After Gong Zixuan and Shangguan Wanru left, Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi came out.

When Li Guzi saw them coming out, he said, "Prince Rui, it's up to you to get my nine hundred and ninety thousand taels back!"

Shangguan Xuanyi gave him a cold look: "I am not a debt collector!"

Xiaoer: "Isn't it 980,000 taels? You want to trick us into paying 10,000 taels!"

Li Guzi: "."

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer quietly followed Gong Zixuan and the others down the mountain.

Shangguan Wanru and Gong Zixuan went down the mountain, got on the carriage and left.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer have been following them from a distance. They want to see if Gu Xuan is with them and then catch them all!

The carriage stopped in front of a magnificent house.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer stood watching from a distance without stepping forward.

After the two of them got off the carriage and entered the house, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "Girl, I'll go take a look. You wait for me here."

Xiaoer nodded: "Okay!"

Not long after Shangguan Xuanyi left, he came back: "There are formations on the ground around the house. As soon as someone steps in, the formations will be triggered."

After hearing this, Xiaoer said: "I'll let the golden python go take a look. We have to see clearly what kind of formation it is before we can enter."

If the formation is triggered as soon as they step in, they will be alerted.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

"Xiao Huang, it's up to you! Go see what that formation is about!"

The golden python nodded after hearing this.

So Xiaoer released the golden python, and the golden python turned into a golden needle and sank into the ground.

Xiao'er looked at the disappearing little figure of the golden python and whispered: "It's not bad to be a snake. At least it has the ability to escape from heaven to earth."

Shangguan Xuanyi withdrew his gaze from the ground. He looked at the house in the distance and said, "No matter how good the snake is, man is the master of all things!"

And he doesn't think his ability to escape from the ground is that good!

"Master, there is a tunnel below." Soon the voice of the golden python appeared in Xiaoer's mind.

tunnel? Fortunately, the golden python was allowed to take a look. Otherwise, if they had touched the formation and were temporarily trapped, they would have been allowed to escape, and it would be even harder to discover their whereabouts next time.

"Xiao Huang, do you know where the exit is?" Xiaoer asked in her mind.

If there is a tunnel, there must be an exit. If the formation is set up to touch the surface, then entering from underground will not touch the formation.

"Wait!" the golden python replied and then stopped talking.

After hearing this, Xiaoer stopped asking about it. She said to Shangguan Xuanyi beside her:

"Brother Shangguan, there is a tunnel under the house."

"Is there a tunnel? Where is the exit?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked immediately after hearing this.

"Don't know yet."

The two waited for a while, and the golden python emerged from the ground.

"Have you found the exit?" Xiao'er saw it popping up and took it back into space.

"Found it," said the golden python.

After hearing this, Xiaoer said to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Brother Shangguan, the exit has been found. You go and touch the formation. I will wait for you at the exit."

"Where is the exit?" Shangguan Xuanyi did not respond to Xiaoer's words.

He didn't know how high the ancient Xuan Kung Fu was, so he didn't feel at ease when Xiaoer was asked to wait at the exit alone.

"Where is the exit?" Xiaoer asked the golden python again.

"In the flower building two miles away."

so far? Xiao'er was a little surprised when she heard this. After all, tunnels are not easy to dig!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer, waiting for her answer.

"In the flower building two miles away."

"The exit is actually in Hualou?" Shangguan Xuanyi was a little surprised when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unexpected.

If you want to hide from others or want to escape, the flower building is a good choice, because there are many rooms and people inside, and it will be extremely troublesome to find any room you hide in.

"It's indeed a bit surprising! But it doesn't matter where the exit is. Since the exit is so far away from here, brother Shangguan, let's go to the flower house together! Let's go!" Xiaoer's voice couldn't hide her excitement. In her previous life, she was just I have seen the Flower House in a costume film on TV. After coming here for so long, I have entered the palace, but I have never entered the Flower House!


Shangguan Xuanyi did not move: What is this unconcealable excitement about? Those who didn’t know better thought she wanted to go pick flowers!

But Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything. With him by her side, everything she thought about was in vain!

"Brother Shangguan, hurry up! It's getting dark!" Xiaoer urged when she saw that Shangguan Xuanyi didn't move.

So impatient? Shangguan Xuanyi glared at Xiaoer and said angrily: "Put on makeup first!"

Then the two of them confirmed that no one was nearby, found a corner, and hid in the space.

Xiaoer thought that the women in the flower house would rush towards them like wild bees and butterflies!

How could he let other women get involved with his man?

So Xiaoer said: "Brother Shangguan, let me help you put on your makeup! I can guarantee that no woman will dare to get close to you!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, his mood became inexplicably brighter. He looked at Xiaoer with a half-smile but not a smile: "You don't want other women to get close to me? You have to watch me closely now!"

Of course he didn't want other women to get close to him, but he couldn't say this. He knew it by looking at someone's proud look, so Xiaoer gave him a look while putting on makeup: "Don't you like to be approached by other people? ?I just understand your habits."

Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened after hearing this: "I don't like it, and she doesn't want it are two different concepts, okay?"

"Open your mouth!" Xiaoer said.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened his mouth obediently.

Xiaoer took out a bottle of something from the space, and then used a cotton swab to paint Shangguan Xuanyi's teeth yellow.

After it was painted yellow, Xiaoer thought it was not enough!

What if there are still women who dare to kiss me? So she took out another thing and painted two or three of Shangguan Xuanyi's teeth black.

Shangguan Xuanyi let Xiaoer play around.

After finishing, Xiaoer said: "Grinning."

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled obediently.

Xiaoer looked at it and felt it was not enough, so she added a little more on Shangguan Xuanyi's face.

Soon Xiaoer put on makeup for Shangguan Xuanyi! I have to say that it is a bit difficult to make an ugly person beautiful, but it is very easy to make a beautiful person ugly!

"Okay!" Xiaoer looked very satisfied when she saw Shangguan Xuanyi! It's so ugly!

Shangguan Xuanyi took a look at himself in the glasses, he looked ugly! But let this girl do whatever she likes! This would save a lot of trouble, which was exactly what he wanted.

After helping Shangguan Xuanyi put on her makeup, Xiaoer started to put on her own makeup. Well, she looked a bit ugly now, so she had to make her look more handsome, so as to attract the attention of the girls.

"Let me help you transform it!" Shangguan Xuanyi said.

"No!" Xiaoer refused.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark as he watched Xiaoer make herself more and more handsome!

Today I will continue to work hard towards the goal of 10,000 words.

Now is the first update!

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