in the screen.

Darius, a well-equipped army, felt as if it had been beaten to blood the moment it entered the Freljord.

There was a bloody murderous look in the eyes of all the soldiers.

He suddenly ran towards this piece of land.

But at this moment.

The tribe not far away did not take these dangers seriously.

Darius's army was getting closer.

The whole ground was shaken deafeningly.

The scout of that tribe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a look of horror on his face.

Looking at the strange army approaching not far away.

A sense of tension that I have never felt before.

It struck instantly.

"Damn it, these Noxians, as if they were on steroids, are so ferocious at this moment, and they are many times faster than they were before in the frozen land!"

The warriors guarding the tribe held the weapons in their hands tightly.

Staring at the approaching army in the distance.

"Brothers, the leader asked us to intercept their advance and prepare to take action!"

"There are so many of them that it seems difficult to deal with them, and they are moving so fast..."

A tribal chief next to him burst out laughing.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

"Hehehe, no matter how powerful these guys from Noxus are, as long as they are in Freljord, they are just a bunch of ants!"

A single word can pacify thousands of troops.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone nodded quickly.


This group of tribal guys, after eliminating the last trace of uneasiness in their hearts.

That tribal officer.

Lift the long knife in your hand.

Point straight ahead.

At the same time, he gave the order: "Come on me!"

"Warriors of the Beast Clan!"

"This is our territory. We have Innate's combat advantage. Go ahead!"

A loud voice fell.


Holding the scimitar in his hand at an extremely fast speed.

He rushed towards the army that was getting closer and closer in the distance.

Even though there are not many of them, 12 is not a lot.


As the resident tribe of the Freljord.

He has already developed a strong cold-resistant physique in this world of ice and snow.

and a powerful and habitual way of fighting.

So even though there are only less than a thousand people.

But at this moment.

This tribe's army burst out with a killing sound like jackals, tigers and leopards.

Frozen the entire land.

Trembling with shock.


When Darius saw that tribe, he actually dared to charge in his direction.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He showed a look of disdain.

Darius swung the giant ax in his hand.

There was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.


The body trembles!

He was about to strike in the direction of those ungrateful guys.

But at this moment.

The commander of this army quickly stood in front of Laius.

stopped his actions.

Then he said to Darius in an extremely pious and respectful tone: "Commander! Times have changed!"

"Leave it to us!"


Before Darius could react.

The commander pressed down one of his hands fiercely.


The entire army quickly lined up.

A combat formation of three rows at the front and back was set up.

The first row was a shield array, squatting directly on the ground, holding the shield tightly with both hands.

There is a buckle between the shield and the shield.


All the shields seem to be inlaid together.

formed as a whole.

The second row is the spear array!

They hid behind the shield soldiers, pushed their spears out along the gaps between the shields, and pointed straight ahead.

The soldier in the last row holds a submachine gun in his hand.

Stand in the last row.

Stick the submachine gun on the shoulder of the soldier in the front row.

Stand ready!

"Report to the commander that the opponent has entered the striking range!"


The commander nodded slightly.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and ordered again: "Machine gun team prepare!"

Behind him, more than a thousand soldiers armed with submachine guns were all ready.

Holding the submachine gun tightly in his hand.

Load up!

The index finger held the trigger tightly.


All the soldiers were uniform.

After hearing this batch of orders.

There was an extremely determined look in his eyes.

It's like they have the same control system.

Almost at the same time.

There was a flash of fire from all the muzzles of the guns.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

A burst of fire flashed from the muzzle.

Countless bullets were fired in the direction of the tribe not far away who was holding a big knife and rushing toward them.

Densely packed.

Extremely fast.

"That is?...."

"Oops, ah!"

"My arm, my arm was hit by someone else!"

He didn't even wait for the tribe soldiers to react.

Countless bullets had directly penetrated their chests and bodies.

In an instant.

There were countless painful screams and roars from that tribe.

Weapons in the hands of these guys.

The range is so fast.

Moreover, the bullets they fired seemed to be indiscriminate strikes.

No matter how hard the armor is worn by these guys in this tribe.

They were all shot through by those bullets without any surprise.


Those tribal warriors who originally possessed endless murderous intent.

It fell down with a crash.

Blood flowed out instantly.

Along those ice cubes, it spread quickly.


Frozen land.

It was dyed blood red.

"Keep shooting!"

Another burst of orders was issued.

Before those tribal warriors could react.

A new round of attacks was launched again.

Countless bullets launched a fierce attack in the direction of the tribe's advance troops.

Densely packed.

It only took a few dozen minutes.

Just beat the opponent's tribal team with super strong combat power to pieces.

A team of nearly a thousand people.

In an instant, there were only a few hundred people left.


All turned into corpses!

When the chief of the tribe saw this scene, his eyes couldn't stop trembling.


His whole body was invaded by a terrifying aura.

" is this possible? How could the combat effectiveness of this group of Noxian soldiers become so powerful?"

"In an instant, so many of my elite troops died, and... we are far away from them. How did they do it?"

Those tribal soldiers who haven't rushed over yet.

I just feel like there was some luck.

They have no idea how the Noxians became so powerful in the Frozen Land?

A sense of fear.

It invaded the whole body in an instant.

In addition to being frightened.

The only thing they could think of was running away.

after all.

There was nothing they could do at this moment.

The fear of death seemed to be waiting for them ahead.

As soldiers of the Freljord tribe, they are not afraid of death at all.


This kind of inexplicable death.

But it gave them an extremely powerful sense of horror.

Darius waved the giant ax in his hand and stood next to the commander.

His eyes looked a little dull.

Then came a burst of excitement.

What he didn't expect was that the combat effectiveness of this group of soldiers was so terrifying.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes.

Calculated based on the current battle loss ratio.

Completely above 0:800.

This terrifying battle loss ratio!

Even when Noxus was at its most powerful, it had never reached that level.

Darius was so excited that he almost jumped up.

This army.

It belongs to him, Darius!

Valoran continent.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

An aura of panic spread throughout his body.

"Damn it! Is this army so powerful in combat? With such sophisticated equipment, it can directly wipe out the opponent's thousands of people into hundreds of people in an instant?"

"This is too terrifying. In a short period of time, it caused so much damage to the opponent!"

"Oh my god, it is indeed an invincible army~"

"Oh, in my opinion, it's nothing more than that. The opponents are just reckless men with big swords. If they encounter a magician, this army will be ineffective in an instant!"

"Yes, the submachine guns in their hands do look very powerful, but if they encounter a powerful magician, wouldn't they turn into fire sticks?"

But on the other side.

Freljord. Winter's Claw Tribe.

Sejuani could not help but tremble: "This tribe belongs to the southernmost tribe of Freljord. Although it is not as strong as the three major tribes, its strength should not be that high!"

She couldn't help but take a long breath.

I just felt my scalp numb.

Because of the battle just now.

It's really too tragic.

To be precise.

It was simply a one-sided crushing.

Those members of the beast tribe have the strongest physiques.

And a familiar combat method that is extremely terrifying in this frozen land.

Even looking at the entire Freljord.

That is also an extremely powerful existence.

But I didn't expect it.

It was only at this moment that Darius led this army to Freljord.

This gave the advance troops of this tribe a show of strength.

With an almost zero death toll ratio.

Kill the opponent to pieces...

Is this really the kind of army Valoran should have?

But at this moment.

The scene in the light curtain continues.


Several soldiers fled back to the tribe.

With frightened eyes and trembling steps, they ran into the leader's camp again.

"The killing is coming, those terrible Noxians, they are coming to kill!"

"Chief, they seem to be different this time!"

The leader was sending a piece of venison towards his mouth.

Suddenly two bastards came out

It instantly disturbed his mood.

He smashed the venison on the table.

There was a violent rumbling sound.

The whole table exploded instantly.

"Assholes, aren't they just a bunch of Noxians? You can't solve this... so what am I going to feed you?"

"Bring me my knife!"

Finish this sentence.

He took the nine-foot sword that was handed to him by two tribe members.


Riding a beast, he led all the members of the tribe in the direction of the frozen land in the distance.

Countless wild beast soldiers like jackals, tigers and leopards.

Holding the cold weapon in his hand tightly.

Follow the leader.

Vigorous and high-spirited.


There is no lack of a team of magicians.


The beast tribe came out in full force and arrived on the battlefield.

When the leader saw the corpses lying in front of him that had been frozen into pieces on the frozen land.

And the Noxian army waiting in the distance.

A powerful murderous aura suddenly appeared on his face.

"Damn it... you damn Noxians!"

"Today, you must die!"

Finish this sentence.

The leader of the tribe suddenly waved his hand forward. 400

Countless tribe members riding wild beasts rushed toward the direction of Darius's army.

See this scene.

Freljord. Winter's Claw Tribe.

Sejuani seemed to have found a little hope.

"This tribe's fighting power is extremely explosive throughout Freljord!"

"What's more, the speed at which these beasts charge across the ice far exceeds the speed of the army in the hands of that old bastard!"

"They...may not..."


Before Sejuani could finish speaking.

An extremely horrifying scene appeared on the screen.

Just when the beast tribe rushed in the direction of Darius's iron-blooded army.

That one commander.

Once again, he ordered the submachine gun team behind him to quickly start shooting in the direction of the oncoming wild tribe.

Da da da!

A burst of fire shot into the sky.

Countless members of the Beast Tribe fell to the ground.

Blood flowed out instantly.

The sounds of pain came and went.

A few lucky guys dodged the bullets.

Rushed in front of this army.


The moment they just lifted up the scimitars in their hands.

Then countless spears suddenly pierced through the gaps in the shields.

The guys had no time to react.

Several bloody holes appeared on his body out of thin air.


Both humans and beasts fell into a pool of blood.

More and more people are rushing to kill him.

The guys in front noticed something was wrong and made a Hesidian sound.

The leader of the tribe saw this.

Almost roaring, he yelled angrily: "Come on, all of you, rush on me!"

"You are not allowed to retreat... If anyone retreats, I will kill him immediately!"

The roar of the tribal leader.

Let those tribal men who were initially timid.

Once again he collected himself.

He continued to charge forward.

But the final outcome is the same.

Before they could even rush in front of the army, they were mowed down by submachine guns.

Even a few guys rushed in front of that army.

Not surprisingly, all the bodies were stabbed.

He fell into a pool of blood.

But soon!

The tribal leader discovered something was wrong.

That Noxian army all used long-range attacks.

With swords and spears.

It's impossible to get close at all.

Not to mention defeating those nasty Noxians.

Then his mind suddenly turned.

He looked at the magician team behind him.

Then he ordered in a roaring voice: "You guys, launch a magic attack directly on them!"

"I want to let those poor Noxians have a taste of my methods!"


A fleeting look of pride flashed across his frightened face. .

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