Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 107 Ridiculous Person

"Auntie, are you mistaken? When did Wenhui become your daughter-in-law?" A bad premonition arose in Mrs. Liu's heart.

"That's right, your mother made the decision in person yesterday, and asked me to come over to see my daughter-in-law today! I'm so busy with family affairs, so I took her away immediately after seeing that it was right. Did she explain it well last night?" Zhuang Linsheng pushed away. After seeing Mrs. Liu, she looked around to see who her new daughter-in-law was.

"My mother decided to marry Wen Hui? How could she decide to marry Wen Hui!" Shen Chengyao felt that his mother really surprised him every time. He was waiting to be scolded by her. Just now he felt that It's strange why my mother doesn't move at all.

Unexpectedly, the reason why she didn't scold her was because she had planned it long ago. The girl Liu recognized on the front foot, she would sell her on the back foot! If he really wants the girl he just met to marry his cousin, his spine will be cut to pieces! His cousin is really... ugh! What did his mother do!

"Why not? Shouldn't the girl your family recognizes also call her mother? She is all alone, and someone is taking care of her marriage. She should be grateful! Do you really think your mother is willing to worry about this? Still Not for you!" Zhuang Lin looked at Shen Chengyao with an ironclad expression.

"We don't want her to worry about our family affairs!" The Xiaoer brothers and sisters had this idea in their minds at the same time!

"Although I have accepted Wen Hui as my girl, I can't make a marriage arrangement for her without asking her a question! This is too disrespectful!" Mrs. Liu was really worried. She was angry. She recognized her relatives to help others. Isn't it harmful to others now? It also hurts people even more miserably!

Zhuang Jiaqiang, who is that person! There is no one from ten miles and eight villages who dares to marry. The Shen Zhuang family is really very calculating. For someone as good-tempered as Wen Hui, marrying into her mother's family is not just for them to squeeze her into shape! We really just drove away a pack of wolves, and another tiger came!

"Why not? A star like her is helpless. If you arrange a marriage for her, even if she is not satisfied, she won't dare to say no! She is willing to do better, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't want to! You force her to do it. Just go to Huaqiao! When the time comes, she will have to live with it even if she doesn't want to!" Zhuang Lin couldn't understand why it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not with such a person! Just do whatever it takes to save trouble!

"Grandma-in-law, I don't know about the situation, but Aunt Wenhui has made a marriage decision a long time ago!" Xiaoer just asked Yun'er to report to Xu Wenhui. This is just a delaying tactic. If she doesn't want to, she can overthrow it when the time comes. Yes, Foreman Liang has agreed. This man simply bullied others to the point where his emotions were all gone up in his face! Just one sentence, I just want to bully you! But now the situation is almost the same!

"What, such a mourning star has no dowry and secondhand goods and broken shoes! There are people who want these! Who are you lying to? Shen Zhuang said that yesterday she hanged herself in fear of crime. There is really someone who is engaged. I have to come over today to cancel the engagement! Only my family members dare to ask for her! People in these ten miles and eight villages dare not ask for her, and it would be unlucky to say a word to her! If she is sensible, she should quickly pack her bags and follow her today. I'm going home, otherwise there won't be this shop after passing this village! I remember to make up for the dowry in the past two days and send it over!" Mrs. Zhuang Lin was angry, she didn't believe it! She thinks they are trying to get Joe and want some dowry!

Xiaoer was finally convinced and committed suicide out of fear of guilt. Fortunately, she could speak out. Did Shen Zhuang want to comfort herself? After all, she had nothing to do with him hanging!

In ancient times, a woman's reputation was so important. Rumors were as fierce as a tiger, driving people to the point of death! And the rumormongers only need to say that she committed suicide out of fear of crime and they can feel at ease!

"I dare to ask for it! The person she is engaged to be engaged to is me. I am indeed here today, but I am not here to cancel the engagement, but to have a clear path! Brother Chengyao and I have agreed on this matter a long time ago. Let's have a date today What a joy!" Foreman Liang stood up. Only now did he know that she had been bullied like this. What else had she experienced that forced her to hang herself after having been alone for so many years?

"I said, this brother, your hands and feet are intact, and the clothes you are wearing make it clear that you are not a poor man! You are a good person, but what kind of wife do you want to have? What do you like about Sangmenxing? You are here to join in the fun! Go aside, don’t compete with my son for a wife! And no matter how you get Qiao, I will not give you a betrothal gift. If you ask for a betrothal gift, won’t I marry a yellow girl! "

puff! Xiaoer quickly lowered her head. Although the scene was wrong, she really wanted to laugh. How could there be such a funny person!

I'm afraid that no matter how much the betrothal gift is, no yellow girl will dare to marry you!

"You don't want to compete with me for my wife. Miss Xu is already engaged to me! And don't call her Sangmenxing Sangmenxing like that again. She didn't do anything to you!" Foreman Liang looked at Zhuang like a monster. Ms. Lin, speak carefully every word!

Are all women today like this? Can't you hear people speaking? He hasn't interacted with a woman for a long time, and he didn't even know that the current woman was so... well, I don't know how to describe it, it was a once-in-a-century beauty!

"Are you telling the truth?" Zhuang Lin was dumbfounded! Are you really here to rob her daughter-in-law, not just to get Qiao? How can that work? If she doesn't marry a daughter-in-law and go back, all the work of the whole family will fall on her, and she will be exhausted!

"Really!" Foreman Liang nodded extremely seriously! Finally on the same road!

"The marriage you arranged doesn't count! No one knows! I just said she was my daughter-in-law as soon as I came in!"

"Our whole family knows! Aunt Youfu is the matchmaker! Auntie, right?" Xiaoer hurriedly pulled over Youfu's wife and winked at her.

"Yes, yes, yes, I think Foreman Liang and Wen Hui were the only ones to say goodbye to them! Both families nodded!" The blessed daughter-in-law also came up and said hurriedly.

The villagers in the crowd started talking.

"You really said we were kissing you. What kind of luck did this Xu family have that even Foreman Liang fell in love with her?"

"When did Xu Wenhui and Foreman Liang hook up?"

"Mr. Liu proposed marriage. I thought she was doing it to help Shen Zhuang's nephew, but it turns out it's not the case! Who dares to marry Shen Zhuang's nephew! If I were Xu Wenhui, I would choose Foreman Liang!"

"Ms. Shen Zhuang is really scheming. If Mrs. Liu recognizes a girl here, she will have someone from her mother's family come to pick up her daughter-in-law!"

"Oh, this girl from the Xu family will fall into a bad situation in the future. Foreman Liang has a house in the county! Once you get married, you don't have to serve your parents-in-law. Once you get married, you will be the housewife! That will be a good and serious life!"

"Maybe Foreman Liang just wants to marry her as his concubine..."

"Zhuang Lin is really too daring to think about it. As for her son, she still wants to be a young lady. If I were Xu Wenhui, if I knew I wanted to marry him, I would just hang myself and die again!"

"No, I would rather die than get married."

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