Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 76: Swain: Quick, Create Me An Invincible Army!

Swain just stared at the little girl in front of him.

Then he added again: "Remember, it must be an invincible army, an army that can help me rule the entire Valoran!"


Everyone heard Swain’s instruction.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Especially Darius.

Knew it.

Far-sighted leadership.

This ability of foresight and foresight is extraordinary.

it turns out.

I have thought of using this anomaly to directly create an invincible army.

If only it were completed.


All of Valoran.

It’s about to be unified!


However, when everyone saw this scene.

Valoran was instantly fried.

"Damn... Swain really deserves to be damned. He actually wants Zhao Zena to create an invincible army for him?"

"This guy... directly regards Zhao Zena as a wishing star?"

"No...we must not let Swain succeed. Once he succeeds, everything will be fucking over!"

"However... it is simply impossible to ask Zhao Zena to create an army. Even though she does have many weird things, this task... is absolutely impossible to complete!"

But at this moment.

What happens in the light curtain.

But it made everyone dumbfounded.

I saw.

The expression on the little girl's face looked particularly timid.

Immediately afterwards.

She seemed completely unable to refuse this order.


Zhao Zena actually looked at the mud bricks on the ground.

Immediately afterwards.

"Six three zero" at a lightning speed.

All the bricks and fillings in the entire hall were excavated.

There was an anxious look on his face.

Then he grabbed the mud and bricks with his hands and sat up directly on the main hall.

A few minutes later.

She actually used her hands to create a sculpture that looked like a soldier!


This soldier was also equipped with the sharpest shield and the most powerful weapon.

When everyone saw this scene.

They were all stunned.

An extremely incredible expression broke out in his pupils.

Zhao Zena, are you planning to use this soil to create an army?


Even "not good enough" really succeeds.


How could an army made of clay fulfill the invincible order that Swain had just given?

The soldiers next to him only thought it was a little ridiculous.


The order was executed.

But it was not fully implemented.

in other words.

It's just a flower stand.

But at this moment.

Swain watched all this closely.

He found that Zhao Zena looked completely skilled to the extreme.

It's different from other people's expressions.

The expression on Swain's face was more of expectation than shock.

after all.

The soldiers pinched out of this little girl's hands all look vivid.

Especially the weapons and shields in the hands of these sculptural soldiers.

It seems.

The war-ready resources of Noxus' most elite military.

All must be strong!

Swain thinks.

These soldiers pinched from the little girl's hands are definitely not just sculptures.

if not.

This anomaly is really too common.

It is impossible to be ranked ninth among the foundation's special anomaly containment objects.


Rows of lifelike soldiers stood in the hall.

It seems.

Extremely brave.

The only drawback.

It just won't move.

When everyone in Valoran saw this scene, they couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Swain really made me laugh to death. How about it? Failed, right?"

"Yes, Zhao Zena did carry out this order, but she did not carry it out completely. These are just some sculptures, so how can they be invincible?"

"Yes, it seems that this anomaly is nothing more than that!"

"But... Zhao Zena is really, so cute~"

On the outskirts of Noxus City.

At this moment, Ryze has just settled down.


He was already sweating profusely.

Because the light curtain was broadcasting what was going on in Noxus City.

Swain actually let "not good enough" create an invincible army for him.

If "not good enough" is really created.

Is that okay?

The entire continent of Valoran will fall into an extremely terrifying crisis in an instant.

No one is immune.

Especially when Ruiz saw Zhao Zena following the instructions and directly started to make those soldiers out of clay.

Ryze's eyes almost fell out of horror.


After seeing that the soldiers that were created were completely sculptures.

Ryze let out a long sigh of relief.


Karma sees this.

The suffocating atmosphere of tension and fear just now slowly dissipated.

"Fortunately, Zhao Zena just made a batch of statues, otherwise... Swain, the old fox, will start another expedition next!"

Irelia nodded slightly.

"Perhaps the "not good enough" characteristics happen to be the most beneficial to us in Ionia!"

"At won't hurt Ionia~"

As for the other Ionians.

He had already been shocked into a cold sweat.

Until I saw this scene.

Only then did he relax a little.

But then.

The picture presented in the light curtain.

But it directly caused the entire continent of Valoran to panic instantly.


Swain stared at the group of statues on the hall.

There was a wonderful look on his face.

"According to Zhao Zena's characteristics, she will execute all instructions, but she will not be able to run them perfectly~"

"That is to say..."

Although the current batch of statue armies created by Zhao Zena.

It looks lifelike.


It will inevitably fail in the end.

Even like now.

Directly framed.

Became a bunch of statues.


After a brief period of contemplation, Swain's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is an anomalous containment object.

The so-called inability to finally complete.

That is equivalent to saying.

If Zhao Zena is asked to carry out the instructions, this girl will definitely try her best to be extremely close to success.

But when success is about to happen.

It will just become a failure.

For example.

Little girl reading words from the Bible.

Able to read the entire paragraph in front of it very smoothly.

Not even picky.

It's just when it's about to end.

Then something went wrong.

That is to say...

As long as he makes enough demands on Zhao Zena.


This so-called impossible task will be extremely close to success.

Think of this.

Swain no longer hesitated, and then continued: "The troops I want are not just invincible in terms of defense, I need them to be able to operate!"

"For example, you can hold the weapon in your hand, rush towards the enemy, and kill every enemy without leaving a trace behind!"


Swain put all the conditions on what he had just thought about.

They were all brought up at once.

At this moment, Zhao Zena heard these requests.

The expression on his face was one of anxiety.

Then he couldn't help but nodded.

When I saw this scene.

Even Catalina next to her was completely stunned.

The leader is this?

Do you really just regard Zhao Zena as a wishing star?

I want these sculptures to move.

How is this possible?

Even if Zhao Zena has extraordinary abilities, she can only turn these bricks and clay kings into statues.

This is outrageous enough.

If these statues really move.


Think of this.

Catalina couldn't help but tremble all over.


The woman recalled a bad memory.

That is 173-Little Peanut.

That thing is also a statue.


Without being watched by anyone.

This thing can move instantly.

Break someone's neck.

Complete the flash sale.


That sculpture is an anomaly.

But these sculpted soldiers in front of us are lifelike no matter how lifelike they are.

They are just ordinary clay sculptures.

Valoran continent instantly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. What does this guy think? It would be nice to make him some sculptures of soldiers, but he actually wants these sculptures to come alive? Help him fight the war?"

"As expected, he is the far-sighted commander of Noxus. This... seems to be a bit inconsistent with his IQ!"

"It made me laugh so hard~"

"Zhao Zena, please show up at my house, I only want it once..."

"Bah! You...can do this?"

But just when everyone thought it was impossible...

In the light curtain.

A shocking and horrifying scene.


I saw.

Zhao Zena walked towards the sculptures.


The moment I passed by those sculptures.

Those soldier sculptures actually started to move...


See this scene.

Swain looked extremely excited.

His voice was almost a roar.

The other Noxians in the palace saw that the statues started to move.

The look in their eyes.

He looked extremely shocked and frightened.

"Holy shit, she actually succeeded? She actually made these statues come alive. How did she do it?"



"Long live the Noxian Empire!"


Countless people screamed.

There was a very excited voice on his face.

That moment.

Catalina next to her opened her eyes wide.


My eyes almost fell out.

How is this possible?

No one knows at all

How did Zhao Zena do it?


Those lifelike statues.

It was really only after Zhao Zena received the order.

The moment Zhao Zena passed by those statues, the sculptures started to move like soldiers.

This army.

Looks extremely heroic.

Whether it's the weapon in hand or the person's posture.

They are definitely more powerful than the current most powerful ace army in Noxus.

No one knows.

In the end what happened?

At this time, Swain was almost crazy.

Roaring, he ran towards the group of soldiers who started to move.

He wanted to study it carefully.

How powerful are these sculptured soldiers who suddenly came to life?

See this scene.

The entire Valoran exploded instantly.

Countless sounds of panic and shock intertwined with each other.

"Holy shit! This is so fucking amazing, isn't it? How on earth did Zhao Zeena accomplish all this?"

"Hiss~ Those soldiers fabricated from sculptures actually started to move at this time. Are they really that cool?"

"It's really a treasure anomaly, this time Noxus..."

"Oh my god, now I believe that there is nothing that Zhao Zena will not do. If Zhao Zena is directly asked to fight other anomalies, even the Unfire Evil Lizard

, and she won’t refuse~”

0.5 "It's moving, it's really starting to move!"


Karma stared at the light curtain with an extremely frightened expression on his face.

She originally thought that after Zhao Zena made these statues.

Those statues.

It's just a pile of rocks.


What people never expected is.

After Swain gave Zhao Zena another order.

Those statues miraculously came to life.

And it looks from a distance.

An invincible army indeed.

Whether it's from the equipment or the size of those soldiers.

They are absolutely one against a hundred.

Irelia took a long breath of cold air.

Then an order was immediately issued: "Quick, send the most elite soldiers immediately to reinforce all city defenses!"


I was really scared at this time.

after all.

Swain's arm.

It was cut off by myself.


This terrible guy has an invincible army.

Then Swain's spearhead.

Most likely directed at Ionia.

All of Ionia.

He fell into panic for a moment.

However, in the light curtain.

The scene that happened next shocked everyone.

Even Swain.

I was also immediately dumbfounded.


Zhao Zena stared at the moving sculptures in front of her, with an extremely anxious look on her face.

The next second.

Sculptures with super fighting power.

it turns out.

Hold the weapon in your hand.

Toward the other statues that began to move around him.

Smashed it down hard....

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