Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 81: She Only Needs One Thought To Completely Erase It?

Ryze's eyes looked extremely frightened.

Analyze based on the information in the data.

The ability of the devil girl to distort reality is tens of thousands of times more powerful than the previous "not good enough".

after all.

To trigger abnormal characteristics that are "not good enough", you must issue instructions.


This one doesn't need so many complicated things.

As long as she wants it, she can do it.

Even just a small thought.

Just made a D-class personnel disappear instantly.

This is indeed a bit outrageous.

Originally, Ryze didn't know why this abnormal containment object was somewhat difficult to contain in the eyes of the Foundation.

But now.

When this piece of information is displayed.

He finally knew how terrifying this anomaly was.


Ruiz had a bad idea in his mind.

What if the demon child appeared in Valoran again this time?

Just in case the little devil girl gets an idea.

Wanting to destroy all of Valoran instantly.


Will the entire Valoran collapse in an instant?

Will the entire Valoran be wiped out just like this?

When I think of this.

The look of horror on Ryze's face became even more intense.

"This is too outrageous!"

Something that even the Anomaly Containment Foundation finds impossible to contain.

It's really going to appear in Valoran.

Wouldn't that be...


After Swain saw this test record.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

His eyes were full of fear.

"Such anomalies have even surpassed any anomalies previously counted, but now she is only ranked eighth."

When I think of this.

Swain couldn't help but tremble slightly.

A force of fear.

Spread throughout the body instantly.


Even the immortal evil lizard wants to kill an enemy.

Then you have to take action.

But this little devil girl.

All it takes is a small thought.

Can the other party be completely wiped out directly?

What the fuck!

Is it really an anomaly that should exist in this world?

But at this time.

The data in the light curtain has been replaced and updated again.

[As a way to control the subject's abilities, Demon Gen has been told that she is a witch! ]

[In addition to making the devil girl feel better, this also makes the devil girl believe that she must recite a spell before using her abilities. This spell is provided by the foundation and has been approved in advance. ]


After this piece of information emerged.

The look on Karma's face.

Seems extremely weird.

According to the understanding in Zidou.

In order to prevent the little devil girl from becoming even more terrifying.


A restriction was directly placed on the little devil girl.


Such restrictions are actually fabricated by the foundation at will.

Even without the spell.

The devil girl can still erase the opponent with just a thought.

Although Kalma felt that the foundation's methods were a bit too disgraceful.


so far.

It is estimated that this method is the only useful method that the foundation can use to restrain the demon child.


But at this time.

Within the light curtain.

A new piece of text quickly emerged.

[Event: Abnormal Contained Object-239-B! ]



All the investigation teams responsible for investigating the information immediately focused their attention on this line of civil servants.

Swain looked attentive.

he knows.

As long as it is an incident introduced by the foundation when taking inventory of information.

Then it must be closely related to the anomaly being inventoried.


He didn't want to miss any details about this incident.

Swain's eyes were focused and he said in a commanding tone: "Okay, record everything in this incident in detail for me, without any mistakes!"


Just at this time.

In the light curtain.

A new piece of information appeared.

[Incident Summary: (DATA EXPUNGED) Doctor: Due to the abnormal effect of Abnormal Containment Object-239, my suggestion is to use Abnormal Containment Object-148 to make a piercing instrument. Such a piercing instrument can pierce Abnormal Containment Object-239. Skin that would otherwise be impenetrable. ]

[Due to the danger of Anomalous Containment Object-239 waking up and resisting execution, my suggestion is that the selected executioner also carries Anomalous Containment Object-668 to minimize concurrency. ]

After seeing this information.

The Noxian investigation team immediately began analysis.

"What? Two new abnormal containment objects have appeared. There are really more and more anomalies in this foundation!"

"However, from the analysis of the data, it seems that Abnormal Containment Object-148 is a material anomaly, just like the occupying mask that has appeared before."

"Abnormal Contained Item-148 can be made into a sharp weapon that can cause harm to young devil girls!"

"What is this anomaly containment object-668? Why do you need to carry this anomaly while executing it?"

Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

The brain is spinning rapidly.


He seemed to have figured out something.

So he murmured in a low voice: "Abnormal Containment Object-668 is carried at the same time during execution, which can reduce concurrency."

"Is there a possibility? This thing has the ability to resist reality distortion?"

Think of this.

Swain's eyes flashed with sparkle.

But at this time.

The data in the light curtain was updated again.

[But one of the dangers of this measure is that the devil girl may wake up and think that the executor is a friend or a "good person" at this time, and feels that the other party does not have any hostility towards her, and then forcibly changes reality. ]

After seeing this information.

The entire continent of Valoran.

There was a moment of shock and panic.

"Are you sure this is just an anomaly? I even think it's impossible for this guy to exist. This is really outrageous~"

"I don't want you to think, I just want what I think? Devil child, is it really that exaggerated?"

"Even when the devil girl is assassinated, as long as the devil girl wakes up and thinks that the other person is a good person, the reality will directly change?"

"Damn it, the anomalies in this foundation are getting more and more incomprehensible and getting weirder~"

Somewhere in Runeterra.

Ryze watched all this in horror.


When Ryze saw the previous information about the devil girl, he already felt that it was outrageous.

But I didn't expect it.

This piece of information comes out.

That was what really shocked and frightened him.

What kind of ability is this?

As long as it's what she thinks.

Reality will then change.

This is simply off the mark.

Ryze felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet to the sky.


Once again, he cast his trembling eyes on the light screen.

[For this reason, I personally volunteered for this mission. ]

[A review of my profile should make it clear that my (data expungement) will allow me to continue this operation after a reality shift occurs. ]

After seeing this material.

All of Valoran.

Everyone lost their composure instantly.

"Damn it, this is not an ordinary doctor, is he? Why does this guy look like an abnormality?"

"No way, does Bo Shi have such a powerful ability? Can he resist reality distortion?"

"Ugh, it reminded me of a scene that I couldn't watch directly. Before, the appearance of that scene made me feel a little nauseous.

"The whole world will be turned upside down, and even the internal organs of the human body will be turned over. Will this doctor not be affected?"

"This autobiography about this Doctor Who seems too outrageous..."



Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

His body couldn't help but tremble.

Could it be that?

Is this Doctor also a powerful reality warper?

if not.

How could he resist the impact of reality distortion?

Think of this.

Swain is becoming more and more curious about this fund.

But this time.

The data in the light curtain was refreshed again.

[Unfortunately, however, Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED) made a huge mistake. He did not send his advice over an encrypted channel, but sent it directly. ]

[As a result, information about his action plan was received by several Site-(Data Deletion) staff. ]

[Due to the reality-bending abilities of Anomalous Containment 239, which was considered a friend by those on the site, several staff members took action to prevent Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED) from carrying out his proposed plan of action: especially Dr. KOndraki. ]

See here.

Everyone began to speculate quickly.

"What? Why has a new doctor appeared? What is the connection between this new doctor and this mysterious doctor?"

"Do you still remember the four doctors of Apocalypse mentioned before? Is there a possibility that these two doctors are one of the four doctors of Apocalypse?"

"Dr. Bright? When I mention that funny guy, I can't help but tremble all over."

"The content shown in this piece of information is getting more and more outrageous..."

Just when everyone is confused.

Within the light curtain.

The words slowly disappeared.

In its place is a set of images.

inside the screen.

There was a little girl who looked extremely beautiful.

In her hands she held a dead bird.

His expression looked a little sad.

as if.

The dead bird had a certain relationship with the little girl.

Or in other words.

This little bird should have been the little girl's friend when she was alive.

The little girl put the bird she was holding in her hands close to her forehead, and then began to pray: "He will definitely not die, Kati will definitely be alive, he will definitely be alive..."

And then at that moment the little girl prayed.

A magical scene happened.

The bird's limbs were already stiff.

But he came alive in an instant.

Thump thump.

Fly into the sky.

Then he flapped his wings around the little girl.

See this scene.

The little girl's face immediately showed a particularly joyful smile.

"I knew that Kati would not die, you must live..."

But just after the little girl said this.


Her body suddenly froze.

There was a look of extreme fear on his face.

As if inside the mind.

I remembered an extremely strange thing.

His whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Saw this happen.

The continent of Valoran instantly started a heated discussion.

"If my guess is correct, the little girl in the picture must be a demon child, because just now, she resurrected the ten-song bird with just one thought!"

"Yes, but why did the little bird suddenly become so scared after resurrecting it in the demon weasel?"

"Is there a possibility in 2.2? Is it the restriction imposed by the Foundation on devil girls mentioned before?"

"You are such a fucking genius. There is indeed some truth in what you say."

But at this moment.

The scene in the light curtain still continues.

The little girl began to whisper to herself: "They said that I cannot abuse my abilities, otherwise the great wizard will kill me!"

When I think of this.

The expression on the little girl's face became even more frightened.


His body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Then the scene changed to an empty room.

Inside the room.

There is a strange figure.

There was a hat on his head, and a smile appeared on his face the moment he turned his head.

at this time.

This guy is having a conversation with someone.

inside the screen.

Can't see his face clearly.

But when the shadow turned around, it could be clearly seen that this guy actually had three eyes.

And the colors of these three eyes are different.

respectively green.


Also hazel.

It was at this time.

An extremely bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on the face of this strange figure.

"The devil girl must die~"

Immediately afterwards.

He quickly sent an email to the foundation.

When I saw this scene.

The entire continent of Valoran.

There was silence for a moment.

on everyone's face.

They all showed an expression of disbelief.

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