"Twenty taels!" The man in black couldn't help but increase the price.

The man walked away directly: It's not an auction, and he kept asking for bids!

Let’s talk about twenty taels! Send beggars away? He can sell a bottle of poison for more than this price! There is no sincerity at all!

People who play poison are not short of money, especially those who are good at poison. A bottle of colorless and odorless poison is worth a sky-high price!

The men in blue and black asked a few more people, but unfortunately no one paid them any attention!

We have reached the third level. As long as you pass this level, you can become a disciple of the Li Clan. There are so many benefits to joining the Li Clan. No one would be so stupid as to lose the opportunity to become a disciple of the Li Clan just for money.

Xiaoer glanced at the man in blue and the man in black, and gave them a strange smile.

Soon everyone found their opponent, which naturally made some happy and others sad!

Immediately afterwards, the maid in white took the two groups of opponents to two pharmacies to select poisons.

Xiaoer and the others entered the pharmacy, quickly picked out the poisons they wanted, put them in a cloth bag, and then someone took them to the alchemy room.

Xiao'er and the four of them were placed in adjacent alchemy rooms because they were equally ranked and not rivals.

As for what kind of poison the four of them were going to make, Xi'er had already thought about it when they learned the rules of the poison fighting competition that day!

Xi'er told the three of them the poison recipe, preparation method, and antidote formula.

After everyone entered their respective rooms, Xiaoer took a look at the configuration of the room. The room was full of poison-making pill furnaces and tools. Except for a chair, there was no other furniture.

Xiaoer felt it and found that no one was secretly paying attention to the situation in her room, so she entered the space with confidence.

When it came to preparing the poison, Xiaoer was not in a hurry. She found some poisonous weeds from the space that she had just brought in from outside, then threw them into the space processing workshop and asked the space processing workshop to process a portion of the poison.

At this moment, for Xiaoer, playing with her children for a while is the most important thing.

Although Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyi lived on the left and right sides of the house, she did not take the children out of the space.

Just go into the space to play with them, play until they are tired and fall asleep, and then leave the space.

In order to avoid suspicion, of course Xiaoer had to make the poison herself. At least the things in the house had to have signs of use!

The extra poison processed in the space processing workshop is just a precaution!

The highest level of poison is colorless and odorless! She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to reach this level by doing it herself, but they must win this poison fighting competition, so she processed an extra batch at the processing workshop, just in case.

The two hours came quickly, and everyone took the poison they prepared out of the alchemy room and came to the platform.

There are two long rows of tables placed on the platform. The two rows of tables are placed side by side, just enough for opponents with the same number to sit face to face.

Xiao'er took a look at the things in everyone's hands. Some were holding a bowl of dark soup, and some were holding a bottle. It was unclear whether it contained poison or poison pills.

Neither Shangguan Xuanyi nor Shangguan Xuanyao knew how to make elixirs, so they both held a bowl of concoction in their hands.

Anyway, they just took the poison recipe given by Xi'er and boiled it into a concoction according to the method taught by Xi'er. As for refining it into pills, powder, and colorless and odorless venom! They can't do this!

After seeing that everyone had prepared the poison, the old man with Taoist Immortality said: "Okay, now you press the numbers on the bamboo sticks in your hands and find the corresponding position and sit down!

The row of desks on the left are numbered from 1 to 25, and the row of desks on the right are also numbered from 1 to 25. Everyone should sit down according to their numbers first. "

After everyone sat down, the old man with Taoist immortality said again: "Now the poison test begins! The time is one hour. After you test out what kind of poison it is, you can write down the antidote prescription, and then the poisonous girl gang will You grab the medicine, prepare the antidote yourself, and just take it. If anyone is not sure about the poison, you can just admit defeat without trying it."

Poison masters cannot be without courage, and people who leave the clan must not be scoundrels! A person who doesn't even have the guts to test poison is not worthy of becoming a poison master from the Li Clan!

After hearing this, everyone made no other move for a while. They just stared at the bowl/bottle of poison on the person opposite.

The entire square was filled with an invisible tension.

The whole place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Try it?

Test the poison and then detoxify it. What if your opponent's poison is too overbearing and you fail to prepare the antidote and you die?

The third level is actually very cruel and terrifying.

It not only tests people's poison skills, but also tests their psychological quality.

Because in addition to making poison, you also have to test the poison yourself and detoxify it.

There are no tools available for you to verify what kind of virus it is.

Just rely on your own eyes and smell sense to identify it. If you can't identify it, you must first test the poison on a small scale and then prepare an antidote.

After preparing the antidote, a real test of the poison must be carried out!

I personally ate my opponent's poison and took the antidote I prepared myself! Let's see if we can actually prepare the antidote.

As a qualified poisoner, testing poisons is a must.

What exactly is the other party’s poison? Is it to seal one's throat at the sight of blood, or to kill oneself immediately?

You have to try it yourself, and the result of trying may be your death!

Those who are not confident can simply abstain.

No one forces you to take the poison.

But if you want to win, you must try the poison.

Every year when we come to this level, some people will be poisoned to death because of testing poison.

The scene was so tense. Seeing everyone looking like they were about to go to the execution ground, Xiaoer couldn't help but chuckle: "Didn't you say it started? Why didn't you move?"

After Xiaoer said this, she handed over her bottle of antidote and made a gesture: "Please!"

The man in blue took the antidote handed over by Xiaoer, handed over his bottle of poison, and looked at Xiaoer with a proud look: If you dare to try this poison, you will definitely die!

Xiaoer took his bottle of poison in his hand, opened the cork, took a look, then gave him an unusually bright smile, leaned forward slightly, and said "poison" in a voice that only the two of them could hear. name.

Then she sat back down with a confident smile.

The man in blue's expression froze, as if he was in the cold weather. He glanced at the bottle Xiaoer put down, and then remembered her weird and unpredictable smile, and felt an inexplicable chill all over his body!

She is so powerful that she can tell what kind of poison she has given just by looking at her concoction! Obviously this poisonous juice is colorless and odorless! How did she know!

Because Xiaoer took the lead, others also started exchanging poison.

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