Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 192 Spraying Tea

"Mrs. Liu, when I heard about the earthquake in Qinghe County, Shengpinghou Mansion was the first to take the lead in providing funds and efforts. I really admire Shengpinghou's concern for the people. The people here can be regarded as Shengpinghou's fellow villagers. I think this time Let’s not lag behind others,” said the wife of the magistrate of Shengping County.

This is Meijijie's aunt, and she doesn't seem to be an easy person to get along with.

It is probably her contribution that Meiji Jie was weak since he was born from his mother's womb.

"We are very happy to do something for the people within our ability." Liu said in a down-to-earth manner.

"I heard that the high-quality food in the supermarket and teahouse of Shengpinghou's family are sold at sky-high prices. Since our family is rich, how much does Shengpinghou's family plan to donate this time?" The county magistrate's wife hated their family. After hearing the explanation, Zhijie was on good terms with this family, and she, the head mother of the family, was not able to eat the high-quality food bought in the house, but she was able to eat it for the sick man!

The most annoying thing is that the bastard's body is getting better day by day with all the food he eats.

However, his son's complexion is getting worse day by day, all because he has no good food to eat.

She also didn't want to think that her son's poor complexion was because he was exhausted by drinking and sex day by day!

Is the wife of the Ming County Magistrate planning to bite their family today?

Xiao'er was unhappy in her heart, but it didn't show on her face: "The prefect's wife is very considerate. We certainly want to follow her, but our family is a monk halfway. Our family wealth is there for everyone to see. Besides, everyone knows that in Qinghe County Our family has already invested money and effort in this matter once, and even if we try our best, we can’t compare to the county magistrate’s wife.”

"Our family is farming, and we have some grain and cotton. This time we will produce 10,000 jins of grain and 1,000 jins of cotton."

Xiao'er feels that the prefect's intentions are good in what he does this time, but what can really produce political achievements is teaching people to fish, rather than teaching people to fish.

This can only help the emergency, but it cannot save the poor. But it’s better than doing nothing!

Naturally, the other ladies and ladies would not step down from Xiaoer's stage. They all said that they were very considerate.

They are still waiting to buy high-quality food, and have also ordered a lot of furniture for their daughter's dowry. They will not offend Xiaoer's family, and it is too late to curry favor.

“It’s just such a small thing, I’m so embarrassed to hand it out!”

The county magistrate's wife snorted coldly.

After hearing this, many people complained to the county magistrate's wife. Originally, they had planned to follow Shengpinghou's family, but when she said this, they were embarrassed.

"My family does everything within our ability. Since the county magistrate's wife thinks that my family's donations are small, she thinks that the things she donated must be ten to eight times more than mine."

"I don't mean to belittle by saying this, but it is true that Shengpinghou's family did not become rich for a long time. Everyone knows that the family wealth is relatively low, but they have done their best for the people time and time again. Even I I am also very impressed." Mrs. Li saw that the county magistrate's wife had gone too far, so she also spoke for Xiaoer and the others. No matter what, her son got close to them, and Liu's natal sister-in-law even saved the old lady.

Besides, after observing them this morning, she also developed a lot of affection for them.

"Mrs. Li is right." Everyone nodded. It was true that Marquis Shengping had been a Marquis of Shengping for a short time. Even if the shop continued to make money, how could it be compared with the wealth accumulated by a family that had been rich for one or two generations?

Although the county magistrate's wife was unwilling to do so, she did not dare to say anything more. There were some people she could not offend.

The prefect's wife was also a resolute person, so she asked someone to take out pen and ink on the spot and write down everything the ladies wanted to donate.

This is because you want to default on your debt, and I won’t give you a chance.

On the way back, Mrs. Liu asked Xiaoer: "It seems we haven't offended the county magistrate's wife, right?"

"We have offended her by associating with Mr. Meijijie. The friend of the enemy is the enemy."

Mrs. Liu realized that Ming Zhijie was not the biological son of the county magistrate's wife.

"This big family is just annoying, and the relatives are more like enemies."

"Everyone has their own interests to protect, but people with different personalities have different ways of protecting them." Xiaoer felt that the brothers of the Shen family were not necessarily close to each other. Whether they could be close or not depended on their character.

Mrs. Liu nodded after hearing this, "That's right."

Stay in Fucheng for the last day.

Xiaoer gave Shen Chengyao a root of ginseng to buy a recipe for spiced donkey meat. Then she checked the shops in the city and found that they were all too small.

Instead, he found a place in a slum area and planned to follow the modern practice of expropriating those houses and land, and then build his own houses and develop real estate.

You have to think carefully about this matter. This pie is very big. If you can score points and share them with others, you have to find a partner carefully.

It's easy for the government to say that if this thing is done, it will bring a lot of job opportunities. I believe that the compensation in terms of income increase will improve the lives of the poor in the city. This is an opportunity to gain political achievements!

When looking for a partner, it is natural to forget the person to cooperate with. Xiaoer sorted things out, wrote a letter with her thoughts, and sent out a carrier pigeon to let it carry the news to the imperial capital to see what Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei wanted. I don’t want to do it anymore.


Shangguan Xuanyi in the palace did not expect to receive another letter from that girl just one day later.

At this time, he was discussing things with the emperor in the royal study, and the carrier pigeon flew in and landed on his shoulder.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened the letter with his own hands and read it all the way down. He couldn't help but smile on his face. He was really a master at collecting money.

When I went to Fucheng, I came up with two ways to make money!

But what made him happy was that the little girl didn't forget to count him in the goodies.

Seeing his son's smiling face, the emperor couldn't help but wonder about the content of the letter, "What exactly does this letter mention that makes you so happy?"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard these words, he realized that he had lost his composure, his face returned to a serious expression, he coughed and said: "Marquis Shengping has sent two letters to me in the past two days, one of which is about what I mentioned about the bar just now. This letter is about land acquisition and building houses.”

"Acquire land to build a house? How to acquire land and build a house?" The emperor has never heard of this term!

"Father, please read it yourself!" Shangguan Xuanyi was about to hand the letter to the emperor, but then he remembered that the handwriting was clearly from his daughter's family. He had just mentioned the letter from Marquis Shengping. And if he gave the letter to his father, it would be hard for him to ask him to get it back and then keep it himself.

"I'd better tell it to my father, so as not to overdo it." Shangguan Xuanyi put the letter into his arms.

After hearing this, the emperor felt that the sun was about to rise from the west. The most common thing these unscrupulous men did was to leave all the affairs of the court to themselves, and then go out to have a good time all over the world!

When are you worried that he is overusing his eyes?

The emperor saw that he actually took the letter into his arms. There must be something fishy about this letter! Is it just a letter of credit for expropriating land and building a house and hiding it in your arms? !

"Isn't this a love letter?" The emperor said in a calm and sincere manner.

These words frightened Shangguan Xuanyi, who was about to take a sip of tea before speaking, and squirted out a mouthful of water!

There's something going on today, and there's another chapter that I won't be able to update until late at night.

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