"." The Minister of War was stunned by the emperor's question. After a while, he blushed and said, "I haven't thought of it yet."

"Shang Shu, Hu Bu, you don't agree with the transfer of military rations. Do you have any ideas to appease the people of Zezhou?" The emperor looked at the Hu Bu Shan Shu who had just objected and asked again.

"Weichen believes that the most important thing is to first find out and deal with those who instigated those businesses not to open, so that other businesses will naturally not dare not to open!" said the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue.

The emperor nodded: "It makes sense, so how long does Aiqing think it will take to catch the person behind the scenes?"

"Well, Shen Zhuangyuan just left for Zezhou yesterday. I'm afraid it will be too late to find out who is behind this matter when he arrives. If General Di and the others send people to investigate, it should be faster." Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance said a little bit. I can't go on. How does he know how long it will take to find out? What if it takes a month or two to find out! Aren’t the day lilies all cold?

Who can survive a month or two of starvation?

"How fast is faster?" the emperor continued.

"I'm afraid it will take seven or eight days at the earliest!" Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance said in a low voice. He didn't know the situation there, so how could he explain it clearly? The emperor asked, so he had to answer.

"Can people starve to death in seven or eight days? And what if the people behind it are found out, but the food stores have no food at all?" The emperor continued to ask.

This is really possible. All the grain stores in Nangong Kingdom must have been taken away early in the morning!

Even if it is not taken away and destroyed, why should it be left to Min Zeguo's soldiers?

"." Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance did not dare to speak, and he did not know what to do.

"Your Majesty, when a batch of military rations was transported to the south, there was an accident and the entire batch of military rations was stolen. Now the soldiers on the front line must be in short supply of food. If some more military rations are transferred to the people of Nangong Kingdom, the soldiers will definitely not have enough food to eat. Yes, in short, it is absolutely forbidden to use military rations! Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"With so many dear friends here, who else can think of a way to appease the people of Zezhou?" The emperor deliberately used the word "people of Zezhou" in a strong way.

Zezhou already belongs to their Minze Kingdom, and the people there are the people of the Minze Kingdom. They have surrendered. If they still regard the people there as the people of the Nangong Kingdom, then they will directly kill all those people and make it a Wouldn’t an empty city be enough? That way there is no need to think about whether to appease or not! The emperor thought angrily, but there was no expression change on his face and he did not say these words.

Although the emperor's expression has not changed much, everyone in the imperial study has become a spirit. How could they not know that the emperor is angry?

For a moment, no one dared to speak out.

"So we all plan to let the people of Zezhou starve for a month before eating, and wait for a month after being sick before seeing a doctor?" The emperor's words were silent, but the officials present were shocked.

But the emperor's words had to be answered, so everyone said one after another: "I don't dare!"

The emperor snorted coldly, and then looked at Shen Chengyao: "Shen Aiqing, is there anything you can do?"

"Wei Chen thinks that we should first transfer military rations and give porridge to the people there, and then transfer some official rations from Nanyue Prefecture to Zezhou to make up for the military rations."

"In that case, what if the military rations from Nanyue Prefecture are not transferred in time and the soldiers are hungry and the battle is lost?" the Minister of War said disapprovingly.

"The lower official believes: We cannot let the people who have just surrendered to us lose confidence! The people there have been hungry for an unknown period of time. When the people cannot bear it, it is time to resist. Even if food is transferred from Nanyue Prefecture, the soldiers There is a possibility of starvation. As long as you save on eating, hunger is only a matter of a few days. Soldiers protect their homes and country and protect the people. This is the responsibility of the soldiers of the imperial court. I think they are happy to let some food come out for the people to eat. of!

The two counties of Zezhou were captured with great difficulty by the soldiers with their blood and lives. They cannot be lost easily. I believe the soldiers will think so too! I would rather be hungry for a while than lose it and start over again! Those who lose the hearts of the people will lose the world. Wei Chen believes that the people of Zezhou must not be wronged by this matter! What's more, hunger can kill people. If the people who first come to us are starved to death, we will definitely not get the support of the people when we attack other cities in Nangong Kingdom, which will only make it more difficult. "

Everyone was silent after hearing Shen Chengyao's words, because this is indeed the truth.

After hearing Shen Chengyao's words, the emperor did not express his position, but looked at Shangguan Xuanyi: "What do you think, Prince Rui?"

"Adjust military rations." Shangguan Xuanyi said three words concisely and said nothing more.

"In addition to this, dear sir, do you have any other better way to make the people of Zezhou not go hungry as soon as possible?" After hearing this, the emperor looked at other officials.

"Back to the emperor, I think this is the best way. There is no other way that can help the people there get relief faster." The Prime Minister said.

"Have the Minister of Hubu and the Minister of War thought of a better way now?" The emperor looked at the two men again and asked.

"Back to the emperor, I am ignorant. I didn't think carefully just now. Master Shen is right. At this moment, Wei Chen also thinks that the best way is to adjust the army rations." The Minister of the Ministry of War was able to bend and express his opinions.

"Back to the emperor, Wei Chen also thinks that Master Shen's method is the best. Just now, Wei Chen was short-sighted." The emperor obviously wanted to adjust military rations, and he finally understood it, and he couldn't think of a better way. There is nothing you can do if you don’t agree!

"Okay, then let's pass the order and arrange military rations to help the people."

Shangguan Xuanyi spoke at this time: "Father, what I just handed over are two urgent reports."

After hearing this, the emperor opened the following letter and read it. After reading it, he couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, what a person who can adapt to changes and act according to emergency."

The emperor only said this and did not say the content of the letter. Several ministers looked at each other in confusion.

Everyone speculated about what was written in the letter, and the emperor was so happy after reading it.

"Your Majesty, has the army received another victory report and that we have captured another city?" The Prime Minister ventured to guess.

"No, the problem of the hungry people in Zezhou was solved. The King of Qi allocated military rations to relieve the people, and sent military doctors to treat the people."

Several senior officials: "."

Isn’t this the case of killing first and then showing off? The emperor was so happy when he saw it. He was probably the only son of the emperor who dared to do such a thing without fear of beheading!

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