Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 195 Never involved

After returning from her grandma's house, Xiaoer received a reply from Shangguan Xuanyi.

This is an encrypted letter. This method was taught by Xiaoer to Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei when they were in Qinghe County. It is based on the principle of modern chemical knowledge that when iodine meets starch, it will change color.

After Xiaoer took out the iodine solution and restored the handwriting, she frowned when she saw the content in the letter.

The general content of the letter was that the proposals for bars and land acquisition and building houses were good, especially the compensation for land acquisition and building houses, which the emperor greatly appreciated. It was indeed a good thing done for the poor people.

Both Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei are willing to take part. In addition, the magistrate should be asked to work with the Li family on real estate development. After all, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

The reason why this letter is encrypted is: after the Spring Festival, the emperor went on a tour incognito and stayed at her house!

This is simply a bolt from the blue!

Because of the winery, Xiaoer felt that her family had just been infested with ants!

If the emperor came here at this time, wouldn't he put a time bomb in her house?

If something happens, two lifetimes combined are not enough to die!

Originally, Xiaoer wanted to have some clues about the winery before telling Shangguan Xuanyi, but now it seems that she can't.

She must nip all the dangerous and unstable factors in her family in the bud as soon as possible! Welcome the Emperor in the safest and most stable environment!

Xiaoer adjusted the starch solution and started writing an encrypted letter.

Xiaoer didn't say anything special in the letter. She just said that her family had bought a winery. Unexpectedly, the owner of the winery was actually her grandmother's father. Then she told what happened to Master Shi, and added another sentence at the end. , in the future, relying on Grandpa Zeng’s fleet of cars and ships, the products produced by her family can be sent to all parts of the country.

Who is Shangguan Xuanyi? When he received the letter, he smelled something unusual as soon as he read the beginning.

At the end, he couldn't help but stood up and walked out of the palace.

After Xiaoer sent the letter, she went to find Shen Chengyao. There were three exams in early February, each lasting three days, and it would be mid-February after the exam.

Shen Zixuan and the others will leave for the Imperial Capital today to attend the Spring Festival.

The Emperor did not come until after the Spring Festival, probably in mid-March, and it was around the end of April when he arrived.

It seems that her villa on the top of the mountain needs to be built and decorated as soon as possible.

If the emperor wants to come to her home, it would be most comfortable and safe to live in a villa on the mountain!

I don’t know how long the emperor will stay. Her winter wheat will probably mature in mid-to-late May. If the emperor can see with his own eyes two harvests every year, her family should be rewarded even more!

Thinking of this, she felt that it was a good thing that the emperor came! Of course it would be nice if it wasn’t so troublesome!

Receiving the Holy Master, oh, just thinking about it gives me a headache, it’s so troublesome!

Xiaoer received Shangguan Xuanyi's reply soon. The content of the letter was to ask Mr. Shi to sell the fleet and the fleet, and he would find someone to take over all this!

Xiaoer frowned, this was not the best way.

How could Shangguan Xuanyi choose to do this!

imperial capital

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei were drinking tea in a room.

"I say, it's best for the girl and her family to take advantage of the situation and lure the big insect out. I don't know what you think now! Send someone to take over the fleet and fleet like this. That person is both treacherous and cunning. , I’m afraid I’ll have to retract my head again!”

Shangguan Xuanyi gently played with the tea with the lid of the cup, "Everyone knows that Shengpinghou's family is close to us. With this relationship, he may not take the bait."

"That girl loves to make money, and there are endless ways to make money. We will know this after a little research. We don't need her to do anything. We just need her to pretend to make more money, rent out fleets and fleets, and don't care about others. What is being transported, and our people have been deployed in advance. After a long time, I don’t believe that we can’t find him!” Di Shaowei tried to persuade Shangguan Xuanyi to change his mind!

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything. This was a good idea, of course he knew it, but he didn't want her to wade into this troubled water, and he didn't want to bring her the slightest bit of danger.

"Now that they are transferring the fleet of vehicles like this, it proves that they have realized that the Shi family's disaster is not that the clan members want to take over the winery, but that someone has taken a fancy to the Shi family's fleet of vehicles! This Aren't you just trying to scare the snake away?" When Di Shaowei saw that Shangguan Xuanyi was unmoved, he wanted to go forward and crack open his head to see if there was paste inside. Why was he so confused about this matter?

"It just takes more time and manpower. Someone is very short of money. If we press harder, he will take the bait soon." Shangguan Xuanyi insisted!

"There is a better way and you don't have to use it, but you have to use trouble. You must be evil!" Di Shaowei was so angry that he couldn't help but speak.

"I don't want that girl involved."

"Let's pay close attention to this matter, there won't be any danger!"

"There's always someone there, not to mention I don't want to take advantage of her!"

Di Shaowei stroked his forehead, this person has gone too far! He also regarded that girl as his own sister, and he also cared about and loved her!

For God's sake, what are you doing! Why don't you send a thunderbolt down to wake up this fool!

What kind of use is this? never mind! Don't mention this to him! Anyway, he was the one to handle this matter. He would discuss it with the girl himself!

He believed that the girl would definitely cooperate.

"The emperor really plans to go on patrol to Shengping County incognito?"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, so he has been very busy recently and has to make preparations for Chunwei.

After the Spring Festival, officials will have to be assigned to some people who have passed the civil service examination. We need to know if there are any vacancies in various places! Never place the wrong person in some important vacancies!

These vacancies must also be used to balance and contain the major families.

We also need to arrange the candidates, routes, and security work for the emperor's tour!

And how to deal with the matter in the court after the emperor went out incognito for inspection.

Things were all piled up together, and he was almost exhausted!

He was transferred with his two other brothers, and voluntarily stayed in the imperial capital for a few months, and then went on tour with his father.

They almost jumped for joy when they heard that he was going to transfer classes. In other words, if the father did not go to Shengping County and lived in that girl's house, he would not be willing to go on tour with the emperor, and there would be no freedom at all!

"Is the emperor fed up with the depression in the palace and starting to run away from home like you brothers?"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi put down his teacup, "When did I run away from home? Why didn't I know?"

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue!" Di Shaowei quickly admitted his mistake.

"Don't think that if you change the subject, I don't know what your intentions are. You can't involve that girl in this matter. I'll say it for the last time!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Di Shaowei seriously, showing his determination.

Di Shaowei raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, I will definitely do what you want. Even if things get serious, I will never involve that girl in it, okay!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Dishaowei was speechless. How could he still have fun?

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