Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 143 Distress

We continued on our way to the imperial capital. It rained heavily in the morning, and we were delayed for a while to avoid the rain. It was no longer possible to take the official road to the next station before dark.

Xiao Fuzi knew a path leading to the next station. If he took this path, he could save half an hour's journey.

"It's just that on this small road, there is a section of the road with cliffs on one side. It's absolutely fine for people to walk on it, and the carriage can just pass it, but it's just a bit dangerous because it has many twists and turns."

"Xiao Fuzi, have you driven by in a carriage?" Xiaoer looked at the barren mountains and forests nearby, and she seemed to hear the howling of wolves, and then looked at the group of people behind her who were holding back. I thought it would be better to take a small road to get on my way.

It's definitely not possible to sleep in the open at night. It's probably not necessary for a wolf to show up. As long as a wolf howls, they can howl louder than the wolf!

She couldn't help but get goosebumps just thinking about the screams of these girls!

Xiaoer didn't need to speak, they also heard the howling of wolves, and they already wanted to leave this wild forest as soon as possible! This wolf's cry is so creepy!

"Just take the path, I don't want to stay in this damn place anymore." Shen Zhuang was extremely frightened. In her life, she would not dare to go to the foot of the mountain to dig wild vegetables by herself.

It is absolutely, absolutely not allowed to let her spend the night in the wild! As soon as she heard the howling of the wolf, her legs trembled.

So the convoy got off the official road and walked towards the small road.

Of course the small road is no easier to walk than the official road! The jolt caused the group of people led by Shen Zhuang to grin.

After all, they didn’t dare to ask to stop and go to the ground to rest, so everyone gritted their teeth and resisted.

The animal noises along this section of the road are really scary!

Shen Chengyao was sitting in the carriage, and he was a little worried that his wife and daughter would be scared. The carriage was full of female relatives, and Mrs. Liu had to hold Xi'er, who had just turned one year old.

That little naughty kid was the most naughty and couldn't calm down for even a quarter of an hour.

If I were to go to my wife and daughter's carriage, and there were only a few children in the carriage, I wouldn't be able to bear any trouble if anything happened!

Shen Chengyao just hopes that this journey will pass quickly.

But before they reached that part of the road, they saw two men on horseback turning back.

The leader was also an enthusiastic person. When he saw them walking in that direction, he reminded them: "Do you also want to take a shortcut and rush to Shaxian County to stay before dark?"

Xiao Fuzi returned the gift with his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, why did you two brothers turn back?"

"Maybe because of the heavy rain, a section of the road collapsed, making it impossible to pass."

"What a coincidence. Then we have to camp here tonight. There is a section of road ahead where I heard that there are wild beasts coming out when it gets dark."

"I heard it's not very safe. You'd better stay here for the night. We have something urgent and we have to go through the night. Goodbye!" The two said goodbye and left.

Xiao Fuzi saw that the two of them had martial arts skills, so he didn't try to persuade them.

Some of the official roads in this era passed at the foot of the mountains, and some passed through the woods. There were relatively few official roads with villages on both sides, and even if they existed, the distances were very short. Therefore, few people walk at night. After all, it is not safe, unless the artist is brave!

After hearing this, Xiaoer looked up at the sky speechlessly. This was the first time she had experienced unlucky time in time! It was just daytime but it was said that there will be heavy rain tonight!

It really happened that the house leaked and it rained all night, and the boat leaked even more!

Sure enough, if you go on the road with someone with a bad character, your luck will also become bad! This was the first time in her previous life and this life that she was so unlucky!

Shen Zhuang didn't agree to sleep here, and she had to imitate the two men on their way. Xiaoer felt that if she didn't suffer a little loss, she wouldn't be honest. She would still be sleeping anywhere, so she continued to leave.

Halfway through the journey, it really started raining heavily. Everyone had to stop and hide in the carriage to take shelter from the rain. You can't ask the coachman to drive you in the rain!

Shen Chengyao and his three brothers squeezed into Xiaoer's carriage and gave up a carriage to the coachmen to take shelter from the rain.

The rain stopped soon, but the weather became colder and colder. At this moment, the surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Xiaoer felt that the silence was a bit unusual, and her sixth sense strongly told her that it was dangerous!

"Wolves are out and about." Daytime reminded him at the right time.

Depend on! There are so many old, weak, women and cripples, and there are wolves at this time, wouldn't it cause chaos?

At this time, Xiao Fuzi also came outside their carriage and said, "Marquis Shengping, the surroundings are too quiet. This is not normal and may be dangerous."

"There are wolves." As soon as Xiaoer finished speaking, as if to prove Xiaoer's words, a loud wolf howl sounded.



"Ah... there are wolves..."

Screams immediately broke out in the carriage next to him.

After hearing this, Xiao Fuzi's expression changed, and he immediately took out a bamboo tube, pulled out the plug, and sent out a distress signal.

I wailed in my heart at the same time. I had walked with my master countless times and never encountered a pack of wolves. The Shengpinghou family was also very lucky!

"Men, pick up the guy quickly. The women and children are all crowded in a carriage, don't make a sound, don't come out!" Xiao Fuzi said loudly.

Shen Zhuang and the others covered their mouths, fearing that they would scream, and one or two of them quickly ran to the carriage where Liu was.

Xiaoer got out of the carriage, holding a bow and arrow in his hand. The men all picked up their hoes under the carriage. Xiaoer immediately smeared those hoes with the poison of the worry-free flower.

At this time, wolves began to appear in the darkness, their eyes glowing green, which looked particularly scary.

Xiaoer feels that she and the wolves are really destined to meet each other once a year!

By the way, isn't there a few or a dozen wolves? What are these wolves doing? Are they gathering all the wolves in the forest together?

At first, the wolves just stopped and watched not far away, but suddenly they all rushed over with all their strength.

Although she was scolding the wolf in her heart, Xiaoer still calmly released the arrow in her hand. A wolf fell, and the wolves howled louder. Xiaoer quickly shot a second arrow and the wolves arrived.

Shen Chengyao, Xiao Fuzi, and the coachmen all held hoes and fought against the wolf.

Xiao'er also picked up the riding crop, smeared it with the poisonous juice of Wuyou Flower, and whipped it accurately at the wolf that was close by! The wolves fell to the ground soon after being poisoned. But this time there were too many wolves in the pack, and they couldn't finish the poison in a short while, so they couldn't be killed. The main reason was that the poison on the hoe was only enough to kill one or two wolves before they were gone.

Xiao'er was very close to Shen Chengyao and saw a wolf almost biting Shen Chengyao's arm, so she hurriedly whipped it.

This can't go on like this, Xiaoer thought to herself.

She took out a bottle of worry-free flower poison and asked Shen Chengyao to help coat the riding crop with the poison.

"Everyone try to get closer to my father. Give him your hoes and use whips. Those whips are all coated with poison."

Xiaoer stayed beside Shen Chengyao, applying poison to the whip while lashing out at the wolf that was coming towards him.

After hearing Xiaoer's words, everyone tried their best to get closer.

At this time, a wolf wanted to jump into the carriage where Liu and the others were sitting. Because Lan was sitting closest to the carriage curtain and could see clearly, she was so frightened that she subconsciously grabbed Xi'er in Liu's arms next to her and threw it out!

I can only update one chapter tonight. I have something going on at home recently, so I cannot guarantee a stable update. I would like to express my apologies here. Also, thank you book friends for your recommendation and support. Friends who like it, please continue to support it. Good night, dear friends.

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