Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 86: The Giant Dragon Condensed From Black Light Was Imagined By An Eight-Year-Old Child?

"Super protocol wizard? Is this the foundation's method of deceiving the devil girl as mentioned in the previous information? This super protocol wizard is..."

"Emergency spell book? What is it again?"

"It seems that if you follow what the doctor said, then... the devil girl is really easy to deceive!"

"Oh, if you were also an eight-year-old child, wouldn't you be able to trick me with just a piece of candy?"

In the light curtain.

After hearing this passage.

The voice in the darkness paused for a moment.


Then he continued: "What on earth are you telling me?"

"Doctor (DATA EXPUNGED) has been attacked by the Ultra Dark, which has taken over Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED), and there are very few witches and men left who still retain their magic.

When it comes to this.

Dr. Gears still looked expressionless.


He even said calmly: "Let's put it this way, I am a super protocol wizard. Now, I stand with the swordsman Kondraki. However, the reason why we appear together has only one ultimate purpose, that is, to come together. To subdue Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED) and exorcise the evil within him."

"And I now fully believe that as long as we work together, the devil girl and I can use the emergency spell book, but this book can only be used when the ultimate darkness is shrouded

Used by two wizards simultaneously. "


When the investigation team responsible for the investigation heard this.

Everyone looked at each other.

He showed a particularly dull look.


The dull "587" look on his face was replaced by surprise.


Now they are discussing all this.

Is this the method used by the Foundation to deceive the little devil girl?


These so-called methods seem to be

That's too childish.


It can only deceive a three-year-old child.

A few guys couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, can you make up such a childish story? Are you sure this can really deceive a little devil girl?"

"She is an anomaly whose wishes come true. Can such a thing deceive her?"

"Wait, but if you think about it carefully, the devil girl is indeed a child."

However, in the light curtain.

The strange sound in the darkness stopped for a while.


Then he slowly spoke again: "Is this the lie you made up? Did you just make her believe it?"

Dr. Gears still looked expressionless: "Didn't you see just now? She has learned how to fire missiles, and isn't she just an eight-year-old child?"

"For an eight-year-old child, I don't think it needs to be too profound at all. Perhaps such a story would be easier for her to accept.

The voice in the darkness rang again: "I think... you are really crazy, she is not just an eight-year-old girl.

But at this time.

Dr. Gears stood up directly and walked out.

Then he said: "Okay, I think it's time to leave this place now. I have to do something more important~"

"I guess Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED) has been waiting for a long time. It's time for me and the witch to drive out the darkness in Dr. (DATA EXPUNGED)'s body.


The appearance of this scene instantly caused the entire Valoran to explode.

"I didn't expect that the devil girl could be deceived so easily. Although the devil girl has powerful powers, this is really too naive."

"Calling her naive? I would rather call her innocent!"

"To be honest, I'm a little envious of the little devil girl. At least, whatever she wants to do, she only needs a slight thought, such a small thought to complete it. "But I... can't do it no matter what."

"You call this innocence? Aren't you afraid that she will treat you to fire missiles?"

But this time.

In the light curtain.

A new picture appeared.

The girl in a witch costume slowly raised her right hand.


A bolt of lightning suddenly burst out from his right hand.


The three-eyed doctor opposite her raised the sharp blade in his hand high.

His eyes looked unusually firm.


There was the sound of a shock wave hitting metal.

Just listen to a clang.

The indestructible sword in Doctor Who's hand.

It breaks directly.

Doctor Who's pupils revealed a look of extreme surprise.

"How is that possible? Damn it!"

This is the sharpest blade made of anomalies.

But now.

But he was directly destroyed by the other party?

See the blade in your hand being destroyed.

The three-eyed Doctor Who turned around and wanted to escape from this place immediately.

But this time.

The Dr. Gears who just appeared "appeared behind the little girl in witch clothes.

Dr. Gears' expression was expressionless.

He pointed the wizard's stick in his hand in the direction of Doctor Who.

Whispering: "I will drive out the evil in you!"

See this scene.

The little devil girl immediately began to follow suit.

"I will remove the evil from you!"


An extremely horrifying scene happened.

I saw.

That mysterious three-eyed doctor.

His entire face became ferocious.

It was as if at that moment, all the facial muscles were twisted into a ball.

An extremely painful roar came from him.


The mysterious three-eyed doctor even curled up together.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

His pupils were wide open.

Dr. Gears' face was expressionless.

But at this moment.

But he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of surprise in his heart.

This is really terrible.

A little thought from the little devil girl.

That's it.

However, at this time, the little devil girl showed a particularly confident look on her face.

as if.

Everything she had just thought in her mind, and everything she has achieved now.

They are all trying to save the mysterious three-eyed doctor.

To drive out the demon in that doctor.

The devil girl had an unusually determined expression on her face, then turned to face the doctor behind her and said firmly: "Gears Super Protocol Wizard, I just expelled the evil from that guy, we We can definitely defeat this so-called evil!"

I heard what the young devil girl said to me.

Gears deliberately tried to appear calm.


An expressionless look.


The occurrence of this scene instantly caused everyone in the entire Valoran continent to show an extremely strange expression.

"This... the devil girl seems to think that all the "witchcraft" she has performed comes from the instructions given by that doctor?"

"What a pitiful little devil girl. She was deceived into being like this at such a young age..."

"I guess even that doctor couldn't imagine that the supernatural powers that the devil girl can unleash can be so terrifying!"

"Sure enough, this guy's wishes come true!"

However, in the light curtain at this moment.

The group of black light that had just huddled together quickly filled the air, and then condensed into a group again.

Immediately afterwards.

The black light directly transformed into the appearance of a giant dragon.


A terrifying roar sounded.

The giant dragon condensed from black light suddenly soared towards the passage.

However, it was at this time.

All the abnormal containment objects that appeared before suddenly appeared.

They seemed to be going crazy.

Started to launch an attack in the direction of the giant dragon condensed by black light.


throughout the channel.

There was a commotion.

However, at this time, Dr. Gears immediately took the devil girl's hand and quickly left this damn place.

"What? What happened? Damn it, you damn old guy, what did you say to her?"

That's when all this happened.

Dr. Kondraki also woke up instantly.

He looked at the mysterious three-eyed doctor lying unconscious next to him.

at last.

Still without hesitation, he directly carried Dr. Three Eyes on his back.

Quickly left the passage.

But at this moment.

The giant dragon behind him is still roaring...

He pounced in the direction of those abnormal containment objects.

All these things.

A fierce battle broke out in an instant.

The deafening sound made everyone's bodies tremble uncontrollably.

The dragon roared.

He said to those people who were extremely angry: "You damn things, I want to see what you can do?"

"Let you try the real power of fire missiles!"

I only saw it after finishing one sentence.

There was lightning and thunder in the entire passage.


Countless rocket-like objects were launched in unusual directions.

The moment you encounter those abnormalities.

It just exploded.


Swain stared closely at the light curtain, his brows suddenly tightened.

That giant dragon condensed from black light.

It was the imagination of the little devil girl.

It was just a small thought of this little girl, which directly changed the reality.

Turn a black mist into a fierce fighting dragon.

even though.

At present, it seems that the combat effectiveness of this giant dragon is far inferior to the anomaly that appeared before - the immortal evil lizard.


This is simply due to the current cognitive limitations of the devil girl.

Speak the truth.

Swain couldn't even imagine it.

Wait one day.

The devil girl's thoughts are becoming more and more mature, and her thoughts are becoming more and more terrifying.

So next.

The combat power she could imagine was probably more than just such a giant dragon.

Such a reality bender.


It is an invincible existence.

But at this time.

The entire continent of Valoran was instantly shocked.

"Damn it! Is that giant dragon a figment of the devil's imagination? It's true that all her wishes have come true!"

"At present, it seems that the devil girl's thoughts are still too naive. What if the day comes when she is completely out of control? Wouldn't it be possible to directly destroy a world with one move?"

"Oh my god, this reality warper's ability is really too strong."

But this time.

In the light curtain.

The three doctors had already quickly left this place with the little devil girl.

Found a safe place to hide.

Being dragged by two big men for such a long time.

The little devil girl's physical strength was obviously somewhat exhausted.

Breathing heavily.

But at this time.

Dr. Gears pulled out a spell book.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he started communicating with the little devil girl directly.

"This magic book records most of the magical abilities. As long as you learn the spells in it, you can master 4.1..."

Hear this sentence.

The expression on the face of the little devil girl was obviously a little excited.


She quickly opened the spell book.

Immediately afterwards.

Pointing to one of the spells, he said: "Super Protocol Witch, I have learned this spell now, but it is a pity that the magic props used in this spell

I don't have it yet. "summer

Dr. Gears nodded slightly.

Then he said to the little devil: "Yes, if you want to use this spell and show the corresponding magic, you will definitely need the magic props mentioned in it.

"But...I know exactly where these magic props are, look in that direction..."


The doctor pointed in the not far direction.


I saw a small locked room in the distance.

The little devil girl showed a particularly excited expression on her face.

Then he stood up directly.

Jumping and jumping.

Run towards the locked room.

But at this time.

Gears took advantage of the little devil girl not paying attention.

He took out a needle directly.

Then he pierced the needle towards the neck of the devil girl.

For a moment.

The little devil girl closed her eyes without knowing it.

Then he fell asleep.

However, almost the moment the little devil girl fell asleep.

far away.

That giant dragon condensed from black light.

It also disappeared in an instant.

as if.

It's like nothing ever happened.

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