"Brother Shangguan, I don't know where they went during the day! I have to go into the space and take a look." There is only an open space left in the space, which is obviously completely destroyed! They didn't know what happened to them during the day, and Xiaoer was extremely anxious.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded after hearing this: "Okay, but take a pill first! Your body has not fully recovered yet!"

"No, it will be fine soon!" Xiaoer refused.

Now that there is nothing left in the space, the remaining pills are even more precious!

"Eat one!" Shangguan Xuanyi insisted unexpectedly!

Xiao'er has been in a coma for so long and can't eat normally. It's not known if there are any problems in other parts of her body! It's better to take a medical pill to reassure him!

Shangguan Xuanyi directly put the pill to Xiaoer's lips.

He also planned to ask Yang Mei to arrange for someone to find Dr. Luo to come and take a look at her after Yang Mei came over with her child!

Xiaoer originally wanted not to eat, but then she thought that space needs to rely on her own energy to run. Her body is so weak now. If she eats and her body recovers, it might be good for the space! So Xiaoer opened her mouth and swallowed the pill.

After taking the pills, Xiaoer's fatigue gradually subsided.

Then Xiaoer took Shangguan Xuanyi into the space.

Inside the space, just like what Xiaoer saw with her consciousness outside, there was nothing left! There is only a bare piece of land left!

"Daytime! Daytime! Xiao Huang!" Xiaoer entered the space and kept calling, but no one answered her.

Xiao'er wanted to look around, but she couldn't reach anywhere other than the open space!

Xiaoer couldn't help but panic in her heart. They had been with her for so long during the day, and she had long regarded them as her relatives, and now none of them were gone!

"Brother Shangguan, why are they not here during the day?" Could it be that they are dead? Xiaoer was startled by her own thoughts, and she quickly denied it! Bah bah bah! Will not!

Shangguan Xuanyi was looking around the space. He tried to walk out of the open space and walked towards the place covered by the white mist, but found that he was blocked by an invisible force.

The space was completely destroyed by Gu Xuan this time!

After hearing Xiaoer's words, he didn't know how to answer her for a moment. He thought for a while and said, "I think they must be sleeping during the day!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi said this, he thought of the magical powers of these animals and felt that they must not die! He should be asleep like Xiaoer before!

When Gu Xuan wanted to destroy the space, they would definitely try their best to protect the space. They must have been injured and fell asleep because of this.

After hearing this, Xiaoer felt that it made sense. They were very capable during the day! Everything will be fine!

They must be practicing hard in the place where they usually practice, so that they can wake up as soon as possible!

After all, every time they use their magic power during the day, they have to retreat for a period of time.

At this time, outside the space, Yang Liu came back with four children.

"Concubine! Concubine!" The four children shouted loudly to Concubine as they ran.

Yangliu and Yangmei followed them, constantly telling them to slow down! Be careful and fall!

When Xiaoer heard the movement outside, she quickly took Shangguan Xuanyi out of the space.

As soon as the two people left the space, the door was pushed open with great force!

When several children saw Xiaoer really waking up, they all rushed towards Xiaoer!

"Concubine, you are really awake!"

"Concubine, you finally woke up!"

"Concubine! You've been sleeping for a long time!"

"How can you sleep so well, concubine! You can sleep better than a pig!"

When Xiaoer saw them rushing toward her, she quickly squatted down and reached out to catch them.

Qingqing was the fattest and the slowest runner among the four, so Xiaoer was surrounded by three people and refused to let go. She could only circle around, shouting "Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine..." With.

She wanted to push forward, but her brothers and sisters didn't get out of the way. Qingqing couldn't hold her mother and concubine, so she opened her little mouth and cried loudly!

When Rooftop saw Qingqing crying, he quickly withdrew from Xiaoer's arms: "Qingqing, mother and concubine hug me!"

Qingqing immediately put away her tears and threw herself into Xiaoer's arms!

This girl is an expert, she knows how to use this trick against her big brother, and it works every time!

There were four children, and Xiaoer only had two hands, so she really couldn't take care of them. Seeing that Roof was so sensible, she touched his head and said, "Roof is so good!"

Qingqing leaned her head on Xiaoer's arms: "Concubine, Qingqing, be good!"

Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "Yes, Qingqing is good, you four are all very good!"

Xiaoer would run away just looking at several children! And he said it so neatly, it made my heart feel sour!

She missed the stage of her child's babbling!

"Qingqing is the best!" After listening to Xiaoer's words, Qingqing raised her head from Xiaoer's arms, frowned, and emphasized seriously.

The other three children couldn't help but turned away and rolled their eyes: The one who cries the most is the best!

Xiaoer: "." Who does this child look like? So competitive!

She raised her head and glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi, who was standing at the edge and looking at this warm picture with a smile: He must look like the child's father!

The four children pestered Xiaoer and played for a while.

Xiaoer kept them in her mind during the day and wanted to ask Master Yunfa, so she asked someone to take them down to play.

Master Yunfa knew that Xiao'er would definitely have questions to ask him, so he didn't leave.

Xier took Master Yunfa to visit the garden and kept asking Master Yunfa about magic!

Xi'er was attracted by Master Yunfa's method of saving people. She wanted to learn it very much! She didn't want to convert to Buddhism, so she just made an insinuation!

Master Yunfa avoided the important points and answered lightly.

Xi'er asked for a long time but still couldn't get the answer she wanted. She was a little depressed!

I thought Master Yunfa was an honest man! I didn’t expect it to be a thief!

"Princess Rui is awake. Will the donor not inform her family to reassure them?"

"Yes! How could I forget such an important thing! Master Yunfa, let me ask someone to accompany you to the garden!"

"Donor please, I'm tired, just sit here. Just ask someone to tell Princess Rui that I will wait for her here!" Master Yunfa pointed to the lakeside pavilion in front of her.

"Okay, Master Yunfa, please wait a moment." Xi'er left quickly after saying this.

Master Yunfa sat in the pavilion by the lake, quietly watching the clouds in the sky, waiting for Xiaoer to come over.

Xiaoer was just about to ask someone to see where Master Yunfa was in the garden, when someone came and told her that Master Yunfa was waiting for her at the pavilion by the lake.

Xiaoer walked towards the pavilion.

Master Yunfa stood up when he saw Xiaoer coming over.

Xiaoer came outside the pavilion by the lake and saluted Master Yunfa.

Master Yunfa quickly dodged: "Princess, please don't hurt me!"

"Master Yunfa is serious. Master Yunfa is my savior. I should salute Master Yunfa!"

"Saving the princess is what I should do." Master Yunfa knew that Xiaoer would understand what he meant.

"Anyway, thank you Master Yunfa for saving your life."

Xiaoer was thinking about how to ask about space.

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