Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 202 How to reward

"We are still afraid of disaster years, but it is true that not so many people will die. In the future, many people will be able to have enough to eat." The emperor sighed.

"One acre of land produces about two thousand kilograms of grain in a year. My family has three acres of land, which means at least five thousand kilograms of grain in a year. There are ten people in my family. Uh, can anyone help me calculate how much grain my family can eat in a day? ? This number is so complicated that I can’t figure it out.”

"You can eat at least thirteen kilograms and six taels of food every day." Xiaoer said with a smile on her face, and she still counted on the young.

After hearing this, the emperor glanced at Xiaoer, how did Rui'an County Lord calculate this without even thinking about it?

Not only the emperor, but also the two young masters of the Admiral's Mansion and Huang Wei looked at Xiaoer in surprise, and then they were busy calculating in their minds to see if she was wrong.

"Thirteen pounds and six taels, this, this is enough for a whole family to eat for more than ten days!"

"You don't have to be so frugal next year. Uncle, open your belly and eat slowly." Xiaoer said with a smile.

"I want it, I want it..."

This time, most people in the village followed suit and planted winter wheat. Only a few families felt that it was impossible not to freeze to death, and because people were lazy, they did not plant it. Now these families gathered around Shen Chengyao and asked him to remember to leave wheat for their families. Some wheat seeds.

Seeing this, everyone gathered around to order wheat seeds.

"Shen Laosan, I want two kilograms of wheat seeds. You must remember to keep them for me!"

"I want five kilos, and I have to help my parents buy two more kilos!"

"Why did I forget about my father-in-law's family? I also need to buy three more pounds. Brother Chengyao, please remember it for me."

"Yes, my mother-in-law wants it too, so do you, please remember..."

"Go, go, go... People in the village haven't finished buying yet, so you can buy it for your mother's family! Go aside quickly! Brother Chengyao, I want..."

"I have already rented five more acres of land. Leave more of my wheat seeds for me!"

"Yes, why didn't I think of it? Wherever there are tenants in the fields, I have to share the land. I also want two more pounds of wheat seeds!"

The villagers rushed up, and the scene was a bit chaotic. Huang Wei and the two young masters of the Admiral's Mansion protected the emperor and the two princes.

"Master Shangguan, how about we go back first?"

The sun was getting stronger, and the emperor had to deal with more memorials every day. He couldn't keep reading, so he nodded.

On the way back to Shen Chengyao's house, the emperor was excited and could not calm down for a long time.

He was happy and excited about the high rice yield, but it was not as good as this time.

This time, he visited the scene in person and saw the people cheering, jumping and crying with his own eyes.

This feeling of having fun with the people is really shocking!

Back in the house, the emperor sat on the sofa, smiling and inviting a few people to sit down.

"Haha... This time, Marquis Shengping has made great achievements again. What reward do you think should be given to him?"

A few people were silent for a while. Those with high merits were usually promoted to higher ranks.

Marquis Shengping is now a Marquis, and according to the rules, the rewards of the title are already the limit.

"Why don't we reward fertile land, mansions, money, etc." Huang Wei was also a farmer, and he felt that these things were still practical. If he rewarded some things that can only be seen but not used, what's the use of just putting them there? Who has time to look at them every day?

"I think that since rice and wheat seeds need to be sown every year and Shengpinghou is so outstanding in farming, I think that we can set up the post of Nong Zhengqing and let him take charge of the country's warehouses, distribute grain seeds, and advise farmers." Sang He is studying farming." Shangguan Xuanyi said.

"Nong Zhengqing?" After hearing this, the emperor began to consider the feasibility.

Although Marquis Shengping has read a book, he is not even a child. If he is to be granted the title of official, the court...

"I'm afraid the ministers in the court have objections!" It's not that the emperor didn't want to, he just had to think of a way to silence everyone in the court.

"I believe that in your position, you can achieve your goals if you seek your position! Any official position should be occupied by a capable person. If an incompetent person is in his position, his career will be ruined!" Shangguan Xuanyi said bluntly.

"My son and I also think it is feasible. Farming is the foundation of the country. If there is no food in the country's warehouses and the country's generals are not strong, of course the most capable people will occupy them." Shangguan Xuanhao also said.

After getting along with each other for a few days, we can also know from Shen Chengyao's conversation that he is not an ignorant person.

Besides, there are countless officials in our dynasty, and there are also countless people who rise to the top through connections.

What's more, the officials in the Department of Agriculture and Agriculture now have no achievements, not to mention the national granary. When there is a disaster in various places, people who ask for grain from the national granary are the ones who go to the granary in the disaster-free area to transfer grain. There isn’t much food left!

"Wei Chen also believes that it is feasible. Take marching and fighting as an example. People who have read a lot of military books may not necessarily win. This still depends on practicing more, fighting more, and having experience! Talking about war on paper is not enough." The Admiral's Mansion Second Young Master Zhao Youhe said.

"I don't think a person who has ever cultivated a field can do a good job in teaching farmers and mulberry farmers just by relying on paper knowledge!" Zhao Youwei seconded the opinion.

"The national warehouse is so important. At this time of external and internal troubles, the person in charge must be a loyal and honest person. I think the Marquis Shengping deserves the title!"

"Write a memorial on this matter and discuss it later when you return to court..." The emperor remembered the pile of memorials sent in the morning, and stood up and went back to the study to deal with it.

These people are always by your side. If the emperor says this, it’s a big deal!

When Shen Chengyao came back, several people congratulated him, leaving him confused.

It was Dr. Luo who kindly reminded him that the emperor would reward him.

Shen Chengyao didn't worry about this either. He thought it would be fertile land, gold and silver and the like.

If he knew he was an official, he would definitely find a way to refuse.

Originally, the emperor had agreed to leave after seeing the wheat harvest. He still has something to do and has to continue going south.

But after he finished approving the memorial, he went out for a walk.

Xiao Xier took the paper airplane folded from two wedding invitations and flew to the emperor's feet.

The emperor bent down to pick it up and found two invitations.

He opened it and saw that it was an invitation for the wedding of Mei Zhijie and Li Zhewei. Moreover, if both of them get married at the same time, the time will be the day after tomorrow.

Li Zhewei and Meijijie were ranked second, and the other was ranked third overall. It was he who personally selected them. Both of them were prepared to be cultivated and put to great use in the future.

Is this a rush to get married before taking office?

After all, he hasn't attended other people's wedding banquets for a long time.

"Master Shangguan, give it to me, bride!" Xiao Xier walked up to the emperor, pulled his robe and pointed at the post in his hand.

"Bride? Do you know what a bride is?"

"I know, the bride is the most beautiful."

The bride is the most beautiful? Right! Isn't a woman most beautiful on the day she becomes a bride?

"Is that Xi'er?" The emperor knelt down and held her in his arms.

"Yes." Xi'er was not afraid of anything, so she took the opportunity to hold the emperor's neck and nodded.

"I also want to go to the wedding banquet, can you take me there?"

"Okay, let's see the bride together." Xi'er said happily, clapping her little hands.

The emperor smiled and said, "The bride has her head covered and cannot be seen. Let's look at the groom!"

"Groom officer, male?"


"Are you handsome?" She wouldn't look at him if he wasn't handsome.

"Handsome?" What's the description?

"Look at him if he's handsome!" Xiao Xier nodded seriously. My sister said that only handsome guys are good-looking.

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