"Cousin Xiao'er, your little nephew will be born in a few months, and you don't want him to be frightened by my face, right?"

"Cousin is happy?" Xiaoer was happy after hearing this.

"The doctor said it's been two months. Now Jingshu kicks me out of the room when she sees me approaching. She said she can't help laughing when she sees me. She can't stop laughing until her stomach hurts. She's afraid of moving the fetus. I am angry, so I am not allowed to appear in front of the child before she is born. How can this be done? How can I take care of her with such a big and small body, right? So Xiaoer, you have to save me!"

"This is indeed a serious problem. Let me help you find a solution. Now, how about you cover your face and only expose your eyes to take care of my cousin?"

Li Zhewei glanced at Xiaoer depressedly.

"Don't like this method? Then I'll think about it again. How about you go to a powder shop, buy some rouge and gouache, apply a thick layer on it every day, and then go see my cousin!"

Li Zhewei thought of the thick layer of powder on Matchmaker Wang's face, and couldn't help but shudder as the layers of powder fell down when she smiled.

Shangguan Xuanhao felt chills when he thought of that look.

"Girl, stop talking! What a manly man he looks like with all his makeup and makeup!"

If that really happened, they might as well just stay in their room and not go out. They were really too embarrassed to see anyone!

"You all know that you are great men, so why do you care so much about your appearance? This is the glorious badge you left behind to serve the people. What a pity it would be to remove it!"

"It is my duty to do good deeds without leaving my name. It is my duty to serve the people. I really don't need this badge." Li Zhewei was very impatient. A beautiful man he loved was disfigured like this. Even he himself felt disgusted when he saw him.

"You two pimps, if you don't stay at home and take good care of yourself, why do you come out and scare people?!" Di Shaowei and Shangguan Xuanyi walked in. Seeing these two people there, Di Shaowei touched his smooth and flawless face and said something mean. The ground teased.

"Girl, do you hear what this man is saying is human? Just help me! Otherwise, I won't be able to live. I haven't married yet and have children! Who dares to marry me in the future!" Shangguan Xuan Hao really wanted to die.

"It's really off-putting. How can you be so ugly!" Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanhao and laughed unkindly.

Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at Xiaoer sadly and became silent.

Xiaoer couldn't bear to provoke them any more: "Okay, can't I help you? It's just that I haven't made the ointment yet. I'll send it to you after it's done!"

You can't give them the ointment so quickly. When you're in a bad mood, asking them to come out and take a look will definitely make the weather clear.

"I knew you would have a solution. If you need my help in the future, just say something." Shangguan Xuanhao boasted proudly.

Alas, the sixth emperor brother has never done anything good in his life, the only thing he did was to deceive such an omnipotent younger brother and sister! It's so useful.

"You said, don't deny it. I just need you not to appear in front of me again." Xiaoer made tea and poured a cup for everyone.

Several other people laughed unkindly after hearing this.

"This doesn't count!" How is this possible! This is absolutely impossible!

"But this is the only thing I need your service for." Xiaoer said seriously, suppressing the laughter in her heart because of the prank.


Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi and nodded seriously, "You can consider it!"

Shangguan Xuanhao looked at Shangguan Xuanyi with disdain.

"There will be no such opportunity. There is no need to treat his face. If you need help, you can come to me. No conditions are required." Shangguan Xuanyi handed Xiaoer a small plate of peeled sunflower seeds.

As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi arrived, he asked Xiao Fuzi to fetch water for him to wash his hands. Then he sat next to Xiaoer and peeled melon seeds. Now he had just peeled a small plate.


Xiaoer took it with a smile, thanked her, and started eating.

Shangguan Xuanhao was once again so angry that he fell down because of this younger brother who was dedicated to tearing him down.

"Girl, what did you mean last time when you said that smallpox can be prevented?" Shangguan Xuanyi filled Xiaoer's tea cup and began to peel chestnuts.

Xiaoer knew that vaccination with cowpox could prevent smallpox, and the symptoms of human infection with cowpox were much milder than those with smallpox.

"I once heard an old woman say that when she was a child, her whole village died of smallpox infection, but her family was the only one who was fine. I asked her why her family was fine, and she said it might be because everyone in her family had been infected. One type of herpes on cows is cowpox. My brother was also infected with cowpox when he was a child, so this time he was fine. Haoer and Rigeer also developed high fevers. This made me even more convinced that what the old woman said was true. .”

Several people began to think after hearing Xiaoer's words.

Shangguan Xuanhao was relatively familiar with medical theory, and based on his intuition from many years of studying medicine, he told him that this was definitely true.

"I think it's feasible. Everyone knows that people who have been infected with smallpox will not be infected with smallpox again in the future. The body has already developed the ability to resist this disease. If you have been vaccinated with cowpox, maybe your body can also produce the same disease. disease resistance, perhaps cowpox and smallpox are actually similar diseases, just like the same kind of poison, but one is less toxic and the other is more toxic."

Xiaoer gave Shangguan Xuanhao a thumbs up: "Clever!"

"So we can try to vaccinate the people with cowpox to develop resistance to smallpox. The symptoms of cowpox are much milder than those of smallpox, and they are easier to recover from. If all people are compulsorily vaccinated with cowpox in the future, I believe that smallpox will be in our land. Disappeared." Xiaoer continued.

As far as Xiaoer knows, modern smallpox was eradicated because humans were generally vaccinated against smallpox. However, the initial research was on variolation, and later it was discovered that vaccination with cowpox could be used.

It took nine hundred years from variolation to cowpox vaccination to the disappearance of smallpox from the world.

Nine hundred years, that’s nine centuries!

Now Xiao'er has brought over the experience accumulated over the next few hundred years, and believes that smallpox, a disease of tigers and wolves, will soon disappear from this world.

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't sit still anymore, he hated the smallpox.

"I will immediately arrange for people to check. If there are such people in Shanghe County who are not infected with smallpox this time, then we will start trying to vaccinate against smallpox. What should be done specifically, girl, I will come back to you for advice after finding out. .”

After saying this, Shangguan Xuanhao ran away like a gust of wind.

"Xiao'er, how sure are you about this?" Li Zhewei asked.

"Ninety percent."

That means you are 100% sure, almost 10% sure.

"That's great!" Li Zhewei sighed.

It would be great to be able to find a way to prevent this serious infectious disease and have the opportunity to eliminate it! Everyone agrees with these two words in their hearts.


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