After Xiaoer sent away the fifth princess and others, she told Shangguan Xuanyi about Shangguan Wanru becoming a monk.

"I want to go to the nunnery tomorrow to see the princess, but Yijin said that she refuses to meet everyone. We have gone there several times, but she has not come out to meet her."

Shangguan Xuanyi was watching the latest battle report coming back from the south. In the past two months, they have captured another city!

This time more people and soldiers surrendered than before!

Probably because the entire Nangong Kingdom is spreading the news that Gong Qinghua and Gong Zixuan have been assassinated by assassins and are unconscious or dead. The Nangong Kingdom's court is in chaos! Some relatively powerful officials even thought of occupying the land and becoming kings! In addition, the bureaucracy of Nangong Kingdom is already corrupt, so corrupt officials in some places exploit the people even more unscrupulously!

The people who were already dissatisfied became even more dissatisfied because of the comparison of the lives the people of Zezhou were living now! So there are even fewer people resisting!

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned slightly after hearing Xiaoer's words: "You are not allowed to go anywhere these days! You have just woken up and your body has not fully recovered, so don't think about going anywhere until your body recovers.

Since Shangguan Wanru doesn't want to see anyone, it will be in vain for you to go! When she figures it out, it won't be too late to see her again.

By the way, didn’t Master Yunfa say that as long as you remember what he said, what you want in your heart will come true? "

Shangguan Xuanyi took the initiative to change the topic in order to divert Xiaoer's attention, and talked about the thing that worried most about Xiaoer.

"Well, Master Yunfa once said that blessing the world and nourishing the common people. I guess he meant that I use space to benefit the people.

But now there is only an open space left to grow things! I can only grow some food, medicinal materials, etc. to help the poor people. But if this is the case, I don't know how long it will take for them to appear during the day. "

Xiao'er vaguely felt that if they wanted them to appear during the day, it would not be as simple as giving food to the people.

She was thinking about how to bless the world and moisturize the common people!

She remembered that the space was upgraded once because she saved the entire people of Shengping County.

If saving the people of a county can bring them back during the day, she doesn't want space upgrades or anything, she just wants them to come back to her during the day.

But now that the weather is good and the country is peaceful and the people are safe, how can anyone in the county save him?

Sometimes she even wondered if Master Yunfa was hinting that she should stop attacking Nangong Kingdom. But as soon as the thought came to her, she denied it!

The reason why the states and counties of Nangong Kingdom were captured so easily is because Nangong Kingdom, as the most prosperous and powerful country, has long been defeated by the outside world!

Many civilians have long complained about bureaucratic corruption and excessive taxes. That's why when they attacked Nangong Kingdom, so many people in each county surrendered! And more and more.

Many of the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom come from poor people. Xiaoer can feel that the determination and combat effectiveness of those soldiers are not high! There is no strong will to defend the mountains and rivers of the motherland to the death! Probably because they have long been dissatisfied with the rule of the royal family!

The attack on Nangong Kingdom cannot be stopped.

The corruption of the bureaucracy will inevitably lead to the loss of the dynasty, which will inevitably lead to the loss of the people's livelihood. This is the inevitable result of historical development.

So trying to find ways to let the people of Nangong Kingdom live a good life can be considered a blessing to the world!

"I thought of a way to make them appear during the day as soon as possible." Shangguan Xuanyi said.

"What method?" Xiaoer was delighted. The methods Shangguan Xuanyi thought of were usually good ones!

"Isn't there only an open space left in space now? You also planted some food in it yesterday. Although the growth is not as fast as before, it is hundreds of times better than outside! I think this is because the land in space is It’s a good land, but because the space has been destroyed, the spiritual energy is less than before, and the plants don’t grow so fast!”

"Of course the land in space is a good land, but what next?" Xiaoer agreed with Shangguan Xuanyi's statement.

"There are many low-grade fields or newly reclaimed wasteland in various places. The food produced by these lands is not as high as that of the high-grade fields. I think if we use the soil of space to transform these fields, then the wastelands will definitely become Good farmland!

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them how to fish! Many poor families only have one or two acres of wasteland or low-grade farmland. Now there are super rice and super wheat seeds. Although they can solve the problem of food and clothing, they only solve the problem of food and clothing. It is more difficult to become richer.

If the low-grade fields and wasteland of poor people are turned into fertile fields, with a yield of more than 1,000 kilograms per mu, it will benefit not only one people, but also their descendants.

Such blessings last forever! It should be enough to bring them back during the day! "Shangguan Xuanyi said.

When Shangguan Xuanyi talked about using the soil of space to transform inferior fields and wasteland, Xiaoer figured out the benefits!

Xiaoer happily kissed Shangguan Xuanyi's face: "Brother Shangguan, this method of yours is really great!"

I just don’t know if the soil removal in the space is inexhaustible.

But even if the soil in the space is not inexhaustible, she still wants to try to see if she can make them come back again during the day.

"I thought of such a good idea, you just kiss me? Huh?" Shangguan Xuanyi was dissatisfied with Xiaoer Ruzhi's perfunctory approach.

"Then give him a couple of kisses!" Xiaoer leaned over again and kissed his face again.

"Not enough!" Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer into his arms, placed her on his lap, and absorbed the long-lost sweetness.

After a long while, Shangguan Xuanyi let go of Xiaoer. His breath was a little confused, but he couldn't take it now. The girl's body hadn't fully recovered yet, and he could feel it.

Shangguan Xuanyi wrapped one hand around Xiaoer's waist and took out a map of the northwest with the other hand: "It's not just the inferior fields and wasteland in other places, in fact, what needs to be transformed the most is the large barren land in the northwest!"

The northwest is their fiefdom, and it is their responsibility to let the people there live a life of ample food and clothing!

If the barren land in the northwest can be converted into fertile farmland and the food produced in the land is enough for the people to be self-sufficient, it will not only solve the problem of food and clothing for the people there, but also reduce the burden on the court.

Every year, the imperial court delivers a lot of food to the people in the northwest, and Shangguan Xuanyi privately gives a lot of food to the people there.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the people there to find food during the lean season in winter.

"If we can successfully transform the barren land in the northwest!..." Xiaoer did not continue! This is a big deal! A major event that will benefit a country’s soil and water for generations to come!

She believed that she could save them during the day!

"Let's carefully study how to plan! Converting those barren lands into fertile farmland can achieve the goal of not being buried by wind and sand."

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi hugged Xiao'er, and Xiaoer nestled in Shangguan Xuanyi's arms. The two of them talked about each other.

Chinese Valentine's Day! I wish lovers will get married eventually!

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, dear book friends!

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