Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 163 Get busy

Although this season is not suitable for planting trees, the preparations are about to begin. After Shangguan Xuanyi received the method of building a protective forest written by Xiaoer, he began to conduct on-site inspections and got busy.

He would come over every day or two to ask Xiaoer some questions, and sometimes even take Xiaoer out for on-the-spot investigation and research.

Xiaoer's family is also busy with flower fields and two shops.

She was so busy these days that she even ate on the carriage while driving.

Xiaoer selectively told Shen Chengyao part of the matter about the space.

Xiaoer had previously found a book about Qimen Dunjia in the study room of the space. As for the formation, Xiaoer insisted on studying and practicing in the space every night. This knowledge has been spent in the space for many years without knowing it. Well, hard work paid off, and finally something was achieved.

Then she moved the worry-free fruit tree area, the colorful fairy lake area in the space... In short, in addition to the Huaguo Mountain, the grassland, the ocean, and the black land where vegetables and grains are grown, and the black land where ordinary medicinal materials are grown, there is no cloth. Outside the formation, everything else was covered with fog formations.

Perhaps because of the formation in the space, Xiaoer and the animals living in the space can still clearly see everything in the space, but what the animals coming in from the outside see is a thick fog, with purple light looming in the thick fog.

Very mysterious.

Xiao'er had tried this fog array outside. After setting it up, all she saw was a thick fog, and she couldn't see her fingers, nothing else.

Xiao'er also had a bad taste and carved a stone tablet with a piece of Hetian jade generated by Space Jade Mountain and buried it in a corner of the black earth. On it was engraved with Yaochi Xiantian and the font was Oracle bone script.

It makes it feel fairy, ancient and mysterious.

Xiaoer brought Shen Chengyao into the space, and on the pretext of chance, she got a chance to become an immortal. Because she did a small favor for the immortal, the immortal thanked her for letting her enter her fairyland and help her manage it, and as a reward, she got the things in the fairyland. They are all at her disposal.

People in this dynasty were very superstitious, and they were indeed fooled. After all, no one would think that this is a portable space.

What's more, being able to take a person to another place without moving where he is is not exactly what a god can do. !

Shen Chengyao knew that it was Xiao'er who got the immortal fate when Shen Beier knocked her head off when she was pushed down by the river. He was heartbroken and happy at the same time.

I am glad that my daughter met a god and can continue to live, but I am heartbroken that my daughter encountered such a disaster!

As for being able to take care of and use fairy fields, this is obviously a big pie falling from the sky. No one will be unhappy when it happens to them, right?

In the future, with Shen Chengyao helping to cover, it will be easier to take out the things in the space.

Anyway, Xiao'er is much more relaxed. Now it's often Shen Chengyao who takes Xiao'er out of the city gate, and then Xiao'er takes out the things in the space, then gets off the carriage and goes back to the city to do his own thing.

Shen Chengyao drove a carriage full of things around and then returned to the flower field, placing the flowers he took out from the space into the flower room.

After a few days of busy work, the greenhouse was filled with all kinds of precious flowers and bonsai without outsiders noticing.

Then Shen Chengyao arranged for flower farmers and servants to come in and manage the flower room.

As for the two shops bought from the eldest prince, they happened to be on both sides of the road, and the two buildings faced each other across the road. Xiaoer planned to renovate it in the style of the Four Seasons Tea House, and named the two buildings the Twin Buildings, both of which were used by the Four Seasons Tea House.

After all, the Imperial Capital is the political and cultural center of the country and will be the focus of their family's life in the future. Xiaoer decided to locate the main store of Four Seasons Tea House in the Imperial Capital.

In terms of food, in addition to the original Four Seasons Restaurant in the town, there will be new Cantonese restaurants, Hunan cuisine restaurants, Sichuan cuisine restaurants and hot pot restaurants.

The decoration contractor was recommended by Xiao Fuzi. This person once visited the Four Seasons Tea House in town, and it was much easier to communicate on many things.

On this day, Xiaoer also went out at Shangguan Xuanyi's invitation to see a section of road where mudslides and landslides often occurred last year.

This section of road is a bit far away from the Imperial City, and the road is a bit remote. It was a road that was opened two years ago to make it easier to get to Yaowang Town.

Yaowang Town is a big town of medicinal materials, and the people in Yaowang Town are good at growing medicinal materials and brewing medicinal materials. But Yaowang is located in a remote location and has a unique climate. The road conditions to connect with the outside are complicated and difficult. It is either climbing mountains and wading rivers, or it is bumpy! In the past, medicinal farmers carried medicinal materials in backpacks and sold them.

After all, manpower is limited, and many good medicinal materials cannot be sold in time, so they are wasted.

The fourth prince Shangguan Xuanhao is a medical fanatic. He seeks out famous doctors everywhere every year and goes deep into the mountains to find precious medicinal materials. He discovered this place, and then he found a way to dig through several mountains and open up a section of the road.

It is much more convenient to open the road, which can be used by cars and horses. It has brought a lot of income to the people of Yaowang Town and also solved some of the shortage problems of medicinal materials outside.

However, some sections of the road were opened by digging out small sections of the mountain. During the rainy season last year, there were some accidents. Especially when it rained heavily, the mud on the mountain was washed away by the rain, and there were also landslides and landslides that closed the road. Phenomenon. There have been fatal accidents once or twice.

Xiao'er climbed the mountain road for two days until her feet were blistered, and then she fully understood the situation and environment.

Now Xiao Fuzi carries a small stool wherever he goes, so that Xiaoer can sit and rest when he stops.

The people accompanying him didn't even sit down when they saw the prince, but a county magistrate sat down. They were quite frightened at first. Later, Shangguan Xuanyi was so considerate and considerate that the people accompanying him got used to it.

The sixth prince even ignored the teasing, teasing, and jealousy of the fourth prince who was traveling with him.

After laughing too much, the Sixth Prince said: "Girl, let's go, let's leave this mess alone."

The fourth prince was stunned.

If Xiao'er hadn't insisted, everyone would have guessed that their master would have been willing to leave County Master Rui'an behind his back.

Xiaoer remembered that in her previous life, when she drove through some highway sections, she would dig out half of the mountain to open up the road.

How to deal with the half section of the mountain? Xiaoer told the method he saw.

In modern times, there are even tunnels that pass through the entire mountain.

Originally, these mountains were lush with vegetation, and the soil was full of tree roots and grass roots. Now, landslides only occur after digging out half of the mountains.

Based on the actual situation, Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi and the people they brought together discussed whether to dig the mountain section to be more sloping, and then stabilize this section of slope with concrete and turf.

If you need to plant trees and grass directly, plant them directly.

Where the building is a channel for mountain water drainage, concrete is used to build a drainage channel.

As for what trees to plant and where to find turf, Xiaoer asked Shangguan Xuanyi to go to her flower field to get it when the time comes, and she would prepare it.

Now Xiaoer also sprinkled some space grass seeds into the soil, and looked for opportunities to secretly water some space water. It was done with the idea of ​​growing longer first.

It is estimated that you have received a lot of New Year greetings. Although mine is late, I still want to send New Year greetings to you who have always supported Farm Girl Qingcheng: I wish you all a happy New Year, good health, everything goes well, and happiness.

This is my first time writing a novel, and my writing speed is very slow. Other authors can code a lot of words in one hour, but I can usually only write two thousand words in three hours, and it becomes even worse when I have no inspiration. There have been a lot of things going on lately, and I have two little kids to take care of at home, so I have very little time to spare every day, and I don’t have any manuscripts saved, so I will stop updating, but I won’t give up.

I think about the plot every day when I have free time, and I can code whatever I can, so the updates are unstable. I'm really sorry for the constant interruption, and thank you all for your support along the way.

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