Twelve took one look at Eighteen's cowardice and wished he could kill him. He would definitely not partner with him next time. He would be pissed to death by him!

"Master! Princess!" Several people saluted.

"How long have you been trapped here?" Xiaoer asked, glancing at a few people who were more or less injured.

"It's been a long time. We only found out that the house was empty when it was close to noon." Twelve said a little ashamed.

Those people were still active in the yard in the morning. The men went to the river to fetch water early in the morning as usual. After filling the water tank at home, they went to the bamboo forest behind to cut a bundle of bamboo to make a chicken coop.

The girl went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables at dawn. When she came back, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After breakfast, the whole family did their own things in the yard. The woman is doing embroidery work in the yard, the man is whittling bamboo in the yard, one child is playing with a slingshot in the yard, and the other is eating his fingers in the cradle.

Later, as the weather gradually warmed up, the sun in the yard soon became very strong. After the man processed the bamboo into small strips in the yard, he took it into the house to weave it, and the woman followed him into the house. Children were also called into the house to play.

There was still smoke coming from the kitchen chimney, and everything was the same as usual, no different.

When An Twelve realized something was wrong, it was almost noon. Smoke had been coming out of the kitchen chimney for so long, and no one came out to see if the food in the pot was cooked or if it was burnt.

He sneaked up to the roof and saw that no one was in the house.

Then their people climbed over the wall, searched everywhere, and finally found this secret passage.

"Are you sure they didn't leave the house? Then how did they leave through the secret passage in the backyard."

Xiao'er had just seen it, and there was no back door leading to the cellar in the house.

"There is a utility room with a window that faces the backyard." Shiba said.

"There is indeed a window, but you are in the house and guessing that they jumped from the window to the backyard. You haven't seen the situation outside the window!"

Xiaoer nodded to show that he was right. There was indeed a window, which was still closed, but Xiaoer had just seen a spider web on the lintel outside the window, with a small piece of dried spider web attached to it. Leaves, that can only mean that the spider web has been there for a while and is not a new one made by the spider.

If they go out through the window, as long as the window is opened, the cobwebs will be destroyed.

After hearing Xiaoer's words, Twelve's expression changed. After he discovered this secret passage, he thought they were escaping from here, so they all ran in and were trapped. Unexpectedly, this was a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

"Damn it, we fell into a trap!"

"Princess, how did you know we were trapped?"

"Because that person did bad things with the veil with my blood on it!" After Xiaoer said this, she also looked at the paintings on the wall and had to find the exit as soon as possible and go out.

"Princess, are you okay?" Several people felt a little guilty after hearing this. It requires the use of human blood, and they always feel that it is not a good thing. Just like these paintings and this secret passage, what is the purpose of those people? Do you want your princess to become their puppet? If they had not failed in their duties, those people would not have succeeded!

"It's okay for now." Because it involves space, Xiaoer doesn't know what will happen to her if the space is really destroyed.

"Master, Princess, you can't look at these paintings. If you look at them too much, you will have hallucinations!" Shiba reminded the two of them as they looked at the murals on the wall seriously.

A few of them watched it at first, and then they almost killed each other! Later, Twelve discovered that there was something wrong with the paintings on the wall, and asked them to close their eyes and stop looking at the paintings. After sitting quietly for a while, everyone's spirits returned to normal, and then they no longer dared to look at the paintings on the wall.

"If you don't look at it, don't even think about going out in this life!" Xiaoer replied lightly.

"Damn, who is so perverted! Let's quickly destroy all the weapons in our hands, and then find out what is the secret of these paintings together. We have to find a door to leave this ghost place! Find the two couples, and then destroy them Thousands of corpses!" Shiba couldn't help but curse.

"No need, Brother Shangguan and I will just watch. Your minds are not strong enough and you can easily go crazy!"

Are their minds not strong enough? Shiba touched his nose after hearing this. He was being discriminated against.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't speak. He kept looking at the paintings on the wall.

"Master, this should be the largest space in this secret passage. No matter which of the passages you take, there are all twists and turns, and you will eventually come back here. You came in through this passage just now. Yes, but if we walk out of this passage now, we will eventually come back here." An Shiba explained to the two of them.

"I know, this is a formation, and you have to find the living door before you can get out. Follow me and the princess, and don't look at the paintings on the wall!"

"Yes!" Several people said in unison.

It's just that a few of them felt a little guilty. They were supposed to protect and serve their master, but they didn't expect that their master would save them personally!

It was so useless that after returning to the team, they were too embarrassed to see anyone!

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer read quickly. As they walked over, they looked at the paintings on the wall.

If you want to go out, you must read all the paintings on the secret passage. But in the end, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer looked at each other, and Xiaoer couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The person who set up the formation was indeed as perverted as Shiba said! I can think of all these ways!

Seeing the ugly expressions on the two people's faces, Twelve couldn't help but ask: "Master, can't you find the exit?"

Xiaoer shook her head: "No! The exit has been found!"

"Then let's get out quickly!"

The exit has been found, but as soon as they step onto the living door, the secret passage will begin to collapse. In the end, we have to see whether they escape faster or the secret passage collapses faster!

Xiao'er didn't think that the person who designed this secret passage would have a chance to let people escape!

Xiao'er told the situation, and then even Twelve, who came from a scholarly family and had always been quite cultivated, couldn't help but explode!

Shiba even greeted everyone's ancestors over and over again!

"What should we do? Are we really doomed to this?"

Xiaoer shook her head: "Let me think about it, there must be a way."

There are very few people in this world who can make something perfect! There must be a loophole!

Even if the formation she and Shangguan Xuanyi jointly set up, they couldn't say it was perfect!

No matter what you do, there is no best, only better!

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