Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 55: Rengar: The Immortal Lizard? This Is Too Weak!

Looking at these thousands of failed execution records, no one could help but be shaken.

"Woc! The anomaly contained object - the Fireless Lizard, is too strong. With so many powerful anomalies, there is no way to kill it. Could it be that it has no opponent at all?"

"If you think about it carefully, if the Fire-Bull Lizard has no opponent, then what kind of existence should the first and second-ranked anomalies be? Are they gods? Or something..."

"Without exception... all executions have failed. Is there nothing the Anomaly Containment Foundation can do about it?"

"In one execution document, nearly a hundred agents of the Anomaly Containment Foundation died in his hands. So with these thousands of execution documents, how many Foundation agents died tragically?"

"If I own this fireless lizard, I will dominate the entire Valoran!"

"Haha, are you afraid you are dreaming? Have you forgotten what was introduced in the information? It can convert all substances into its own energy. Aren't you afraid of becoming its energy?"

"Damn it, if this thing appeared in Valoran, it would be awesome..."

Look at those thousands of execution records.

The entire Varolo continent exploded in an instant.

It was as if there was a super strong pressure pressing hard on their bodies.

Contained in the throat.

That feeling of suffocation.

Throughout the body.


When the first execution record was released, Darius also had many ways to execute the Fireless Lizard.

for example.

Throw it into the void.

The void will definitely be able to swallow it up.


When Darius saw that thousands of execution records failed without exception.

The look in his eyes.

He started to look a little confused.


What I just saw was that among the thousands of execution records, there were existences that were more perverted than my own thoughts.


They all failed without exception.

Therefore, the idea of ​​throwing the immortal evil lizard into the void is still too conservative.

Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

A look.

Immediately afterwards.

All members of the investigation team started recording frantically.

They must try their best to record all the execution information about the Fireless Lizard published in the light curtain.

"Exposed Containment Item-682 to Containment Item-017. SCP-682 emitted several high-pitched howls, damaging several recording instruments. The sound contained several wavelengths and was reported by staff as "the most terrifying roar ever."

"Holy shit! This thing can actually stare at another anomaly for 6 hours without blinking. This is so damn hard to endure!"

"What? Even if you drop the Fireless Lizard from a height of 10,000 meters, you still can't kill it? What kind of monster is this? If it were an ordinary person, it would have turned into flesh long ago.

"These execution methods are too perverted, even if Cain comes!"

While they were analyzing, the surprise and shock on their faces did not dissipate at all.

Ryze watched this scene.

His brows suddenly tightened.

Among these thousands of execution records, most of them arranged for other abnormal containment objects to execute the abnormal containment object - the non-fire evil lizard.

These anomalies can be scheduled for execution.

It will definitely not be weaker than the anomalies that have been reviewed before.


More terrifying and powerful than them.


All these execution records, without exception, show the words that the execution failed.

So many dangerous anomalies.

What if there is no way to deal with it?

Originally Ruiz thought.

The unclean ones that appeared in front were terrifying enough.

after all.

That thing can pass through the shuttle door created by the Red Sea object and come to the continent of Valoran.

But thankfully.

Contained by the Anomaly Containment Foundation.


Valoran is about to face a devastating disaster.

But now we are taking stock of the non-fire evil lizards.

What if the Anomaly Containment Foundation has no way to deal with it?

This thing.

Is there no way to contain it at all?

Ryze looked solemn.

He was getting worried now.

But don't let this thing appear in Valoran.


The consequences could be disastrous..

As the protector of Runeterra.

He would never allow any monster from another dimension to invade Valoran.

If it really comes to that point.

He will definitely try his best to prevent the invasion of that thing like the "go to death"!

However, at this time, in the light curtain.

A screen appears.

The location fixed in the picture is an extremely dense forest.

A pair of eyes full of contempt watched all this.

Vastaya tribe.

Rengar sat on the throne of the Horde, staring at all this.


The pupils suddenly shrank.

His whole body couldn't help but tremble: "Woc! This forest is so familiar, it seems like it's not far from the tribe!"

But the next second.

The corners of Rengar's mouth raised slightly.

A sense of hunting.

rise from it.

"The Immortal Lizard is a monster that the Anomaly Containment Foundation cannot execute at all. If I can hunt it down, then..."


A sense of hunting arose in Rengar's heart.

This immortal evil lizard is so powerful.

Hunting it is extremely challenging.


For Rengar.

The more powerful the challenge, the more it stimulates his hunting instinct.

The next second.

He quickly galloped in the direction of the non-fire evil lizard.


This is the moment.

Another direction of Valoran.

A pair of extremely excited eyes were also staring at the light curtain.

his thoughts.

Same as Rengar.

"The Immortal Lizard, you are mine!"

After the excitement.

Kha'Zix quickly took action.

He must rush to the forest as quickly as possible.

Before anyone else does it.

Quickly hunt down the non-fire lizards.

Just devour the fire-proof lizard.


Evolution must be completed!


Swain looked at this scene with a look of excitement on his face.

"A primeval forest? No such forest seems to exist in Noxus!"

"According to the analysis of vegetation types, this place should be southward!"

"Very good!"

Swain was originally worried that this monster would appear in Noxus.

after all.

It's just too powerful.

If they really appeared in Noxus, I don't know how many people would die as a result.

Now since this guy is not in Noxus.

Then these worries will no longer exist at all.

Swain excitedly ordered: "Quick, quick, set off as quickly as possible, let the deputy commander of the legion lead the most powerful ace army in Noxus to quickly find the specific location of the Fireless Lizard!"

The order is issued.

The whole army attacked quickly.

As long as I can catch the Immortal Lizard this time.


The Noxus Empire will definitely be able to unify the entire continent of Valoran by relying on the Fireless Lizard.

Somewhere in Runeterra.

Ryze saw the appearance of the fireless lizard.

His expression suddenly became tense.

"It's still in Valoran!"

"Damn it! We must not allow it to act wantonly in Valoran!"

Finish this sentence.

Ryze also started to move.

On the continent of Valoran, everyone was shocked.

"Holy crap! This thing actually appeared in the continent of Valoran. The Fireless Lizard, a thing that even the Foundation can't contain, has now appeared in Shurima.

"It seems that this time... Valoran is doomed!"

"Oh my God! Run quickly! I don't want to die in this place!"

"Retreat... everyone retreats quickly, as far away from the big monster as possible!"

"Help, run away, I don't want to become that monster's food!"

Everyone looked horrified.


They have long been enveloped in fear.


All the residents around that forest quickly fled.

The streets are deserted.

In the light curtain, the land of yellow sand.

Rengar and Kha'Zix arrived at the same time and determined the exact location of the Fireless Lizard.

Seeing his former enemy, Rengar was instantly furious: "Kazik, are you here to die too?"

Khazik smiled slightly and showed an extremely disdainful expression: "A deserted son of the tribe, can he dare to say such arrogant words?"

"The Immortal Lizard is mine!"


Rengar was furious!

Valoran continent.

Everyone couldn't help but stop running when they saw these two guys, and even took the initiative to find the specific location of the immortal evil lizard.

Everyone was stunned.

"Aren't...these two guys afraid of life and death? Those are the fire-infernal lizards!"

"woc! Are there such warriors?"

"Two hunters...hiss~ It's true that the ignorant are not afraid of them!"

"Brothers, do you want to know more about Guazi Beer? There's a good show to watch!"

"Look, that guy has appeared... What is revealed in his eyes is endless contempt!"

"Fuck... Warrior!"

In the light curtain.

Just when Rengar and Kha'Zix were facing each other tit for tat.

A pair of green eyes.

An air of kingly contempt.

…Please give me flowers…

Keep an eye on them.

Rengar instantly pointed the finger at the immortal giant lizard not far away: "Kazik, I arrived first, so this monster must belong to me!"

After Rengar said a word, he hunted in the direction of the immortal evil at an extremely terrifying speed.

When Kha'Zix saw this scene, he immediately said angrily: "Asshole, Rengar, you bastard!"

"Have you forgotten the information in the light curtain? Attacking hastily will only allow it to evolve..."

However, Rengar had already forgotten everything in the information.


He just wanted to hunt the immortal lizard with his own hands.

For a moment.


Gal has already rushed in front of the fire-proof lizard.


He raised his sharp claws.

Swish swish swish~

At a terrifying speed.

He used countless beheadings on the non-fire evil lizard.

A series of bloody wounds.


It appeared on the body of the non-fire evil lizard.


Only a loud noise was heard.

The immortal lizard.

it turns out.

He fell straight into the jungle.

become stiff.


Lost vital characteristics...

The corners of Rengar's mouth raised slightly, showing an extremely disdainful expression: "This thing is much weaker than I thought. This is too..."

Kha'Zix saw Rengar take down the Fireless Lizard so easily.

There was an incredible look in his eyes immediately.

He didn't have time to think too much.

As quickly as possible.


He sprinted in the direction of the non-fire evil lizard.

He had to snatch the body of the Fireless Lizard.

Complete evolution!

Valoran continent.

When everyone saw this scene.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

"This, this, this... is this the immortal evil lizard I know? He was actually killed by a hunter in an instant?"

"Woc! This guy is actually more powerful than the Fireless Lizard!"

"Now...I have actually begun to doubt the authenticity of the foundation's information. From this point of view...this thing is simply weak!"

"Wait a minute... Is there a possibility that the Fireless Lizard is faking his death?"

"Damn it! You fucking woke me up. It was mentioned in the previous execution records that in several execution experiments, the Immortal Evil Lizard deceived the abnormal harvester by feigning death.

The agents of the Foundation, in the end, caused the foundation to suffer heavy losses!"

"Look...that monster looks like?"

In the light curtain.

When Kazik arrived in front of the Fire-Free Lizard.


A pair of huge green eyes suddenly opened.

Looking directly at Kha'Zix and Rengar.

"Damn it! This thing is still alive!"

"Damn it, the Immortal Evil Lizard faked his death. I actually forgot about this..."

Rengar didn't have time to think about it.

He once again held his sharp claws and rushed towards the direction of the Fire-Bull lizard.


Staring at the scary monster.


Driven by the heart.

He actually followed Rengar and launched an attack on the body of the Fireless Lizard.

There was a flutter of grass and trees.

After a while.

The dust slowly dispersed.

A shocking scene appeared.


In that mess, the Fireless Lizard stared at Rengar and Kha'Zix with the contempt of a king.

on his body.

The wound that was injured before was repaired instantly.

See this scene.

Khazik's pupils suddenly shrank: "Asshole, Rengar, you bastard, this monster seems to be immune to claw attacks now!"

"He has successfully completed his evolution!"


Swain stared at the screen closely.

When he saw this scene, his body couldn't help but tremble.

What he didn't expect was.

This guy's evolution speed is so fast.


The immortal evil lizard is completely able to resist the attack of sharp claws.

That is to say.

Those hunters.

At this moment, it no longer poses any threat.

In the light curtain.


The terrifying fire-resistant lizard has a pair of giant green eyes.


Revealed claws.

Jump suddenly.

The agile Rengar was pinned under his claws.


Immediately afterwards.

Sharp fangs.

It penetrated directly into Rengar's neck.

In an instant.

A stream of blood spurted out.

Rengar's legs trembled and he lost all vitality...

Khazik was stunned for a moment.

A breath of horror reaches directly into the sky.

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