Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 53: Salute To The Foundation Star, The Third Place Count Begins!

In the light curtain.

The hearts of those hit by the silver bullets were instantly broken, causing a chain reaction.

Immediately afterwards.

Like firecrackers.

All the other hearts also crackled and cracked.

It was as if an invisible flame burned and began to spread in the surrounding direction instantly.

Then you can see it.

The black figures let out painful howls.

That kind of pain.

It is Hesidian pain.

Then, the black figures began to slowly dissipate.

And those tall black humanoid monsters came after hearing the sound not far away.

At the moment when these hearts ruptured, their bodies seemed to have no support from their bones.

Instantly collapsed to the ground.

It turned into piles of sulfurous liquid.


All these black figures and those tall black humanoid monsters disappeared without a trace.

The room that originally looked extremely crowded and weird became especially quiet at this moment.

That bunch of beating hearts.

The group of black figures surrounding a pile of hearts.


Those tall black humanoid monsters—1983-2.

It just disappeared without a trace in an instant.

as if.

this place.

Never appeared before, just like those weird things.

But at this time.

A ray of sunlight shone in from the window of the house.

The whole house is illuminated translucently.

Against the backdrop of the warm sun.

It is an extremely confident and proud face.


Fall to the ground.

A recently deceased body.

See this scene.

The entire continent of Valoran fell silent instantly.

After a moment of silence.

ushered in.

It was a burst of super shocking sounds.

"He succeeded... As a D-class personnel, he successfully destroyed similar projects in 1983-Death Gate, and he successfully completed all of this!"

"Homage to the dead!"

"Fuck! It's so touching. He would rather die here than accept the conditions of those weird voices. In the end, he became a real hero!"

"At this moment! He is the most admirable hero under this ray of light, the most admirable person who died!"



Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

It was quiet for a long time.


Everyone was silent.


There wasn't even a faint sound of breathing.

They just stared closely at the body lying on the ground on the light screen.

That face with pride and a hint of joy.

Swain's heart was greatly shaken.

As for the other Noxian investigators.

Including Katarina on the side.

I have already been deeply touched.


Although they said they didn't speak.


From the bottom of my heart.

But he unconsciously shouted out the words: Pay tribute to the deceased!!!

Somewhere in Runeterra.

Ryze looked focused, his eyes trembling slightly.

that moment.

He seemed to see a supreme god.


His identity is clearly just a D-class personnel of the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

The brilliance on his body spreads infinitely.

Became a hero.

Successfully destroyed similar projects at the Gate of Death.

A long time passed.

In the light curtain screen.

A group of agents from the Anomaly Containment Foundation rushed over.

They come here.

Saw the body on the ground.

With a proud smile on his face.

The owner of that corpse belonged to ten D-class personnel.


But they didn't feel any surprise.

The leading agent glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then said: "Report report: D-14134 entered anomaly containment 1983-1. After a few hours, the anomaly of the anomaly item disappeared. The specific situation is unknown!"


This agent thinks.

The reason why the anomaly of 1983-1 disappeared.

There must be other reasons.


Whatever the reason.

It definitely has nothing to do with the D-class personnel lying on the ground.

"Sir, we found a camera. Perhaps, the camera contains our clues.~!"

"Approved! Analyze the images in the camera immediately!"


A group of agents surrounded the camera.

The play button was pressed.

"Homage to the dead!"


There was a burst of gunfire.

It came out from the camera.

Immediately afterwards.

The pile of hearts not far from this D-class personnel began to burst rapidly~

After a while.

This group of Foundation agents watched everything on the camera.

on their faces.

Full of incredible shock.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, their pupils couldn't stop dilating.


The camera has recorded all the detailed video records of D-14134's destruction of 1983-1.


They still couldn't believe it.

He is only a D-class personnel.

Without any ability.

Just a guinea pig.

Even more exaggerated.

It's just a test product used by the Anomaly Containment Foundation to explore abnormal things.



Destroyed an extremely terrifying anomaly containment facility, 1983-1.

But at this time.

One of the agents found a letter on the body.

And reported: "Reporting to the commander, a suicide note left by Agent B-017 was found."

Take that suicide note.

The leading Foundation agent read the entire suicide note word for word.


while he was reading.

His eyes couldn't stop twinkling.


Things are changing all the time.


When he read the sentence "The dead pay tribute to you".

His expression couldn't stop being moved.

At the corner of the eye.

Tears arose.

Finished reading.

There was silence for a long time.

He tried hard to calm down his mood.

Then, he said in a somewhat hoarse voice: "According to the existing records, it is presumed that anomaly containment object 1983-1 was destroyed by D-14134. Pay tribute to the deceased!"

This sentence fell.

Valoran continent.


I was shocked by this sentence again.

"Salute to the deceased! D14134, we will always remember your name. You are the hero in the darkness. You succeeded~"

"He is really just a D-class personnel, a guy who can't even hold a gun, but he succeeded in the end. He is proud, he is faith, and he deserves all our Human Venerable respect and admiration!"

"Damn it! It made me furious, especially his last words. This time, let me play the hero!"

"I cried, I cried! I could hold it back before, but when I heard the words "pay tribute to the deceased", my tears really couldn't help but burst. I paid tribute to D-14134!"

"Originally, those weird figures gave him a choice. As long as he put down the gun in his hand, he could walk out of 1983-1 safely and set his freedom.

But...he refused, and like a soldier, he pulled the trigger!"

Everyone stand up! Pay tribute to the deceased!"


The Noxian investigation team was deeply shocked.

"Is he really just a D-class personnel? Is it possible that there is a mistake..."

"What kind of people are the Anomaly Containment Foundation? All their actions have slowly made me unable to see clearly!"

"Go to the dead, what a great go to the dead!"

"No matter what he was before, but now, under the shining of glory, he is an absolute hero!"

These brave Noxians.

See here.

I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

even though.


It has always been a terrifying existence for other city-states on the Valoran continent.


We really need to get to the bottom of it.

Dig into your inner words.

In the face of fear and death, they will still be afraid.

At least.

If the D-class personnel inside the light curtain were replaced by them.


It cannot be done.


It was only at the moment when those dark figures proposed that extremely tempting condition.

They had already compromised.


At this moment, when they faced the body of D-14134 lying on the ground, with a very proud face.

their hearts.

Full of respect for him.

Catalina on the side was deeply touched in her heart.

"Perhaps... everything he did, or in other words, the courage that allowed him to resist all temptations and shoot into those hearts, was not for human beings...

"But, in case an agent has died long ago, the suicide note left for him"

Catalina looked at the light curtain.

Recalling the change in D-14134's expression.

Originally he was cowardly.

Facing all the darkness and fear in that house, he was timid.


When he saw the words in the suicide note, his expression suddenly changed.

"The dead salute you!"


He regarded this suicide note as a treasure.

He stored it tightly in his shirt pocket.

As for why?

Catalina knows this all too well.


She had also experienced such empathy in the past.

A failed assassination attempt resulted in a rout of the Noxian army.

He was hunted down by his father.

till the end!

She proved herself with actions.

Once again recognized by the Noxians.

That feeling of regaining the light.


It must be the same as D-14134's inner emotion when he saw the words "The dead pay tribute to you."

But at this time.

In the light curtain.

A new line of text emerged.

[D-14134 was posthumously awarded a Foundation Star after his death!(

This is one of only two awarded to D-class personnel). ]

[D-14134 is the most brilliant warrior of the Anomaly Containment Foundation! ]

See this scene.

Valoran continent.

Everyone was excited.

". "It's great, he has received his own honor. Now he is not just a D-class personnel, he has been recognized by the Foundation as a real fighter!"

"As he said himself, let me play the hero this time. Now he has succeeded. He is a real hero!"

"Foundation Star? In addition to him, there is another D-class personnel who has also received such an honor. Looking at it this way, another D-class personnel has also made the same sensation.

thing. "

"It's so great, so great!"

"Salute to the deceased and pay tribute to the star of the foundation!"

Everyone clenched their fists tightly, and their whole bodies could not stop trembling.

This kind of trembling.

It doesn't come from fear.

But excitement.

It's pride.


at the same time.

A certain abnormality containment base.

Ye Xi was also greatly touched in her heart.

after all.

In the foundation, every agent has gone through very hard training before becoming a real agent.


Even these highly trained agents.

Facing the temptation of those dark shadows and contrasting with the fear of death.

I am afraid.

There is no way to do it like D-14134.

Not afraid of death.

Picked up the submachine gun.

Closing the last possibility of his own survival.

Get the bullet.

Shot at the bunch of beating hearts.

"Homage to the dead."

Even Ye Xi.

deep in the heart.

He couldn't help shouting this sentence.

But at this time.

A mechanical compound sound rang in Ye Xi's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, you successfully obtained the communication value: +9999 trillion! (Definitely)]

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained 3,000 D-class personnel to die! ]

[Congratulations to the host...]

Hear the voices in your head.

Ye Xi couldn't help smiling.

This system is too damn powerful.

One death is enough to move the world.

But I didn't expect it.

This time the system will reward 3,000 people.

That is to say.

These "go to death" will absolutely obey their orders.


Just give the order.

Their hearts will instantly surge with supreme glory.

Will feel.

Everything I have done is not only for the foundation, but also for all mankind.

is for.

What a supreme honor!



At this moment, Irelia is still deeply touched and unable to extricate herself.

Karma said in a moving voice: "For Ionia, you are equally great. In the hearts of all Ionians, you are also a dying person!"

Upon hearing this, Irelia looked dull and looked at Karma with surprised eyes.

Karma continued: "If you hadn't cut off Swain's arm with one powerful blow, the Noxian army would not have retreated so easily in that war!"

"You saved Ionia, so why are you not going to die?"

Irelia heard Karma's praise for her.

My heart was greatly agitated.


He is also a person who goes to die!

Irelia opened her mouth, looking excited.

Was about to say something.


The light curtain that had darkened once again flickered.

Then ten.

A new text appeared on it.

[Inventory of the Top Ten Abnormal Contained Objects!]

[Third place!]

[Abnormal Contained Object, 682-Lizard!]

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