After the capture of Jiangdong County, Xiaoer and the others did not participate in the aftermath.

Shangguan Xuanyi, Xiaoer, Xier and Shangguan Xuanyao secretly went to Li County to participate in the poison fighting competition. They all changed their appearance before setting off, and absolutely no one could recognize who they were.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi were in a carriage, and Xier and Shangguan Xuanyao were in a carriage. The two carriages headed towards Li County in a low-key manner.

In the carriage, Xiaoer sometimes takes the children out of the space, plays with them, and lets them take a look at the scenery along the way.

Every time Xiaoer takes the child out of the space, Shangguan Xuanyi will drive the car himself.

After Xiaoer put the child back into the space, he asked Zhao Yong to drive the car, and he went into the carriage to accompany Xiaoer.

Fortunately, several children stopped crying after six months, so Xiaoer dared to take them out of the space.

Xiaoer thought they must have very high IQs. When they need to poop, although they can't speak, their mouths will make some baby language and their buttocks will twist, letting people know at a glance that they need to poop.

So since the children were six months old, Xiaoer no longer put diapers on them.

They also don't like wearing diapers, probably because it's too hot.

Xiaoer sang nursery rhymes softly to the children in the carriage. Probably because the carriage was swaying, they fell asleep soon after.

After the child fell asleep, Xiaoer took the child into the space to sleep, and Shangguan Xuanyi also sat back in the carriage.

Li County is relatively far from Jiangdong County. They traveled for more than a month to get there. Shangguan Xuanyi spent half of this month working as a coachman. He always said in front of Xiaoer that he It’s not easy for a father to do it for his children! It’s just a fool’s errand!

Li County occupies a very large area. There are not many plains in the entire county. Most of them are rolling mountains. The Li people live in the mountains because it is convenient to go to the mountains to collect medicine.

The county seat of Li County is very small, with a population of less than 20,000 people. Although Li County is small, it has all the necessary facilities and shops.

When several people came to Li County, they first found an inn to stay.

Just because the poison fighting competition was about to take place, every inn was almost full, so they arrived too late.

"Let's go to Yahangli and see if there are any small courtyards for rent! Let's just rent a small courtyard to live in. It's relatively quiet." Xiaoer said after seeing this.

"Let's go to the restaurant to eat first. Zhao Yong and Fang Shun, you guys go to the dental shop and ask."

Fang Shun is Shangguan Xuan Yao's personal bodyguard and can be considered a servant.

The two of them quickly agreed, and then sent the masters to the restaurant. After setting up the carriage, they immediately went to find a house.

Otherwise, would the masters have to sleep on the street at night?

The two went to the only tooth shop to inquire about it, and learned that: all the small courtyards in the city have been rented out, and there are still some outside the city, but because the courtyards are relatively large and relatively new, the asking price is still quite expensive.

Two hundred taels a month, and one month's rent is paid for one rent.

Fang Shun couldn't help but gasped after hearing this: "Two hundred taels a month? Isn't this taking advantage of the situation? No wonder we can't rent it out. For two hundred taels, you can buy the entire yard! It's not in the city!"

After hearing this, Ya Xing said: "Young master, what you said is wrong. The poison fighting competition is coming soon, and this courtyard can be rented out tomorrow at the latest! This is a new courtyard, and no one has moved in yet! Two hundred taels is enough." It’s so cheap! It costs five taels of silver to stay in a hotel for one night!”

When Zhao Yong heard this, he decided to rent it without saying a word. Anyway, the most important thing his master lacked was money: "Okay, but you have to send someone to clean the house!"

"That's for sure! The house is cleaned every day, and it's very clean! I'll take you to see it now, you two!"

After Zhao Yong and Fang Shun visited the house, they were both satisfied and rented it.

Xiao'er and the four of them entered the restaurant. In order to learn about the gossip about the poison fighting competition, they did not ask for a private room, but found a table in the lobby to sit down.

Probably because of the poison fighting competition, although it wasn't dinner time yet, there were already many people in the restaurant.

After Xiaoer and the others sat down, the waiter came and asked them what they wanted to eat. Xiaoer casually ordered a few signature dishes.

It took a long time to wait for the food to be served. Fortunately, everyone in the restaurant was discussing the poison fighting competition in two days. Xiaoer and the others knew only a little about this poison fighting competition, so they all pricked up their ears to listen. .

It turns out that the Poison Fighting Competition is not just something you can participate in if you want to. You also need to have a post to enter the Poison King Valley to participate in the competition.

After hearing this, Xi'er whispered: "What should we do? We don't have any posts!"

Xiaoer: "Wait a minute and let's ask the waiter how to get this post."

Since this poison fighting competition is open to people from all over the world, there are naturally channels to get the posts.

"I heard that the rules of this poison fighting competition have been changed." The man at the next table said.

"I haven't heard of any rules. Isn't it still the same as before? The first level: determine the ingredients of the poison given by the elders of the Li clan and write down the antidote formula; the second level: give three poisons, and in the regulations Time, find them from the mountain, whoever finds them all will be the winner; the third level is to prepare a poison yourself, compete with the opponent, fight the poison, test the poison, whoever can detoxify the opponent's poison will be considered the winner? ? Which two people produce the most powerful poison, they will become the elders of the Li Clan!"

"These three are the basic ones. In addition, there is a new one: helping four poisoned people detoxify."

"Detoxification, it's not that difficult, right?"

"I don't know, I always feel like it's not that simple."

"That's right, but telling the ingredients of the poison given by the elders of the Li Clan and writing out the detoxification formula has baffled many people. Now we have to add a new one to help four people detoxify. It seems that this poison fighting competition Wonderful!”

After hearing what they said, Xi'er said: "It doesn't sound too difficult. It means identifying the poison, detoxifying it, and making the poison. That's it."

The waiter brought the dishes just in time, and after listening to Xi'er's words, he said: "Young master, don't underestimate this poison fighting competition. In every poison fighting competition, many people are eliminated in the first level. The elders of our Li Clan , the poisons developed are not something that everyone can distinguish. Also, think about how big Li County is. There are so many mountains, and you only have one day to go up the mountain to find poisons. How will you find them! Anyway, this poison fight is The competition is very strict, it’s not easy to become a member of the Li Clan!”

"Xiao Er, I heard that you need to have a post to participate in the poison fighting competition. How did you get the post?"

"Oh, for this post, you need to register at the Li Clan Guild, and then answer a paper. If you pass the test, you can get it. If you want to participate in the poison fighting competition, then hurry up and get the post! Tomorrow is the last day. Time to sign up.”

"Where is the Li Clan Guild?"

"It's the last shop on the left hand side of this street."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, waiter."

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