Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 95: An Intelligence Team Capable Of Creating The Anomaly Of 1762-2?

"The dragon was here?"

When I saw the new abnormal name emerging from the light curtain.

On the continent of Valoran.

Everyone was stunned.

"The dragon was here? Could it be said that the new anomalies that were taken into account this time have something to do with the dragon?"

"This foundation is really crazy. Each anomaly is more terrifying than the other. But thanks to Noxus' failure this time, otherwise..."

"Is this a new anomaly? It's another special level anomaly, and it's ranked sixth!"

Somewhere in Runeterra.

The look of horror on Ryze's face had just dissipated.


Once again, I saw the new information emerging from the light curtain.

His expression suddenly shrank.

This time, the special anomaly contained in it is ranked higher than the previous special anomalies.

So this one particular anomaly.

Possessing abnormal characteristics.

It is definitely more powerful than any anomaly that has appeared before.

When I think of this.

Ryze couldn't help but tremble all over.

A look of horror.

It appeared on his face instantly.


Swain's entire face showed a look of despair.


Noxus already had a completely invincible army.

But this army.

About to help Noxus unify all of Valoran.

But I didn't expect it.

Then the damn foundation suddenly appeared.

their appearance.

Noxus suffered heavy losses.

Not only did he lose an invincible army.

The key is.

Even Cui Fali's army disappeared in an instant.

An extremely angry look flashed across Swain's eyes.

Then his eyes trembled.

Noxus of the future.

Where will it go from here?

It is not an easy task to re-train a Cuifali army!

After calming down for a while.

He then turned his attention to the light curtain.

[Item Level:-[strikethrough]Safe[strikethrough]-Neutralized]

Valoran continent.

After seeing this piece of information.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Damn it!

What the hell is this foundation doing?

The special anomalies counted this time actually had an additional item level.

However this project level.

It is something that has never been owned by any of the anomalous contained objects that have been inventoried before.

"What the hell is this? According to the display in the data, this anomaly belonged to the safe level before, but this piece of data was directly deleted and replaced by a new level!"

"Ranked sixth, it is still a special anomaly. So this special anomaly is probably more dangerous than anything that has appeared before!"

"Oh my god, another freak!"



Only then did Siwei regain his composure.

Then he said to the team responsible for the investigation: "Analyze and analyze, why did a new level appear?"

"What does this project level mean?"

Hear Swain's question.

This investigation team looked at each other in confusion.

He looked completely confused.

after all.

From this brief information, no useful information can be gleaned.

But at this time.

Within the light curtain.

New information begins to emerge.

[Special Anomaly Contained Item-1762-1 is a flat cardboard box with a size of 32?cmx20?cmx26?cm. ]

[The inside and outside of the box are painted silver, and the words "DRAGON IS HERE" are written on the lid in indelible black marker paint. ]

After seeing this string of information.

The Noxian investigation team responsible for investigating the information immediately began to analyze it.

"An ordinary paper box? The words "Dragon is here" are written on the lid. Is this the origin of the name of this abnormal containment?"

*1762-1? In other words, this anomaly is not just a box. Like the previous plague doctor, can it create 049-2?"

"Although this box looks ordinary, I still feel a bad premonition!"

Swain stared at the light curtain.

First, he was slightly stunned.

Then he reacted instantly.

The next second.

Swain's face began to look a little pale.


Swain's brain was spinning rapidly.

I quickly remembered the previous door to death.

The Door to Death is a farmhouse.

But inside that farmhouse.

There will be many black humanoid figures running out of the windows or doors of the farmhouse.

Those are called Gates of Death-2.

That being said.

Can "The Dragon Was Here" also create new anomalies?

When I think of this.

Swain's whole body felt numb.

after all.

The shadow left by the previous Gate of Death.

It hasn’t completely dissipated yet.

After a while.

Swain said in a deep voice: "Notify us and put everyone in a state of preparation for war.

"In addition, every piece of information about this specialty must be recorded in detail!"


This piece of information in the light curtain.

Swain’s guess was instantly confirmed.

[The interior of Special Anomaly Containment-1762-1 is empty when not in the release phase. ]

[Special Abnormal Containment Object-17621 will occasionally open automatically and begin to release Special Abnormal Containment Object-1762-2. ]

[During this period, a large amount of black smoke will briefly emit from the box and quickly dissipate.

[Special Abnormal Containment Object-1762-2 will appear within an average of 20 seconds after the smoke dissipates. ]

See this piece of information emerge.

Swain's pupils suddenly shrank.

I had a bad feeling for a moment.

Permeated the whole body.

Valoran continent.

Everyone was shocked and horrified.

"Holy shit, this particular anomaly brings back some really bad memories for me, like the plague doctor!"

"I really don't understand why these anomalies in the Anomaly Containment Foundation are so weird. This anomaly can actually create new anomalies!"

"The Plague Doctor and the Gate of Death that appeared before were scary enough. What's more, the new abnormality that appears now is the sixth special abnormality. Isn't that even more frightening?"

"This damn foundation is becoming more and more of a bastard!"


"Another special anomaly that can create new anomalies!"

Karma's face showed a solemn look.

In her opinion.

The anomaly contained this time is definitely more terrifying than any anomaly seen before.

The risk is high.

As the guardian of Ionia.

Her duty is to protect the peace of Ionia.

But this foundation contains these anomalies.

Each one is more perverted than the other.


Karma already didn’t know much about it.


Can I truly protect the peace of Ionia?

"We must pay close attention to this anomaly and understand all its characteristics..."

Murmured quietly.

Karma looked at the light curtain!

But the next moment.

She was immediately stunned.

[Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-2 is an entity that appears from Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-1. ]

[All Special Anomaly Containment Item-1762-2 instances appear to be origami models, similar in appearance to various types of dragons. ]

[After emerging from Special Anomaly Containment Object 1762-1, Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-2 instances will fly in groups and engage in game-like interactions with surrounding people, and the individuals will also play with each other. ]

Karma was slightly startled.

Just a second ago.

She also believes that this new special anomaly of the Foundation must be the most dangerous existence.

But now.

When she saw this piece of information.

But he straightened his brows.

"Looking at it this way, it's just some origami stuff, and it doesn't seem to be too dangerous!"

The 1762-2 described in this piece of information is just some dragon-shaped origami.

Compared to any previous anomaly.

They don't seem to have much particularity.

An anomaly like this.

It seems that there are no special abnormal dangers like those that have appeared before.

But soon.

Karma fixed his sights on this special and abnormal ranking list.

Ranked sixth!

She couldn't help but take a breath.

…Please give me flowers…

Although on the surface, this anomaly does not appear to be very dangerous.


This thing is actually ranked sixth in the top ten special anomalies.


There must be a reason for it.


An analysis team dedicated to analyzing data.

When I saw this piece of information revealed.

Immediately began to analyze.

"I thought that the 1762-2 I created was some kind of terrifying humanoid creature, but I didn't expect that this time it was just some dragon-shaped origami?"

"Looking at it this way, the danger has been reduced a lot instantly!"

"But don't be careless. This thing is ranked sixth on the special ranking list, so it shouldn't be simple!"

Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

His brain was spinning rapidly.

"A special anomaly ranked sixth. Judging from this piece of information, it doesn't seem to be very dangerous!"

"Then...why does this anomaly rank sixth?"

With a look of surprise.

Swain once again set his sights on the light screen.

Just at this time.

New information is updated again.

[The length of Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-2 ranges from 9cm to 30cm; all individuals have the ability to continue flying after leaving Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-1, and the fastest speed can reach 15?km/h. ]

[The number of SCP-1762-2 that appears after each opening of Special Anomaly Containment 1762-1 is not equal, ranging from 50 to 100. ]


Somewhere in Runeterra.

Ryze stared at the light screen, his body trembling.

"Able to carry out sustained flight anomalies? The most important thing is that every time

After opening, the number of 1762-2 that appeared could be between 50 and 100?"

At this moment, Ryze couldn't even imagine it.

But currently, it seems that these 1762-2 described in the data.

It doesn't look dangerous.

If this thing is really very harmful.

So this amount.

Enough to destroy everything.

Think of this.

Ryze took a long breath.

Then he set his sights on the light screen again.

But this time.

New information has been refreshed again.

[After two to three hours of activity outside Special Anomaly Containment 1762-1, all Containment 1762-2 instances will fly back to Special Anomaly Containment 176

2-1; During this period, Special Abnormal Containment Object-1762-1 will emit smoke again. ]

[Abnormal Contained Object-1762-2 will disappear after passing through the edge of the opening of Contained Object-1762-1. ]

[Special Anomaly Containment Object-1762-1 will automatically close after all Special Anomaly Containment Objects-1762-2 return; there is no fixed time when the next release will be

law. ]

[Sometimes, a message written or engraved in various materials will appear after all Anomalous Contained Item-1762-2 has been recovered from Anomaly Contained Item-1762-1

The lid is on the box. ]

The moment this piece of information appears.

All of Valoran.

It instantly aroused a heated discussion.

The 1762-2 created by #1762-1 does not seem to be dangerous at all, more like a thing that specializes in gathering intelligence!"

"After flying back, can you leave some information? Isn't this what Foundation agents do?"

"This anomaly doesn't look dangerous, so why is it ranked sixth among the top ten special anomalies?"

"I can't understand the foundation's ranking more and more now!"


When Karma saw this string of information appearing in the light curtain.

The expression on his face looked extremely strange.

A special anomaly ranked sixth.

These were created in 1762-2.

To be able to come back and leave some information just after flying out?

It didn't cause any harm to anyone.

This is a special anomaly.

Karma felt a little incredible for a moment.

for these operations of the Foundation.

She couldn't understand it more and more.


The next piece of information.

But it directly made everyone take a breath of cold air.

[Attempts to use Anomalous Containment 1762-2 to transmit messages or record equipment have been fruitless. ]

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