Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 11 Let’s do it

The Shen family's dinner tonight is very sumptuous, of course, this is based on the food eaten in the past few days. Men and women eat at separate tables in the Shen family, and boys only start sitting at the men's table when they are 15 years old. Each table has a large plate of beans, a large plate of green vegetables, a large plate of braised meat and radish, and a plate of chicken soup. The men's table has an extra fish, and the staple food is shredded sweet potato and rice.

Xiaoer has been here for several days and saw rice for the first time. Although there are more sweet potatoes than rice, it is dry rice after all! She first took Mrs. Liu's food to her room, then returned to the upper room to sit down and prepare to eat.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang gave everyone half a bowl of chicken soup. Just when he called for dinner, several boys in the second room rushed to pick up the meat, like hungry ghosts reincarnated. over. Shen Baoer's face was full of contempt, he lowered his head and took a handful of beans, then ate them delicately.

Fourth Aunt Lin quickly picked up two pieces of meat and put them into Shen Jingjie's bowl.

Jing Rui only had time to pick up a piece of meat and put it into Xiao'er and Jing Hao's bowls before the meat was gone: "Xiao'er, you were injured earlier, eat some meat to replenish yourself."

Xiaoer took the meat back to Jingrui and said, "Brother, I don't like fat meat."

Of course Jingrui didn't believe it. In the past, Xiaoer would happily eat it and then give it back to her. Xiaoer was on the verge of crying. She really doesn't like to eat, okay?

"Brother, I really don't want to eat now."

When Shen Jingzhi saw it, he said, "If you don't like it, give it to me. I'll eat it."

After hearing this, Jing Hao deliberately said pitifully: "Sister, if you don't want to eat it, just give it to me. I've been looking forward to the meat for a long time. The fourth brother just snatched away all the meat I picked up."

"Who told you to move slowly?" Shen Jingzhi glared at Jing Hao.

Xiaoer gave the meat to Jing Hao, and Shen Jingzhi snorted and went to pick up other dishes.

Mrs. Li thought about selling Xiaoer to the Hu Mansion to be a maid, so she said to Mrs. Shen Zhuang: "Mom, I heard that the Hu Mansion wants to buy a maidservant of 20 taels per person. I think our Xiaoer usually works well. Ah, I will definitely be able to join the Hu Mansion, and I will get 100 salary as a maid every month."

When Mrs. Shen Zhuang heard that there were 20 taels of silver and 100 wen per month, she was moved: "Which Hu family is this?"

"It's the rich Hu Mansion in town." Li said vaguely.

There are two Hu families in the town. One Hu family is in the brothel business, while the other Hu family is a relative of the prefect. His family owns a restaurant and cloth shop. His family has businesses all over the country. He is a very philanthropic family. , the old man of the Hu family, everyone calls him Hu Dashan. Both Hu families are rich, but the latter is richer.

Li said this deliberately to confuse people.

Xiaoer sneered in her heart after hearing this. It seems that she didn't say anything during this period. Li really thought she didn't hear what they said. If you dare to do it, I will let you suffer the consequences.

"That's a good family. I'll talk to your father tonight." Hu Dashan in town wanted to buy a maid, but many people were vying to get there, and they even wanted to have a relationship. Thinking of this, he asked again:

"But I heard that the maids in that house have to rely on connections to get in."

"Isn't my father selling pork in the town? He knows the manager of the Hu Mansion, and we have agreed that if our family is willing, our Xiao'er will definitely be able to enter."

"I'll talk to your father tonight," Shen Zhuang felt relieved after hearing this. After the completion of the project, there will be 20 taels, and an additional 100 taels per month, which is wonderful to think about.

The two people were discussing selling someone else's daughter. They didn't even think of asking the other person's parents whether to sell it, or whether they agreed with it. This shows how little they usually take the third-bedroom girl in their eyes.

Xiao'er felt disgusted when she saw the greedy faces of the two of them. Since you like money so much, I will let you lose some money and it will hurt your heart and soul.

The two brothers became anxious after hearing this, and looked at Xiaoer worriedly. Xiaoer gave them a calm look.

After eating, Xiaoer took the two brothers into her room and told exactly what she had overheard Li and Shen Chengzong saying before and how she was injured.

"This is too much! I have to tell my parents!" Jingrui slammed the table and stood up.

Jing Hao's eyes were red, he was angry and distressed: "We must not let them sell my sister!"

Xiao'er hurriedly comforted the two of them: "Don't worry, listen to me. Let's not tell our parents about this yet. Let's." Xiao'er told them her plan in a voice that only three people could hear.

"But if you don't tell your parents, they will be scolded when the time comes, right?" Jingrui was a little hesitant. He was used to being a good baby.

"We can't tell. It won't work if we tell our parents about this plan. We must teach them a lesson this time, let them know that we are not easy to bully, and we have to think carefully about harming our family in the future." Xiaoer knew very well that Shen Chengyao and Liu With their characters, they are too clumsy, they only stop things from happening, and don't think about teaching others a lesson.

"Yes, our family is not one that can be bullied by just any cat or dog! We can't tell our parents." Jing Hao nodded vigorously.

Xiaoer was amused by his serious look and his "cat and dog" words: "Okay, you have learned all these "cat and dog" words. I want to tell grandma and second aunt that you called them "cat and dog".

Jing Hao pursed his lips and looked at Xiaoer aggrievedly: "Sister, you are bullying me!"

Xiaoer pinched his nose and said, "Sister loves to bully you, what's wrong?"

Jing Hao pouted, turned his head, and ignored her.

"Hehe, okay, I lied to you. It's too late to hurt you! My sister knows that you feel sorry for your sister."

Jing Hao immediately made a face at Xiaoer. After a while, the atmosphere became much better. The two brothers were in a much better mood.

The next day, Li made an excuse to pick up Shen Beier and had to go to town after breakfast. The three of Xiaoer looked at each other, hurriedly finished their breakfast, and hid at the gate of the town to wait for Li before she arrived in the town.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Li to appear, and the three of them followed them quietly. They saw Li entering an alley on West Street to negotiate with a middle-aged man. The two talked for a while, and the man gave two He gave the ingot of silver to Mr. Li, and then the two separated.

Jingrui followed the middle-aged man: "Uncle, please stay."

The middle-aged man turned back: "Little brother, are you calling me?" The middle-aged man looked at Shen Jingrui. Although the clothes on this child were shabby, they were clean and he was definitely not a beggar. Why did he call him: "Something's wrong ?"

"Uncle, are you from the Hu family? I just saw you and my second uncle together."

It turned out to be the family of the sister-in-law just now. Hu Daicai nodded: "Yes, what else?"

"Uncle, did my second aunt say that my family has agreed to sell Shen Xiaoer to your family as a maid?"

Hu Daicai frowned: "Yes, I paid the deposit. Don't you want to regret it?"

"Uncle, you were deceived by my second uncle. My parents never agreed to sell Xiaoer as a maid. My parents don't know about it yet. Even if they knew, they would never agree to sell my sister. "

After hearing this, Hu Daocai's frown deepened. That Li said that the other party's parents had already agreed and explained the matter clearly. There would be no trouble. It turned out that they were all fooling him. . He is the housekeeper of the Hu Mansion, and he made a lot of money from the purchase of maids this time. He always looks for girls from poor families in remote places to buy them, and the conditions are clearly explained, because he is afraid that someone will cause trouble in the future. Then it would be easy for him to find out how he had enriched himself, and he became even more angry when he thought about it.

This transaction can't be done, but the other party still needs to help me with some money: "I can no longer continue this transaction, but you have to help me with some money."

"Uncle, I have a way to help you get a better maid. Even if you don't get it, you can get more money as compensation."

"Aren't you from the same family? You will give me more money, but you think I am a fool?" Hu Daocai became even more angry.

"We are a family, but would a family sell their niece without telling their brother? Since they don't think we are a family, we cannot let others bully us."

After hearing this, Hu Daocai's anger eased a lot, and he looked at Shen Jingrui doubtfully: "What can you do?" He wanted to hear whatever method a child under ten years old could think of to save his sister.

Jingrui looked around and found that no one had seen them, and then whispered to Hu Daicai what Xiaoer taught him, word for word.

Hu Daicai nodded after hearing this: "Okay, you are young but you have a plan. Just do as you say!" If Li dared to deceive him, let her give him more money to compensate him. If she refuses, there is a maid.

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