It didn't concern the child, and the Queen Mother was a little too kind to herself at the moment: "Back to the Queen Mother, that's right."

"I heard that he is not engaged yet?" The Queen Mother did not ask him if he was engaged, but directly said that he heard that he was not engaged. This was to tell Xiaoer not to fool her, she had already sent someone to find out!

After hearing this, Xiaoer knew what the Queen Mother had planned, and she made up her mind: "Returning to the Queen Mother, it is true that it has not been decided publicly yet, but the two parties have already agreed in private and are about to finalize it."

After Xiaoer said this, she looked at Gu Qiqi with a smile.

Gu Qiqi also guessed what the Queen Mother meant. Her little sister talked about her senior brother every day, and everyone in the family knew what she was thinking.

If the Queen Mother stabbed her in, my little sister would have to stay married for the rest of her life because of her temper!

She felt a little anxious.

The Queen Mother frowned subconsciously after hearing this: "It's such a coincidence, whose girl have you made an appointment with?"

Could it be that she guessed that she wanted to marry her brother and deliberately made excuses to dodge it?

After hearing what the Queen Mother said, Xiaoer looked at Gu Qiqi with a smile: "Sister-in-law of the Fourth Emperor, tell me!"

Seeing Xiaoer say this, Gu Qiqi knew that the Shengping Hou Mansion had approved the marriage between the two. Her mind was settled, and she stood up to give a blessing.

The Queen Mother was unhappy and did not let her sit down and reply.

Seeing this, Xiaoer felt a little guilty. She had told her if she had known it earlier. She had forgotten that the Queen Mother was such a stingy person.

But if she said it, she was worried that the Queen Mother wouldn't believe it and insisted on asking for marriage, which would really be a disaster, so she let Gu Qiqi say it.

"Going back to the imperial grandmother, the second son of Shengpinghou is discussing marriage with the younger sister of my daughter-in-law's family. My daughter-in-law heard from my grandmother that the family is very satisfied with the second son of Shengpinghou. Moreover, he is my grandfather's favorite disciple, and he and my younger sister are also childhood sweethearts. This The marriage should be finalized in these two days."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she couldn't believe it, because she received the letter just the day before yesterday, and she didn't tell anyone about it. She wanted Shengping Hou's second son to marry her concubine's daughter. She had just seen Xiao'er. I thought of it on the spur of the moment and never revealed it to anyone.

The reason why she knew that the second son of Marquis Shengping was not engaged was because many ladies in the Imperial City were interested in him. She overheard this from chatting among the maids.

So if their two families were not discussing marriage, Gu Qiqi would not have been able to cooperate so well and say such things.

The Queen Mother felt a little regretful. If she had known better, she would not have asked Princess Rui if her brother was engaged. She already knew that the second son of Marquis Shengping was not engaged, so she could have just issued the marriage decree!

Now that I have asked, I know that he has already proposed marriage, and that it is with the emperor's granddaughter, so it is not easy to propose marriage again.

Although she is the queen mother, she is the emperor's teacher, as the name suggests, the emperor must respect her. After knowing this, she will never rob his grandson-in-law!

Everyone in the world pays attention to respecting teachers!

The Queen Mother felt extremely regretful at this moment!

Why didn't she think of directly decreeing the marriage? Where can she find a suitable person for her concubine's daughter now? !

"It turns out that we are already discussing marriage. The Ai family originally had a niece who wanted to betrothed to the second son of Shengpinghou, but now my niece is not lucky. By the way, do you have a family like the second son of Shengpinghou? Sir, could you please introduce me?"

Xiaoer and Gu Qiqi were relieved after hearing this! The Queen Mother has given up on Jing Hao.

Xiaoer couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the power of her mother's family was so powerful that the Queen Mother was afraid of it!

Xiaoer believed that if the person she was discussing marriage with Jing Hao today was not the granddaughter of the imperial master, the Queen Mother would not give up so easily.

Just introducing a marriage to the Queen Mother's niece? It is natural that there are so many talented people in the imperial capital! But if no one here dares to reply to the Queen Mother, who knows what the temperament of the Queen Mother's niece is? If she were like the Queen Mother, wouldn't it be a disaster to other people's families?

"I really don't know which young master in this imperial capital has reached the age of marriage and is not engaged. I think I will have to wait until Nuan Nuan and Qingqing grow up before I will pay attention to this kind of thing!"

"Yes, my wife didn't pay attention either!" Ruan Weizhen and Gu Qiqi agreed!

Are you kidding me? Marriage is a good marriage between two surnames, not enmity. Who dares to lead a red line with the niece of the Queen Mother!

I don’t know why none of the three people think that the Queen Mother’s niece will be a good woman!

After hearing this, the Queen Mother glanced at the two great-granddaughters who were asleep on the couch and blowing bubbles: "When they grow up, we must carefully find a good marriage for them! Girls get married, which is the second priority. This is the first reincarnation, so you must not be careless. Also, it is best not to find children from military generals' families. In this way, the two couples will spend less time together and separate more, so don't wrong my golden grandson!" The Queen Mother was frightened by the fifth princess. Got it!

She didn't know if she would live long enough to see her great-grandson get married, so she could only tell her in advance.

When the fifth princess heard this, her expression froze, but she soon became relieved.

Xiao'er knew that the Queen Mother's words were sincerely considering the children and said: "I will definitely consider the Queen Mother's opinion in the future."

Xiao'er avoided bringing up the Queen Mother's old affairs again, so she said to the Fifth Princess: "Fifth Princess, have the people in the Duke's Mansion given you any trouble these past two days?"

After hearing this, the Queen Mother also looked at the fifth princess. She snorted coldly: "How dare they!"

Her precious granddaughter was originally a delicate and beautiful flower. She was still in bud and waiting for the Duke of Zhen to wait until the flowers were about to wither before entering their home. Looking at the entire Minze Dynasty, whose family The girl has a deep affection for her granddaughter. If the people of the town dare to bully her granddaughter, she will be the first to make them suffer no good consequences!

After hearing this, the fifth princess said: "Where is my identity, who dares to bully me! However, the Duke's mansion has been without a mistress for a long time, and it is a bit chaotic. Fortunately, the queen mother has given me so many dowries, otherwise I would I really don’t know where to start.”

"Just sell anyone who dares to trip you up! If there are not enough people to call you, come back and tell the Ai family, and the Ai family will send you a few people!" Her granddaughter enjoyed happiness when she married, but not The angry one!

A person who has lived in the palace for more than 20 years and has never been angry will become angry as soon as he marries his husband's family! It’s better not to get married!

"It's not that anyone is stumbling upon me, it's just that the Prince Consort is a big man, so he doesn't care about the affairs of the inner house. He has something to do in the military camp, so he doesn't take care of the affairs of the inner house, so it feels a bit messy. Even the cleaning in the garden is a bit messy. Not as clean as the palace."

The former Duke of Zhen's wife was imprisoned and punished by her, and no servants dared to trip her up even if they didn't look at her.

It's just that the servants in the mansion are indeed very lazy.

But there is no one among the servants she is marrying. After two days of figuring out all the situations in the house, there will be no more confusion!

Thank you Fenfang for your reward, and thank you book friends who voted~~

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