The killing array? After hearing this, Shangguang Xuanyi looked at the situation below with a grim expression.

I always knew that General Liang of Nangong Kingdom was a very capable general, but I didn’t expect that he could even come up with the long-lost killing formation!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the formation below and thought of a solution.

"This killing formation is more powerful than what we have seen in ancient books!" Shangguan Xuanyi saw the problem at a glance!

Xiaoer nodded, and the two of them didn't speak for a while, both thinking of a solution!

Suddenly, hundreds of arrows were shot from all directions in the direction of Di Shaowei.

This is the key to this formation. There are many soldiers with hidden arrows hidden in the enemy army! With the formation, thousands of arrows can be fired in one direction! It's easy to dodge a gun but hard to defend against a hidden arrow!

Now they have locked the direction of Deshawe! If you can kill the most important general in one go!

The generals are dead, and the morale of the soldiers must be greatly reduced! If you kill the general, the battle will be half won!

Seeing arrows shooting at Di Shaowei from all directions, Shangguan Xuanyi pulled up the battle flag, dodged and flew over, waving the arrow flag in the air, knocking away most of the countless arrows in the air.

In this way, Dishaowei himself can deal with the soldiers attacking him and the sharp arrows shot at him at the same time!

Of course, being scratched by a stray arrow is inevitable!

Xiaoer watched as the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom below became more and more fierce, killing the enemy faster and faster.

She frowned again.

General Liang stood high and looked at the situation below, and couldn't help but smile!

This ancient and lost killing formation is really powerful!

So what if Shangguan Xuanyi blocked a rain of arrows? Soon he would be able to save one, but not the other!

General Liang set his sights on the ancient Xuanjun, and then waved the yellow flag in his hand.

Xiaoer glanced at General Liang's movements and saw his eyes falling on Shangguan Xuanjun!

Then she took another look at the soldiers' positions on the battlefield!

found it!

"Brother Shangguan's position at the Sixth Bell!"

"Zhao Yong, twelve o'clock position!"

"Yangliu, nine o'clock position!"

"Yangmei, three o'clock position!"

"Guard them all for me!" After Xiao'er said this, she flew down to a certain location on the battlefield for their reference.

General Liang was surprised after hearing Xiao'er's words: The position of six o'clock, the position of twelve o'clock, the position of nine o'clock, the position of three o'clock?

What direction is this? Why had he never heard of it?

After listening to Xiaoer's words, Shangguan Xuanyi and others quickly performed Qinggong and landed in the corresponding position as she said.

As soon as the few people stood up, they started killing the enemy.

The four of them are all highly skilled in martial arts, and ordinary soldiers are really no match for them.

A few people killed a large number of Nangong Kingdom soldiers nearby!

After General Liang issued the order to shoot Shangguan Xuanjun, the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom began to move.

But as soon as they got close to their destination, before they could launch the sleeve arrows in their sleeves, they were killed!

This resulted in the arrows shooting in the direction of Shangguan Xuanjun. They should have been dense rain of arrows in all directions, but now there were only dozens of sharp arrows scattered in all directions, which could not be called rain arrows at all!

Xiao'er flicked her long whip and rolled up several sharp arrows.

Shangguan Xuanjun swept his sword across to push back the enemy troops surrounding him, and then quickly swung his sword to knock down all the sharp arrows fired at him!

General Liang was quite surprised when he saw this. They actually broke his rain arrow like this!

He glanced at the slightly petite figure on the battlefield! Who is this person? He actually saw the key to his formation right away!

impossible! The killing array has been lost. It took me more than ten years of research to develop it! And it is definitely more powerful than the original killing array!

This formation is very flexible and can adapt to changes!

It is because of this formation that the Holy One is more confident in unifying the world!

Now someone has discovered it just after it was launched. This is...impossible!

It must be a coincidence!

Although he has researched the formation, he has not yet found a way to crack it!

The enemy saw their formation on the battlefield and found a way to break it within a quarter of an hour?

This makes General Liang a little hard to believe!

General Liang quickly waved the blue flag in his hand.

Xiaoer was paying attention to General Liang while killing the enemy on the battlefield. When she saw the flag in his hand moving, she couldn't help but sneered: Let's see if his soldiers move faster or hers move faster. Soon!

Xiaoer jumped up and stayed in mid-air for a few seconds. After seeing the situation underground clearly, he made a quick judgment.

Shangguan Xuanyi also figured out the soul of this formation!

After he saw General Liang's movements, he and Xiaoer almost jumped into the air at the same time to clearly see the enemy's movements on the ground. Without Xiaoer saying anything, when he landed, he flew to one of the key positions. Location.

"Zhao Yong's one o'clock position, Yang Liu." Xiaoer arranged for Zhao Yong and the three of them to move, while landing on a certain place on the battlefield as their reference.

This time, several people cooperated even better!

They quickly landed on their corresponding positions and killed several soldiers before they could stand firm!

This time, a total of ten cold arrows released by the enemy were not enough!

General Liang was shocked!

He actually saw through his formation!

He doesn’t believe in evil!

Wave the two flags of different colors with both hands at the same time.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer once again jumped into the air at the same time.

He took a look at the enemy's movement.

Then they landed somewhere and issued orders respectively.

Xiaoer: "Zhao Yong."

Shangguan Xuanyi called the names of four people: "Di Chao at five o'clock, Feng Ting., Jiang Feng., Feng Jie."

These people are capable lieutenants under Di Shaowei and Shangguan Xuanjun.

With the experience of the first two times, General Liang also saw some clues!

Now that he saw that they had accurately landed on the key point of breaking the formation, he suspected that these people were not generals, but generals!

This is simply not something humans can do!

In just one breath, he saw the trend of the soldiers and made the right decision immediately!

Is this something that humans can do? This is something only God can do!

Could it be that they can read minds and read their own thoughts, so they can make such correct decisions!

But no matter what, this battle still needs to be fought. There are only two of them, and the reason why the decisive formation is called the decisive battle is because it is very flexible!

Can be ever-changing!

He didn't believe that their four eyes could really see the whole scene!

Man is not God, there is always something he cannot do!

After General Liang finished waving two flags of different colors with both hands, he took out two more flags of different colors and waved them a few times.

Finally, he took out a black flag and waved it a few times!

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