hand.


The black hand didn't know where the power came from, so it dragged the agent towards the black hole in the corner.


Just so alive.

Drag the entire agent's body into the black hole.

That bloody scene.


Just put it in front of them.

It was absolutely terrifying.

Lux next to her.

He just held his brother's arm tightly.

A burst of tears.

He rushed out directly.

That sense of fear.

Invading the girl's entire body.


In the light curtain.

D-14134, continues to study the contents.


following content.

But he was suddenly stunned.

[Of course, there is no way to escape from this place. We have discovered this a long time ago. Any door you find just leads to another area of ​​this farmhouse.

In other words, it's back to the starting point again. ]

[So all you can do is wait to die, or wait until something grabs you and, like the agent, is pulled into a very narrow hole until your entire body...

Being pulled in forcefully. ]

[Oh! By the way, there's one more thing you can do. I didn't do it at the time, but maybe you can. ]

[Although this may not keep you alive, I think it is very important. ]

[I'm sure someone has to do this, otherwise sooner or later those things will go out and cause trouble everywhere. ]

When I saw this.

The pupils of this D-class personnel suddenly shrank.

[So, I found a very simple way to stop those things from finding their lair. ]

[As long as their lair can be destroyed, there will be no way for those damn monsters to appear, that's for sure. ]

See here.

There was no fluctuation in his heart.

Even a little want to laugh.

"Destroy that monster's lair? Isn't that what you damn Foundation agents should do? What does it have to do with me?"

"I'm just an ordinary D-class personnel. To be precise, I'm just a guinea pig."

"Fuck it, only idiots will listen to your arrangements!"


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