It took Xiaoer half a day to reach the bottom.

This was because she had jumped down after walking more than half of the way, and she would have left so quickly.

Before jumping down, she threw four bags down, which were filled with dry food and dried meat. This was food prepared for the soldiers who had been trapped for nearly ten days.

The valley below Yanziling is called Chishui Valley.

This valley has rugged rocks, because most of the rocks are a little red, and the stream flows over the rocks. From a distance, the water looks like red, so it is named Chishui Valley!

Xiaoer raised his head and took a look at the valley. He saw that the mountains were covered with red boulders. This was probably because the stones were exposed outside the mountains and had been washed away by rain over time. Some of the stones were as smooth as if they had been cut with a knife. .

Xiaoer just looked at it for a moment, then looked away. She picked up four large bundles with some mud on the ground and carried them on her back.

Then he went to find Shangguan Xuanyi according to Bai Tian's instructions. After finding Shangguan Xuanyi, he went to find Ri Ge'er and the others.

At this moment, Shangguan Xuanyi was leading people to search for Ri Ge and his party according to the traces left by them.

There are many rocks in this valley, but not many animals and plants. It is difficult to find a wild vegetable to eat!

The main reason is that the place they are walking now has been passed by Brother Ri and his soldiers, and all the edible things have been dug up by the soldiers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so it is more difficult for them to find something to eat!

There are many foods in Shangguan Xuanyi's space ring, but most of them are dried meat and cooked food, without wild fruits and vegetables.

When the soldiers really couldn't find anything to eat, he could only occasionally find an excuse to go to a farther place alone, and then bring out some fresh sweet potatoes or potatoes from the space for them to eat.

In order to be more realistic and make the sweet potatoes and potatoes look like they were just dug out, he also had to put a little soil into their skins.

Now it was lunch time, Shangguan Xuanyi found another excuse to go to a deserted place, then packed a bag of sweet potatoes and brought them back to share with the soldiers.

Because when sweet potatoes are roasted and eaten, the skin will be burnt. If you peel off the skin and then eat it, only half of the whole sweet potato will be left. Therefore, everyone is reluctant to roast the sweet potatoes over fire, but there is no pot to cook the sweet potatoes, so It can only be eaten raw.

"Is the soil in this valley particularly suitable for growing sweet potatoes? Why do I think the sweet potatoes dug by the prince are so sweet!" A soldier said while nibbling half of a washed sweet potato with the skin on.

"These are sweet potatoes that the prince dug for us personally. Of course they are sweet! We are so lucky to be able to eat the sweet potatoes that the prince dug for us!"

Feng Qing said at this time: "I also think the sweet potatoes dug by the prince are very sweet! They are not like ordinary sweet potatoes! My family is poor, so it can be said that I grew up eating sweet potatoes, but I have never eaten such good ones. I ate sweet potatoes. I hated eating sweet potatoes before, but now I feel like I can’t get enough of them! Well, I can’t get enough of such delicious sweet potatoes in a lifetime!”

After hearing this, Feng Xing couldn't help but said: "Of course you haven't eaten enough. I'm hungry. Everything tastes sweet, and I don't feel like I've eaten enough either!" Each person can only share half a sweet potato at one meal, which is not even enough to fit between the teeth!

But in this place where birds don't lay eggs, he is very content to have half a sweet potato to eat instead of chewing on tree roots!

The soldiers sat around eating sweet potatoes and talking to each other.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat alone and watched everyone eating sweet potatoes without saying a word.

He was wondering what Xiaoer was doing now, whether she was playing in the space with a few children.

I haven't seen the children for several days, and I don't know if they have learned to walk.

When he led troops to attack Pingyao County, several children could already walk by themselves holding on to the edge of the table.

It's been more than half a month now, I guess I have learned to walk!

Suddenly he turned his head and looked in the direction they came from.

I saw a figure running towards them using Qing Kung Fu.

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up quickly when he saw this.

Other soldiers also noticed it, picked up their weapons and stood up.

"Don't be nervous, it's one of our own!" Shangguan Xuanyi said when he saw this, and then he used Qinggong and flew over.

Xiaoer saw Shangguan Xuanyi flying over and immediately stopped the wolf.

Shangguan Xuanyi came to Xiaoer and stopped.

"Brother Shangguan!" Xiaoer smiled sweetly at Shangguan Xuanyi.

"You're here!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer's sweet smile and felt that the wind blowing in the valley was warm!

I was thinking about her and the child in my heart, but unexpectedly she appeared in front of me. This feeling made me feel a little indescribably happy.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer carrying several big baggage on his back, so he quickly took the baggage from Xiaoer's back.

Other soldiers also ran over at this time, and when they saw the princess disguised as a man, they all saluted.

Everyone is familiar with Xiaoer's disguise as a man, so they recognized her as soon as they saw her.

Feng Qing couldn't help but joke: "Princess, are you here to save us? Did you bring any dry food? I chewed the tree roots until my mouth turned pale!"

"When did you chew the roots? You were eating sweet potatoes just now! Stop pretending to be pitiful! Don't you tell me that you will never get tired of eating those sweet potatoes for the rest of your life?" Feng Xing couldn't help but scorned after hearing Feng Qing's words.

"It's not that there aren't many sweet potatoes, and my stomach isn't full enough at all, so I look for tree roots to eat!"

"Just in time, I brought some dry food and dried meat for everyone to eat! Are you very touched?" Xiaoer pointed to the four bundles in Shangguan Xuanyi's hand.

Shangguan Xuanyi handed the four bags in his hand to Feng Qing.

"That's great, Princess! I knew I would have something to eat with the Princess!" Feng Qing quickly took it.

"Princess, are you carrying four such big baggage all the way down the cliff?" Feng Xing said in surprise.

"No, I was thrown from above!"

Feng Xing took a look at the baggage and found that it was indeed dirty, with some mud stuck to it.

Feng Qing opened the bag and immediately took two pieces of dried meat and handed them to Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi.

However, both of them refused to let them eat by themselves, so Feng Qing asked the soldiers to get a piece of dried meat each, and then the baggage was gone.

There are still three bags left for tomorrow!

After everyone got all the dried meat, they all wisely stayed away from King De Rui and Princess Rui, so that the two people who had not seen each other for a long time could have a private conversation.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer's nose was red from the cold and asked, "Why don't you wear more clothes?"

"I'm not cold. My hands are warm. Besides, after performing Qing Gong, my whole body is warm. It's just that the wind is strong and my nose is red."

Shangguan Xuanyi also knew that the body would indeed heat up when performing Qing Gong, and Xiaoer's hands were indeed warm. He thought of several children and asked, "Can the children walk?"

"I know it! I just learned it not long ago! Brother Ri and the others are not far ahead. They entered the cave. Let's find them quickly and go back. It's already the Chinese New Year!" Xiao'er is worried that Yun'er will think too much and just want to Find Brother Ri quickly and rush back to Zezhou.


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