After hearing this, Xi'er looked at him like a fool, then turned her head and said to Gu Qi: "Don't you think he is just stupid? I obviously guessed it, but he actually had the nerve to ask me for it." Antidote!”

"Absolutely stupid!" Gu Qiling nodded.

The man in black was furious after hearing this. He wanted to pounce and tear Xier's whole body apart, but he fell down again just as he stood up.

"Antidote! As long as you give me the antidote, I will tell you why the master had to perform a caesarean section to take out the child in Ling'er's belly." He was so itchy that he wanted to die!

Xi'er laughed after hearing this. Did he think they didn't know why? Don’t you just want to harm your sister!

"You go ahead and let me see if what you say is true. If what you say is useful to us, I will consider giving you the antidote."

The man in black was so itchy that he scratched around with his hands and rubbed his body on the ground: "Master Gu Xuan wants to use that baby girl to steal something from the hands of Princess Rui of your country."

"What does Princess Rui have that makes Master Gu Xuan do such a cruel thing?"

Even those who practice Taoism! You can do this kind of thing!

"I don't know, but I heard from Master Gu Xuan that she was the reincarnation of a lucky star. She survived a catastrophe and was reborn with infinite blessings. I think Master Gu Xuan wanted to transfer her blessings to our Nangong Kingdom. !" The man in black didn't care about anything and used everything he knew. It was so itchy!

It was so itchy that he wanted to bite his tongue to kill himself, but he didn't even have the strength to bite his tongue to kill himself!

After hearing this, several people looked at each other and realized that Xiaoer had indeed survived the disaster, and then their family began to live a better and better life.

What is that if not a blessing?

That Gu Xuan master is quite capable, Xi'er thought to herself.

Liu Zhiwu sighed: "Did that ancient Master Xuan transfer the blessings on Princess Rui whenever he wanted? You don't overestimate your own capabilities!"

"It's true that Master Gu Xuan didn't transfer her just because he wanted to. Princess Rui is blessed with great fortune, and this blessing will definitely not be taken away by anyone. Now that I have said everything, please give me the antidote quickly! I beg you!" The man in black begged.

It's already very itchy, why does it get worse and worse? This is simply a bone-gnawing itch!

"Where is Master Gu Xuan now?" Xi'er asked.

Since he came to the south this time, Xi'er decided to poison him to prevent him from talking nonsense and harming his sister.

"I don't know, but Master Gu Xuan likes to live in the cemetery!"

In a cemetery, living with the dead? What a fetish!

But she has been to many places and has never tried tomb robbing! Xi'er's heart was ready to move.

"Qiling, why are you not afraid of people living in the cemetery?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not afraid either!" Gu Qiling said disdainfully.

They are indeed like-minded! Xi'er decided to take Gu Qiling with her to visit the royal tombs of Nangong Kingdom.

I heard that the emperor was buried with many good things. Maybe she will become rich this time!

Jing Hao looked at the two of them warily: "Don't think of any evil ideas! Otherwise, return to the imperial capital immediately!"

"How could it be? Aren't we obediently listening to our second brother these days?" On the boat, it's hard not to be obedient! Xi'er added in her heart.

"Where's the antidote? I don't know anything anymore. Give me the antidote! Ah! It's so itchy! Antidote!" The man in black wailed again.

He was like a mop, rubbing back and forth on the ground. Who knew the pain that was so itchy that he couldn't help but want to live or die?

"Where is Gong Zixuan hiding?" Jing Hao asked at this time.

Depend on! These people are so shameless, asking themselves so many questions with just one antidote.

The man in black looked at Xi'er angrily.

"I'll give you the antidote after you answer his questions." Xi'er had an expression on her face that said, "What can you do with me?"

"In Nangong Kingdom, Zhangxiang County."

After hearing this, Jing Hao motioned to Xi'er to give him the antidote. He had no more questions to ask.

Xier threw him a pill.

The man in black quickly picked it up and ate it, and then the bone-gnawing itching on his body began to subside quickly.

There was a murderous intention in his heart! So what if he reveals his master's secret? Even the dead can keep secrets!

After all the itching on his body disappeared, he picked up the sword and stabbed Xi'er, but he fell down again just as he stood up!

Xi'er looked at the man in black in front of her with teasing eyes: "How about it? Do you plan to kill all of us after taking the antidote? I forgot to tell you just now, is there any itching powder? The antidote! I haven’t even researched the antidote yet. The pill I gave you just now can only temporarily suppress the poison in your body. Twelve hours later, you will start to itch again! The side effect of the itch powder is to make you look like It's like being poisoned by Chondro Powder, and your whole body is weak. As long as the poison of Itchy Powder is not resolved for a day, your strength will not recover. So before I develop the antidote, please make do with it and stay with us. Proof What you just said did not lie to us. You don’t have to think about running away. Because the antidote I just gave you is to be taken on the same day. It was prepared on the same day. It is prepared in advance. If you leave it for a day, it will have no effect!"

The man in black looked at Xi'er in shock: What kind of person is this!

Gu Qiling and Jing Hao both laughed at Xi'er's words: Whoever falls into her hands will be unlucky!

"Cousin, you are really amazing. Apart from Princess Rui, you are the one I admire the most in my life! Liu Zhiwu looked at Xi'er with stars in his eyes."

"That's right, I still have a lot of powerful poisons. I'll tell you later, and I guarantee that you won't be afraid even if you travel all over the world!" Xi'er said proudly!

"Then I'd like to thank my cousin first!"

Shameless! How shameless! How could he deserve such shameless poison!

Who is this young man in front of me?

Where did he appear as a cousin?

Why have I never heard of a person in Min Zeguo who was such a powerful poisoner?

Are they people who have left their clan?

The man in black now regretted that he had been too careless.

He thought that the second son of the Shen family was just an incompetent scholar, but it turned out that he had martial arts skills!

Jing Hao called the boy: "Take this man in black down and keep a close eye on him."

The boy immediately took the person down.

"Jing Hao, are what the man in black said true?" Liu Zhiwu asked.

"It should be true!" Jing Hao took out another charcoal pen and started writing a letter to Xiaoer.

I need to tell Xiaoer about Master Gu Xuan, and I also need to tell her where Gong Zixuan is now.

Those two people had Xiao'er's idea in mind and had to be on guard.

On the ship, in a certain room, Shuangsheng and Shuangxue, who were sent by Xiaoer to protect Xier, were also on the ship in Ning County that day.

They didn't expect that the princess's sister actually knew how to develop poisons. How old is she?

How could you actually develop such a poison that makes life worse than death?

If he were older, wouldn't he become an invincible poisoner in the world? Whoever meets her will be unlucky?

An update today~~

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Soon everyone gathered in Nangong Kingdom and began to fight for world supremacy!

Looking forward to (˙ー˙)

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