"Your Majesty! The study has been rummaged through! Go and see if anything is missing!" At this time, Prince An's servant ran over and said.

Prince An's expression changed after hearing this.

Is this God trying to kill him?

It’s really a wave of ups and downs!

"What!" Shangguan Ruixi barely jumped up after hearing this!

Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened.

The three of them quickly ran towards the study.

Several people came to the study and found that the study was in a mess.

Prince An found that the door to the secret room was opened, and his heartbeat almost stopped!

For God's sake, don't scare him!

Don’t let anything inside get stolen!

He quickly ran in!

Shangguan Ruixi also ran in quickly.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced around, then followed him in slowly.

Sure enough, all the confidential documents stored in the secret compartment were stolen!

"The combat plan and the wound medicine transportation routes at every stage have been stolen!" Prince An's face turned pale after saying this.

Things are getting serious!

Shangguan Ruixi didn't seem to believe it. He ran over again and opened the secret door. Only when he saw that it was empty did he dare to believe it!

Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes narrowed dangerously after hearing these words. His originally cold eyes suddenly became a bit colder, causing the temperature around him to drop several degrees!

"Uncle Emperor, it's so easy for someone to discover and open the door to your secret room!" Shangguan Xuanyi's cold face was cold, and his voice was filled with endless chill.

Both Prince An and Shangguan Ruixi could not help but shudder.

The reason why the secret room is called a secret room is of course that it will not be discovered so easily!

And not everyone has a secret room in his study, so how did the robber know that there was a secret room in his study!

Within a quarter of an hour, the robbers were able to find the switch to the secret room in his study, and then found the secret compartment in the secret room, and were able to open the secret compartment and steal such important military aircraft information!

How can this be!

If it was really that easy, then the secret room he spent a lot of money to build would be in vain!

Over the years, how many masters in the palace have come in and out of his study, trying to steal information, but they have never succeeded!

Now, within a quarter of an hour, the robber robbed the person and also stole the military aircraft information in the secret room. What does this mean?

This shows that there is a traitor, and someone told him where the secret room is! Where to put the information!

Who is this traitor!

The answer is somewhat self-evident!

"Rebellious girl!" Prince An said through gritted teeth!

"If I don't save her, I don't care whether she lives or lives!" Shangguan Ruixi also said angrily!

When he heard that the steward came to report that Shangguan Wanru had been kidnapped, his first thought was that Gong Zixuan had kidnapped her to use her to threaten the court!

After all, Shangguan Wanru is the princess of Min Zeguo. Can they really refuse to save her!

I just didn’t expect that my married daughter would really belong to someone else’s family, and that such an important thing could be told to outsiders and taken away by others!

What else does he have to say!

After being rescued, will she be exposed to the secrets of the family again?

Once can be avoided by the death penalty! Twice is an unforgivable sin!

At this time, Princess Rui and Du Yijin returned home.

Princess Rui had heard what Du Yijin said on the way, so as soon as she returned to the house, she grabbed Shangguan Ruixi's hand and said: "Wanru was really robbed? Who robbed her? Send someone to rescue her quickly. !”

"No one is allowed to save her. I will kill her after she is rescued!" Prince An was furious. After hearing this, he said angrily.

Princess An was frightened by Prince An's tone. She stroked her heart and said after a while: "Why are you so fierce? You scared me to death! That's our daughter. If you dare not save it, I and I will You’re done!”

"It won't be over until it's over! You gave birth to a good daughter! She will not be my daughter from now on. I don't have such a traitor as a daughter!" Prince An said angrily.

Princess An had never seen Prince An so angry. He had always treated his daughter with great love and was reluctant to scold her, but now he scolded her like this.

Princess An couldn't help but feel uneasy, and then looked at Shangguan Ruixi: "Xier, what happened?"

"The military aircraft information in the secret room of the study has been stolen!" Shangguan Ruixi said angrily.

"You suspect that Wanru stole it? This is impossible, she would not do such a thing!" Princess An shook her head.

"Do you still need to doubt this? The secret room switch is so hidden, how can someone who doesn't know find the switch within a quarter of an hour!"

"Maybe he happened to be lucky." Prince An and Princess An still couldn't help but defend their daughter.

The crime of treason is too heavy. How can Shangguan Wanru bear it?

She didn’t know how to plead for her!

"That's enough! You don't need to defend her. This matter is of great importance. I have to go to the palace immediately to report to the emperor!" Prince An dropped these words and strode away.

"Wait, wait,...Prince, wait! Maybe there is some misunderstanding about this matter! How about we recover Wanru first, no, let's recover those confidential documents first, and then atone for our sins!" Prince An After hearing this, the princess quickly chased after Prince An and grabbed him.

"Confused! If you don't inform the emperor about such an important matter, do you want the whole family to be buried with him? Do you want thousands of soldiers on the front line to die!" Prince An threw Prince An away. The princess's hand strode away.

"Ruixi!" Prince An and Princess An grabbed Shangguan Ruixi who was passing by her.

"Mother, concubine, those confidential documents were stolen. It was our fault in the first place! Even if we recover them, we should do it. How can we atone for our sins?" After Shangguan Ruixi said this, he pulled Prince An and Princess An down. , and quickly entered the palace.

Shangguan Xuanyi followed him leisurely.

The most important thing now is not to rescue Shangguan Wanru, but to find a way to solve the problem of the leakage of military aircraft information.

Although what was lost was not the troop formation map, but the combat arrangements and the transportation routes for food, grass and medicine, but if these information were leaked, the entire plan to attack Nangong Kingdom would be leaked!

They had to discuss a new battle plan.

The current plan has been worked out by many people day and night, and it can be said to be the most perfect plan!

And now that the fight has started, if we revise the plan again, it will definitely not be so perfect!

The three of them entered the palace. When the emperor found out about this, he was naturally furious!

It's no use just being angry!

No matter how angry you are, you should calm down and find ways to solve the upcoming problems as soon as possible.

"Since this battle plan has been leaked, it must be changed! Think about how to change it better!" The emperor said calmly.

It's just that several people discussed it until midnight and couldn't come up with a better plan.

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