Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 58: The Ultimate Evolution Of The Immortal Evil Lizard, Can It Be Immune To Body Snatching?

Aatrox's pupils suddenly shrank.

The non-fire evil lizard roared.

"go to hell!"

Making Aatrox shudder.


The giant claw smashed directly into Aatrox's head.

Smash the whole head to pieces.

On the continent of Valoran.

Everyone was completely shocked when they saw this scene.

"That dark descendant who was infected by the void was just smashed to death?"

"What a terrifying power. Now after several battles, this immortal evil lizard has become even more terrifying!"

"Damn it! Just smashed into meat patties?"

"This guy should be dead this time!"


Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

His brows suddenly tightened.

The moment he saw Aatrox appear, Swain already knew how powerful the power in Aatrox was.

This power comes from the dark descendants.

It can make the entire continent of Valoran fearful.

Yet even so.

Still can't be the opponent of the fire-resistant lizard.


Swain knew it too.

On the continent of Valoran.

There should be no one capable of executing the Fire-Free Lizard.

on the contrary.

The scarier guy initiates a fight with it.

The more it can evolve through constant battles.

Thus becoming more powerful.

so far.

All we have to do is wait for the arrival of the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

At least.

The Anomaly Containment Foundation has never let Swain down.

No matter how powerful the anomaly is.

They always have a way of containing it.

Deep in the forest.

Ryze stared at the scene.

Just now.

He has gone through countless rehearsals in his brain.


They have already thought of their own killer moves.



He was rejected by his own answer.

This giant lizard becomes stronger when it encounters strength.

The more you attack him with terrifying combat power, the stronger this guy will become.

It will evolve to the point where it becomes uncontrollable.


It may reach a point where even the Foundation cannot contain them.

But at this time.

In the light curtain.

The giant sword stuck in the soil.

It started to vibrate slightly.

There was a bloody murderous aura that kept seeping out from the direction of the sword hilt.

Just now.

Aatrox knew that the body he had finally found could no longer escape the giant claws of the Fireless Lizard.

That paw comes down.

It will inevitably smash the entire body into a pile of meat.


In that moment.

Aatrox sealed his willpower back into the greatsword.


Aatrox is that sword.

"It seems it's time to get a new body!"

"The body of the Fireless Lizard!"


Irelia saw everything happening inside the light curtain, and her whole body couldn't stop trembling.


That guy.

He actually poured his willpower into that giant sword.

That is to say.

His original human body was just a medium.

The real Aatrox.

It's that sword.


It's the soul sealed inside!

She looked at all this with an incredulous look.

A non-fire lizard, no matter how horrific the damage it suffers, will be repaired quickly after the body is severely injured.

And complete the evolution.

Thus becoming more powerful.

Another guy.

Even if the body is dead, the will and soul can still be sealed in the giant sword again.

That giant sword.

It is his true nature.


Irelia no longer knows what will happen next.

Deep in the forest.

Ryze watched this scene.

A look of panic burst out in his pupils.

He could already feel how powerful the energy erupted from that giant sword was.

But at this moment.

His whole body was numb.

Damn it.

This guy wasn't killed by the Fire-Bullsaur Lizard?

Instead, he sealed his willpower in the giant sword.

It seems.

He will continue to fight against the immortal evil lizard.

Where did this bastard come from?

Currently, there is only one way to solve the problem of the Fireless Lizard.

That is to wait quietly.

Do not launch any further attacks on Immortality until Foundation agents arrive.

Absolutely not.

Let it continue to evolve.


This damn guy.

But he directly came into conflict with the Buhuo Nie Lizard.


I am afraid.

Even those agents of the Foundation.

There is nothing we can do...

In the light curtain.

Aatrox has completely merged with the greatsword.

There was a violent tremor.

I saw.

The non-fire evil lizard quickly noticed the giant sword next to it.


He raised his claws high.


The direction of the hilt of the huge sword flashing with bloody murderous aura was slapped.


There was a loud noise.

The whole forest was shaken and trembled.

"It's now!"

Aatrox jumped at the chance.

The moment the giant claw of the Immortal Evil Lizard slapped the hilt of the sword, he poured all his willpower and soul into the Immortal Evil Lizard's body.


I want to directly seize the body of the immortal evil lizard.

For your own use.



All of Aatrox's willpower was poured into the body of the Fireless Lizard.

Control was completed instantly.


The body of the Fireless Lizard has been completely controlled by Aatrox.

The body of the immortal evil lizard!

Immortal! Immortal.

Aatrox stared at the body of the immortal evil lizard that had evolved several times.

Very satisfied.

It seems.

This immortal evil lizard is so-called immortal and immortal, and can adapt to all situations.

Just the physical aspect.


With the injection of his own strong willpower.

This monster's body has been completely taken over by himself.


This immortal body.

It belongs to him, Aatrox!


Swain's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Damn it! That guy from Darkin actually injected his willpower into the body of Immortal Niexi!"

"Have you completed complete control of the Fireless Lizard?"

Whether it's information or the picture inside the light curtain just now.

Swain thinks so.

Except for those guys from the Foundation, I'm afraid.

No one can destroy the Immortal Lizard.


That hateful guy just now had smashed the body of the non-fire evil lizard to pieces.


The Immortal Lizard finally recovered and completed its evolution.

Possessing such terrifying recovery and evolutionary abilities.

It is simply impossible to kill the fire-infernal lizard.


What people never expected is.

The immortal evil lizard has now actually had its soul taken away and turned into a body.

Valoran continent.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

"Look...that giant lizard doesn't seem so angry anymore. That bloody red light just now? Could it be the willpower of that giant sword?"

"It's so horrifying! It was actually snatched away directly. The current Immortal Evil Lizard has already been controlled by that giant sword. To be precise, the body of the Immortal Evil Lizard now belongs to that dark descendant! "

"Damn it! A completely unexpected path was actually completed by that guy!"

"But... no matter what method we use, we have finally controlled the Fireless Lizard, otherwise the entire continent of Valoran will be damned!"

In the light curtain.

Just for a moment Aatrox thought he had complete control of the Fireless Lizard.


He felt a stronger consciousness arising.


His own thoughts disappeared instantly.


Aatrox's willpower was forced out of the body of the Immortal Lizard.

Back in the sword again!


"Damn it, you actually want to take away my consciousness!"

An extremely piercing scream instantly echoed through the entire forest.

It makes people uncontrollably frightened.

In the blink of an eye.

The Immortal Lizard completely recovered to its previous state.


Its entire body became stronger.


A pair of hard armor stretched out from the body.

Even his own body has grown several times.

Aatrox back inside the greatsword.

Watch this scene.

I was confused for a moment.

It seems so.

This non-fire evil lizard has even evolved the ability to avoid seizing the body at this moment.

own willpower.

There is absolutely no way to inject it into the body of this fire-proof lizard.

How can this be?

This guy's repair ability has become so powerful.


Aatrox could feel it clearly.

The current immortal evil lizard.

After several evolutions.

He is already hundreds of times stronger than when he first started fighting.


All of Valoran, I'm afraid.

Even the void.

There is no way to destroy this terrifying lizard.


The next second.

After the immortal lizard completed its evolution.

He raised his two extremely hard giant claws.

He fiercely pounced in the direction of the giant sword.


There was another loud sound.

The whole forest was shaken and trembled slightly.

But this time.

That giant sword.

Accompanied by a burst of painful screams.

It was directly smashed to pieces.


Killed in action!

In the Valoran continent, everyone's eyes were shaken.

"Is this...evolving the ability to avoid seizing one's body?"

"Now the Fireless Lizard has truly become an immortal existence. At least in Valoran, no one can defeat it..."

"Damn it...these guys are here

Where did it come from? I originally expected them to be able to execute the non-fire evil lizard, but now... they have completely turned the non-fire evil lizard into an even more terrifying monster.

Mom is going to die!"

"Woc, run quickly, the entire continent of Valoran will be turned into a purgatory by this terrifying lizard!"


Ryze, deep in the forest, watched this scene.

His body couldn't stop shaking.

In the eyes.

Revealing an extreme sense of fear.


This thing can not only complete physical evolution.


Can directly evolve the ability to avoid taking away the body.

To know.

This immortal evil lizard is now hundreds, even thousands of times more powerful than when it first came out.

At least.

Ryze knew it very well.

Even if you try your best (Okay).

It is absolutely impossible to execute it.

This thing....

Isn't there an upper limit?

Even now.

Ryze already felt hopeless.

As the patron saint of Valoran.

Ryze at this moment.

Just feel it.

The terrifying aura exuded from the body of the non-fire evil lizard.

as well as.

A sickening roar.


Prince Jiawen IV looked at this scene and was greatly touched.

In the pupils.

An extremely incredible expression broke out.

Sense of fear.

It has already invaded the whole body.

The current non-fire evil lizard is simply too terrifying.

No matter what, he is dead.


Can't even fight.

Just fight it.

This fire-proof lizard will become even more powerful.

Complete evolution continuously during the battle.

The non-fire evil lizard in this state.

Who can stop it?

I am afraid.

Now even the Anomaly Containment Foundation is here.

Be desperate too.

Laxana threw herself into her brother Galen's arms in fear.

I couldn't help but started sobbing.

turn out to be.

The abnormal containment objects I fought against inside the light curtain before were just child's play.


This is an immortal lizard.

This is the most desperate anomaly Lux has ever seen.

The entire continent of Valoran.

In everyone's heart.

They all showed signs of despair.

But at this moment.

In the light curtain.

A well-equipped legion.

Driving slowly from the far side of the forest.

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