Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 1288 Extra—Xier and Xiaoqi Part 1

The sun rises and sets, the leaves turn green and yellow, and several cold and summer days pass in the blink of an eye.

Nangong Kingdom was finally completely captured!

The joy of victory filled the hearts of every soldier of Min Zeguo.

Shangguan Xuanjun and Shangguan Xuanyao stood on the resplendent roof of the Nangong Palace, looking at the cheering soldiers with knowing smiles.

With great difficulty, we finally captured Nangong Kingdom!

For more than five years, the wound has cracked and healed, and it has healed and bleeds again! Countless people had countless scars on their bodies and shed countless blood!

How difficult it all is!

After a few days, except for the soldiers who stayed to guard, all other soldiers can return to the court.

Those soldiers serving in the military can also go home. Of course, if they want, they can also stay in the imperial army, especially those soldiers who have made meritorious service.

After several years of experience, Shangguan Xuan Yao has lost all his childishness, and his whole person exudes a cold and mature aura. He looks noble and majestic, and one look in his eyes can make people tremble!

Di Shaowei has not shaved his beard in several years, and his face is full of beard, making it difficult to see what he looks like!

"Brother Four Emperors, when will we return to the imperial capital?" Shangguan Xuan Yao asked casually, looking at the empty rice fields in the distance.

In fact, he was extremely anxious! It's just that in the past few years, I have learned not to reveal my true thoughts in front of anyone.

The autumn harvest is over and the rice has been dried and put into storage! Xi'er is already hairpin! He was not able to attend her wedding ceremony, and after seeing each other for several years, he missed her very much. I don’t know if Xier missed her in her heart!

That heartless man, for so many years, he didn’t even say a word to himself! Shangguan Xuanyao thought sadly!

Both of them came out of the same intestine, so Shangguan Xuanjun naturally knew what Shangguan Xuanyao was thinking! He glanced at Shangguan Xuan Yao, and then said: "In half a year!"

"What - what? Why is it taking so long? Didn't you say that the army will be able to return to the court in a few days?" Shangguan Xuan Yao's voice was so excited that he raised his voice. Under Shangguan Xuanjun's gaze, he spoke abruptly. He brought him back to a calm, unhurried state.

"We have to wait until the situation stabilizes before going back. General Di and General Feng will go back first with their armies."

"." Shangguan Xuan Yao had a hundred thousand reasons roaring in his heart!

It’s just that he knew that his imperial brother had a bad taste. The more impatient he saw, the more he wanted to go against him. He had learned this well in the past few years! So he pretended to be indifferent and nodded: "That's fine!"

But I couldn't help cursing in my heart: What a fart! If you don’t go back, your wife will be married off! He is going to be a bachelor!

"Actually, we only need one general to stay and stabilize the situation!" Shangguan Xuanjun glanced at his imperial brother and said calmly.

Shangguan Xuan Yao's eyes lit up after hearing this. He suppressed his excitement and nodded calmly: "That's right, in fact, it's enough for just one general to stay and stabilize the situation! The remaining remnants of Nangong Kingdom are no longer enough to shake the overall situation. !”

The Fourth Emperor Brother is indeed his own royal brother! How considerate! He has two children, so he plans to go back and have children!

If he goes back to sleep with Xi'er now, it is estimated that when he returns to the imperial capital in half a year, his children will call him Uncle Huang!

"Then I'll go back first, and you stay here to take charge of the overall situation! Anyway, you haven't gotten married yet, and you don't have a wife and children to worry about!" Shangguan Xuanjun continued.


Shangguan Xuanyao was so angry that he turned around and jumped off the roof. It was so uncute!

His royal brothers knew how to bully him for being young, but they didn't know how to respect the elderly and care for the young!

All the royal brothers are married and have children, but they don’t even think about their own feelings!

Let him stay here alone to stabilize the situation. If there is an accident, he will be cut off!

Shangguan Xuanyao walked to the resting place angrily.

At this time, the boy next to him ran over in a hurry: "The master is bad! The master is bad!"

"What's wrong? Your master, I haven't married yet and have a son! Don't curse me!" Shangguan Xuanyao, who has been practicing for the past few years without changing his expression, finally broke through!

"No! News came from the capital city that Miss Xi'er is holding a competition to recruit a bride!"

"What kind of martial arts contest to recruit a bride?" Shangguan Xuan Yao didn't react for a moment. This kind of martial arts contest to recruit a bride had never happened in the Minze Dynasty.

"A martial arts competition is a martial arts competition to recruit a bride! Master, haven't you heard of the play? It is to set up an arena and let people compete. Whoever wins in the end can marry Miss Xi'er."

Shangguan Xuan Yao's expression changed after hearing this!

Competition to recruit a bride? ! Who allowed her to do it!

Is this recruiting a bunch of people to poach yourself? !

He quickly ran to the stables to fetch a horse, and then rode directly back to the imperial capital!

The lady has cheated on her, is he still here waiting for that red apricot plant to bear fruit?

Besides, the Fourth Emperor Brother said that only one general should be left here to take charge of the overall situation!

He has no experience, so of course such an important matter must be guarded by him, a veteran general who has been on the battlefield for many years!

He doesn’t care anyway! No one cares about the major events in his own life!

Imperial Capital City of Minze Kingdom

The emperor heard that Xi'er had set up an arena and planned to compete in martial arts to recruit a bride.

In the morning, he couldn't help but ask Shen Chengyao: "Shen Aiqing, I heard that your daughter has set up a ring in front of the Four Seasons Restaurant to compete in martial arts to attract a bride?"

Shen Chengyao stepped out of the queue and nodded helplessly: "Back to the emperor, it's true that my daughter is too naughty."

He is almost annoyed to death by this daughter! Xiao'er and Yun'er used to be so sensible! Why does my little daughter always like to do weird things?

Competition to recruit a bride! Fortunately she could figure it out! What if a rich man wins? It depends on whether she gets married or not!

Shen Chengyao knows that his daughter is a beauty control and only likes good-looking people!

"Master Shen, your little daughter is really different! She can think of such a way! But this method is good! Master Shen will definitely have a great hero as a son-in-law in the future! It's a pity that my sons are all helpless. A scholar with the power of a chicken, otherwise I will definitely let him participate in the competition! Then he will become famous all over the world!" Master Censor said sarcastically.

How unbecoming is it for a girl's family to not just stay in the boudoir and wait for her parents to order a matchmaker, but to compete openly in public to recruit a bride?

There is no look like a woman at all!

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao said: "My little girl is too stubborn. How can she be worthy of Master Yushi's son who is like the reincarnation of Wenquxing? She can only be matched with some rough guys."

The imperial censor is not a high official, but he cannot afford to offend! Shen Chengyao doesn't want to offend him, otherwise it would be annoying enough for him to wait for your family's trivial matters every day, and then read his own book in front of the emperor!

Many officials are not easily offended by cynical censors!

Everyone is not afraid of him, but they are afraid of being annoyed!

I am also afraid that some family scandal will be known to others.

After hearing this, the emperor smiled and said: "I think Marquis Shengping's youngest daughter is outspoken and informal! If anyone can marry her, there will be a lot of fun in the house!"

It seems that my son's future is worrying! That girl actually engaged in a public contest to recruit a bride! This is obviously the meaning of falling flowers, and the flowing water is ruthless!

well! The palace is the most boring place. It would be nice to have an interesting daughter-in-law! If he had known that when his youngest son asked him to marry him, he would have decreed the marriage.

Now the martial arts competition has caused a stir in the whole city. If he issues a decree to grant a marriage, people will think that he, the emperor, is bullying the weak and the common people!

Son! sorry!

Come back quickly! Otherwise, if your wife is gone, don’t blame your father!

Father, you don’t know that the daughter-in-law you like has such different ideas!

Originally, the emperor thought that after Shangguan Xuan Yao came back from attacking Nangong Kingdom, he would make him king, and then give him a marriage, which would be the icing on the cake!

Now I'm afraid it's time to put the cake on the cake! Let him choose between hanging himself or burning charcoal.

After all, his wife is gone, so he is probably hopeless!

Extra is coming!

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